Under my house I have a laundry workshop and garage and it is a waste of space. I am looking down the track to turn these areas ito something that I can use better. After doing some reasearch I have found I have a couple of issues.

I get a small amount of crappy water in the garage which appears to be comming from the sub soil. (my theory says its comming from next door neighbour running down a step towards my brickwall and underground) It looks as though the house was built with piers and infilled with bricks and infill slab.

It looks as though I have a continuous footing and the outside has been backfilled look at these photos to give an idea.

I am looking at ripping out the infill slab and putting a new one down also redoing the drainage outside wall where the neighbour water comes from (I am lower than them)
It appears this only happens in extreme rain the river from next door seems to explain my theory. The fill behind the wall in question seems rather dry even if I dig down.

If I put a new slab down and provide drainage outside does my new slab have to be higher than the existing footings?

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