G-day all
the picture should explain everything as long as i can attatch it !
i am building a deck 1.4mm mtrs x 17 mtrs and plan to run the 19mm merbau along the length as there is a bow of 55mm in the horizontal plane of the adjacent slab. This will mean either the bearers will need to be scribed to match the slab or firing pieces placed on top to match the contour of the slab.
I plan to run 2 rows of bearers (17 mtrs long 140 minimum x 45) and 1100mm apart, these will be supported on galv stirups. The overall height is approx 400mm.
Joists to be 1.4 mtr long at 400mm centres 90 x 45.
I have the Allan Staines book but he does not refer to using the above sized members, although many people do. Would any of you knowledgable folk from my info provided, know the spacings for my stirups and the size of the holes i need to dig.
Also the retaining wall adjacent is 600mm high with the posts dug in 700mm, 1300mm overall.
This sounds a bit dodgy but could i fix a ledger ( to replace one bearer) into the reinforced sleepers and eliminate the digging of one 17mtr row of holes.
Many thanks again and i hope the picture comes out.

Attached Thumbnails
