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Thread: What type of car do you drive?
2nd September 2004, 11:25 AM #46
Now HH, I know you are just being controversial. We wont go into the representation of Aussies in the English cricket and football competitions.
You must realise that Australia is made up of people from many countries and you can't exclude people from the national team on the basis that they weren't born here. Otherwise we wouldn't even have a national soccer team.
You can, however, exclude them because they are totally useless."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
2nd September 2004, 11:29 AM #47
Let's at least call them what they are the Aussie Barbarians or the southern hemispheres answer to the British Lions....these comments go for the Kiwi's also who plunder the pacific islands for their best players....
Come on....
HH.Always look on the bright side...
2nd September 2004, 11:33 AM #48
The Barbarians? I'd like to see you call Loti a barbarian to his face
"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
2nd September 2004, 11:39 AM #49
Happy to if I get a trip to his homeland thrown in, I'll take a smack on the chin for a week in Fiji....
HH.Always look on the bright side...
2nd September 2004, 01:32 PM #50
Originally Posted by silentC
As an individual wanting to leave your mark on a sport then the chance to win trophies with the Wallabies or more recently Englandrather than being a great player in a good but not great Fijian team must be very tempting. However if Fiji had all it's best players and managed to win a trophy the impression left on the sport would be much longer lasting.
I guess it comes down to whether international sport is about winning or truly representing your countries ability at a given sport, I'd rather it was the latter and I've suffered years of inability at international level soccer with England.
If I were capable which I certainly am not I couldn't play for Australia against England in the cricket. Don't get me wrong I LOVE Australia and prefer it over England but when it comes down to it I'm English, maybe that will dilute over time I don't know. My kids however were born here and I wouldn't want my son to play Cricket for England just because he couldn't get into the Australian side, he's an Australian end of story.
Not sure I've got this across very well but I'm sure you guys will make me clarify...
HH.Always look on the bright side...
2nd September 2004, 02:10 PM #51
Not sure if you are aware, but Loti played League for QLD before he joined the Wallabies, so as far as they are concerned, he was already an Aussie player when they poached him.
Regarding all the rest, you can take the boy out of the country etc. etc. Don't expect your aversion to supporting Australia in sport to wane in the near future. I've associated with quite a large number of your fellow ex-patriots in the past and it doesn't seem to be something you will grow out of very quickly."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
2nd September 2004, 02:16 PM #52
Getting back to the purpose of this thread
I drive a 98 vt wagon.
I loved my 91ea wagon. (yes ford, 340thousand kms, still going strong)
Money no object a ba v8 or turbo 6, love the look of those utes, but would probably get a wagon.)
first car was a hr sedan,
Really do prefer bikes, cars don't have the adrenalin rush that a really big jap bike gives. My gsx1100 suzi started to wobble so badly at 200kms (tank slappers)that it would even get ozwinner excited.Cheers
"I see dumb peope!"
2nd September 2004, 04:18 PM #53
Originally Posted by HappyHammer
HH.Always look on the bright side...
7th January 2006, 11:45 PM #54
Originally Posted by HappyHammer
Always look on the bright side...
8th January 2006, 02:44 AM #55
That's going to be a nightmare to keep clean, especially if you actually drive the thing. I know this because...
1 A Honda Saber. Greenie for anyone who works out what that is...
2 Fam damily car, Harrier Hybrid. I guess a cross dressing and obese Rav4. :confused: For me, a used single cab Hilux 4wd diesel.
3 A new single cab Hilux 4wd diesel for me, day to day. A Subaru wagon thingy for the family chores. Play car? Uhh... Anything with more than 600hp standard will be fine thanks...
4 Hilux extra cab 4wd diesel. Driven properly, and white was hard enough to keep clean.
Just wish the thing had a turbo on it.
And that I still had it.
8th January 2006, 03:38 AM #56
I've got a Mazda 3
In my price range Mazda 3
Any car too many good ones that would be great fun did used to be very soft on the Ferrari 512BB. Any 911 would do. If I had money for anything it would probably be a new current 911 but the Mazda MPS is pretty good too I have heard. Might just get an M3, you don't get called a wanker in one of those you get called an A*** Hole
Best one I've had, almost the most fun was the Fiat 124 sedan I had. 1200cc OHV engine with a mere 60bhp but sheeze was it good fun, laid an outside pass on a 911 going up to the Eagle on the Hill one day but he had no idea what to do in corners! Bought that 124 and rebuilt the engine before it worked. The Mazda 3 though is a sensational drive without the heartbreak so it gets the guernsey more fun to drive and no hassles either.
StudleyAussie Hardwood Number One
8th January 2006, 07:56 AM #57
Originally Posted by HappyHammer
Some People are like slinky's,
They serve no purpose at all,
but they put a smile on your face when you throw them down the stairs.
8th January 2006, 07:40 PM #58
80 Series Landcruise
100 Series Landcruiser
BMW M5 (driven one...holy shyte...don't they fly)
Toss up, in the 60's I had a bug eyed Austin Healey, gutless as buggery but a real crumpet catcher, later in life, Z3, probably my mid life crisis and couldn't fit my fly rod in the boot.Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
8th January 2006, 07:53 PM #59
Originally Posted by HappyHammer
Heres a MANS YOOT.......
8th January 2006, 08:17 PM #60
Originally Posted by HappyHammer
2. 06 Hiace or a gold impala that hop's (pic 2 3)
3. Porsche 911 GT3.
4. LC Torana, been through many generations...I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
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