Well with all the angst in the world I have started my own small floor sanding business in Canberra/Quenabeyan.

After posting this thread in the WWF, detailing my search for work, and despite some very generous offers from board members (Brontehls in particular) - I had a very fortuitous and generous offer full in my lap (thanks to another board member). So I have now dived in the deepend of becoming a floor sander!!! This is somewhat ironic given that I am sure I have given floor sanding advice where I have suggested the one thing amatuers shouldn't do is think they can become professionals.

I hope some of the bods don't mind if I lean on them here from time to time, seeking advice on cupping boards, staining, edgebonding, seasoning etc.

I am currently on the lookout for a moisture meter - suggestions welcome. I have been trolling through some of the threads here and at WWF about moisture meters.

I have been busy the last few weeks pinning down insurances, association memberships, licenses, whitecards, websites, business cards etc. I am heading off to Albury next week to finish 3 floors for friends - in a contra deal (I get the experience/they get the floor)

Feel free to review my website and let me know what you think. I did include a link back to these forums on the website, because I reckon these are about the best online resource I can find for flooring in Australia.

