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Thread: Searching for a foolproof finish
19th October 2008, 11:36 PM #46
What is happening here
I have been using this mix your own wipe on finish and am loving it. I still have a few queries through as to what is poly and what isn't and what the oil does.
I have a drum of Becker Acroma left over from spraying my timber ceiling and tried making the mix using it. A waxy layer separates out when using it as can bee seen. I have used it and it still seems to work although the finish seems more like an oil finish, it dries quickly and looks good. The product is suppose to be thinned using thinners and I have tried making up the wipe on finish using both turps and thinners and I get the same result with both. I used linseed oil as the oil component. Anyone have any idea of what is happening or why?
Next question, I was chatting to another member today about the turps/poly wipe on finish and was lucky to see the result he was getting using it, it was fantastic. What is the big difference between adding the oil or not adding it?
21st October 2008, 11:30 AM #47
21st October 2008, 11:55 AM #48
For goodness’ sake Burnsy, how are we supposed to know? We are no experts here.
I don’t see it as adding oil to the poly. I see it as adding poly to oil. The poly adds strength to the finish and it still allows you to apply it like an oil finish.
Don't think too hard bro, just do it.Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
21st October 2008, 12:03 PM #49
21st October 2008, 03:54 PM #50
That makes sense about the adding oil to poly, then it is stonger and you can wipe it on, but how does adding mineral turps to poly allow you to wipe it one, isn't that just thinning it down?
Someonemust know about the Beckers,is it poly? I am asuming it is the Beckers that has caused the stuff I made up to separate.
21st October 2008, 04:21 PM #51
22nd October 2008, 01:01 AM #52
Can't answer that one as I have not tried it.
Think I found the problem with my mix. I believe that the Becker Acroma stuff I have is a laquer and not a poly, happy to be corrected though as I am really none the wiser when it comes to laquers and polys. Bummer if it is laquer and is not suitable as I have about 18 litres of the stuff left
22nd October 2008, 01:20 AM #53
This is wipe on poly-minwax I vary the mix with turps.No extra on a cool day,to adding about 25% on a hot day.Use small wad off T shirt material.Soak it then squeeze it and wipe on wet.Dont go over it and it will flatten out within a min or two.Need a lot of coats and micro mesh to get it like glass.
I havent had time to read this thread.If I am out of turn,very sorry
AussieBack To Car Building & All The Sawdust.
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