Anyone familiar with the intended method of fixing the foil (square) ducting-style light tubes supplied with some skylights. There are 8 each of (1) automotive-style metal clips like a compresses "S" shape, one recess of which has sharp spurs to prevent it being removed easily after being pushed onto the edge of thin material, probably sheet metal; (2) miniature one-sided saddle-clips and screws, these are desogned to clamp down a cable-type shape, and don't actually provide pressure to thin material such as the foil. It might be OK fitted over the reinforcing members built into the shaft.
I presume these two different methods are to be used at opposite ends (ie top and bottom) but one version of the instructions cited duct-tape as method of choice for the bottom, so it's possible the clips work together. Anyone get usable instructions with a unit like this?



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