Hi all - well, I am starting my sub-structure for my deck this weekend after successfully building my limestone retaining wall.

I do have a question relating to the"Fall" that i will have.

I am putting the deck onto joists that run directly over my paving. The paving has a natural fall, and hence so will the deck. The issue comes when i go to run the deck from the paving onto the sand where my substructure will be.

If I am to follow the natural fall of the deck onto my pathways, i won't have an issue with my bearers as these can still be run level from the deck on the pillars I am building. The issue comes when i go to run my joists between the bearers as they would be a different levels.

Mapping it out all the pressure would come on the 2 fulcrum points.

I have 2 options - have the fall and hope the pine over time wears a groove that means the joists sit flat on the bearers.

Second option is to take a level at the midpoint of pathway (1 meter wide) and run my bearers level. This would mean tha when I run my decking across my joists between the paving and substructure, it will be slightly out.

BTW - i am leaning towards option 1.

The other question I have - when screwing 2 90x45 lengths together to make my bearer - do you need to put a spacer between them - or simply screw them hard against each other????

