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4th October 2008, 06:25 PM #1
NEW THREAD!! For the West Coast EBS pics and info
Okay so I think I was the first to leave Dereks today... ahem apologize to all but lately I can stay somewhere only as long as I can stay then I leave... Just have no choice Im afraid I reach THAT point and its a "seeya later" zip zap gone
Soooo having said that it was BLOODY BRILLIANT to put mugs to nameplates of people here!!
A fair crowd turned up... well more than 2 is a fair crowd in Dereks gnomes shed... and therefore with the 15 or more that showed it was overflowing!!
Derek was as always the best of hosts! Good on yer mate
Now Im gonna show me oldtimers thingy here cause I got a memory like a seive
So Derek I had already met and Kerry and Jeremy whos name or so I found out today isnt Jeremy at all but Paulmmmm well he sure looks like a Jeremy Jiant to me
But I finally met Dai Sensie (sp?) otherwise known as Neil great bloke (yeah we forgave him for bein a banana bender and made him an honory Sandgroper for the day
) Also decided I MUST AND WILL make a journey east sometime soon!!!... Pops showed sans beard!! well there was a scratchy shorter version but nothin like Gandalf and no hat either!... Bob L the bloody legend showed his mug WITHOUT bein covered in sawdust as he reckoned he would... man can this bloke MAKE tools!! strewth Im thinking of placing an order for some of those sexy chisels and that drawknife... but still he remembered me and bought along a nice bit of Apricot (theres a story here somewhere about that Apricot)
Denn was also there with his lovely Rose and has taken delivery of Burnsys veneers so he should get them today or tomorrow if Denn remembers!Bookend and I shared a smoko out on the roadside for a time since no one else seemed to smoke we were the castouts
No probs had a good yarn... see!! smokin does have its benefits us shy retirin types actually gets a word in edgewise!
... now Im gonna do the dopey forgetful old farts thing and wait till others with more solid memories chime in otherwise Im gonna end up embarising the hell out of myself... faces Im good at names tend to avoid me... And Im sure none of the culprits would like to be presumed innocent when totally guilty so their names shall remain a secret until the proof is in!
BUT!!... sufficed to say it was a bloody good time me and young Josh enjoyed in Dereks PLANE little shed... photos were taken by several just not me cause ahem... we sorta kinda well it slipped our minds to grab the camera as we bolted out the door
Oh Derek? Mate Josh sends his enthusiastic thanks for the two wee mallets and the saw!! Made his day being included as he was so his thanks to everyone
And from me... cheers and we will do this again maybe rotate to someone elses place?... Anyway dont think Im ready for that here yet but maybe one day.
THANKS ONE AND ALL for what was for me the nicest way to spend a few hours Ive had in a bloody long time! Hope the Snottygobble merlot was up to standards?And everyone took some Veneer!!! Do hope you mob didnt leave it for Derek... bloke will make something stunning with it
Sorry I couldnt stay longer but well its like that for me just now... but believe me it was a great time and I DO intend to get out more like this! Excellent value
ShaneBelieve me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
4th October 2008, 06:47 PM #2
If there are no pics, it didn't happen.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
4th October 2008, 06:50 PM #3
Onya Shane for starting this thread.
Thanks Derek, first rate event, and good to see your shed take shape again, and all the goodies coming along nice. No doubt others will post pics -
Nice to meet all you ladies and gents. There were more than enought cameras clicking for me to bother taking mine out.
4th October 2008, 06:52 PM #4
Ooooooooooooohh Cluffy ol mate IT HAPPENED!! BELIEVE YOU ME OL SON IT HAPPENED
Just cause I forgots me flamin camera doesnt mean it didnt happen!!!! does it??? Nah I know I was there an Josh was there an Kerry an Derek an Jeremy an well a whole gaggle of woodnuts!! I KNOW!!
I did say I had decided to head your way didnt I?... Neil just (in the words of my 14 year old daughter) totally like I mean like totally convinced me that like I like TOTALLY HAVE to like get my bum like totally and I mean TOTALLY like over there!!
Hey!! I found out from Neil that Hitchinbrook or wherever the hell wheelin lives is near him an Wendys just up the road and Andymac and god knows how many of yous mob!! what a rip!!!
ANYWAYS yer burke stop sidetrackin a bloke will yer!!
IT HAPPENED!!And there were at LEAST 4 cameras clickin away from various points of the compass!
Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
4th October 2008, 07:36 PM #5
Many thanks to Derek and his lovely wife Lynndy for hosting such a wonderful event. A good time was had by all and it was great to see so many old and new faces (pictures being supplied by others).
It was particularly wonderful to finally meet and have a chat with Shane. And thanks Shane for the veneers, they are magnificient. Keep your chin up mate and I look forward to catching up at the next event.
It was also great to catch up with the wise man from the east - hope you had a great time Neil.
4th October 2008, 09:16 PM #6
Zap zap is right. I blinked and you'd gone. Great meeting you Shane and great meeting everyone else too. I was impressed by how welcoming you all are to someone who has never been to one of these things before. Everyone I spoke to was a top bloke, except for Kerry ( who is a top not a bloke ). I really enjoyed the day.
Thanks to all and special thanks to Derek and family for all of the work you put in and all of your patience.
Have a great trip back east Neil. I hope to see you again.Graeme
4th October 2008, 09:34 PM #7
Did Dereks missus make an appearance then? other than the quick stick her head in when the photos were being taken then gone... God shes a lovely lady isnt she! Bottler
And no your right Greame Kerry is DEFINANTLY NOT a bloke... a bloke is a woodnut while Kerry is what me an Wendy call a woodboob definantly a sheila type humanoid... well okay as near to a humanoid as a sheila type alien can get but she does a great impersonation eh?OH and mate? Rose wasnt a woodnut either she was like Kerry a woodboob!
Larry!!See I thought it was Lenny glad I didnt mention the names I was confused about eh?
coulda been right embarrassing
Now I gotta go through this with everyone else I didnt name in my post duhhhhhh
Glad you liked the veneers mate... make something special for someone special with them okay?... Hope everyone took some home with them
HEY!! Did anyone try that snottygobble merlot??? SOMEONE please tell me it was a bloody nice drop... before I get stuck into the second bottle!!Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
4th October 2008, 10:38 PM #8Cliff.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
4th October 2008, 10:58 PM #9
Again a big thanks to Derek & Lyyndy for being great hosts. It was good to see people in the flesh, look forward to the next one
Cheer Jerry
4th October 2008, 11:02 PM #10
What is it about this ruddy country that we gotta damned well double up on every flamin town??? strewth...
mmmm I begining to wonder where the bods with cameras at the do today have gotten to?Maybe I didnt go after all? maybe it didnt happen? GOOD GOD YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS MATE?????
Ive finally tripped over the line and am now permanently troppo!!!but hey sanity is over rated anyway give me troppo anyday! much more fun
Oy You mob!!! Come on out with the happy schnapps!! err snapsBelieve me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
4th October 2008, 11:49 PM #11
I'm in the middle of another bbq but seeing as no one else has I shall try to put a handfull of pic's up between snacks/drinks.
Starting with our host.
5th October 2008, 12:18 AM #12
ahem... Denn? DENN old mate??? stop sippin that chardonay eh?
pic caption
"focus Derek focus old son..."
or how about...
"This isnt a plane!! What the bloody hell do I do with the thing?"
Mind you that was about the point where his missus gently offered to take the pic for him... musta noticed that confused bewildered look that we see!!
oooh put the family shot up next mate!! with names!Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
5th October 2008, 03:08 AM #13
A few comments on the day:
Well Wild dingo ol' mate, was good to meet you at last, albeit me with a shorter than flowing white beard, took the shears to it some time ago.
Thanks for bringing along all that veneer. I can assure you there was very little left for Derek.So thanks heaps for the pieces I grabbed, you're a generous man.
Of course, a big thanks to Derek and his family for allowing us to overrun his home and providing a great BBQ, and cooking it as well. Top job.
A big crowd turned up, several bringing along tools or work pieces for us all to see. BobL brought along his beautiful floats. LarryM brought a heap of his small boxes displaying an array of different joinery. Unfortunately, despite our efforts he was unwilling to call them free samples.Kekemo had her laptop cram packed with photos of her work. Been a busy girl Kekemo.
As others have said, it was great to meet some of the faces from the forum, including Dai Sensei our forum cousin from the Far East.
Between the demonstrations of planes and sharpening, (by Derek) and the sitting about drinking, er I mean sampling some Reds to ensure they had not gone off we all had a great day I dare say. I certainly did. A few photos evidence the day. Photo 1: a bunch of handsome chaps.
Attachment 85023
Photo 2: John taking photos and Geoff checking over some of WDingo's veneers and BobL's floats.
Attachment 85024
Photo 3: LarryM's boxes getting a close examination while most are hard at it sampling the nibbles Rose brought along, (thanks Rose) and a cold one or two. Derek was busy slaving away at the BBQ.
Attachment 85025
As a group of 15 or so in a workshop we actually built not a thing but contemplated how one might, using all the beautiful handtools one has yet to aquire. Then we contemplated it all over again while relaxing with a snag and cold one. My sort of get-together.The way it is done in the West.
5th October 2008, 09:20 AM #14
Yeh, what a great day, I was a bit worried about Rose - she seemed a tad bored with all those tools. Mind you once Lyndy arrived, Rose got into her favourite domain, the kitchen, and thoroghly made herself at home. She reckons Dereks wife is the bees knees and all us blokes (and shielas) can keep our sheds.
It's strange to walk into a place where you know no one, spending the first while looking at peoples name tags and corelating them with a face. But we soon felt as though we were part of the crew. As an afterthought on that subject, Is there a rogues gallery thread on here where people can post pics of there ugly (or beautiful) dials? something to help put a face to a name. If not would it be a welcome thread?
Anyhow here are a couple more pic's. to help put faces to names
First up Pops - sans Gandalf beard; Thanks for the nice plane that you gave me Pops!!
Next we have John - now that is a Gandalf beard.
Then of course the honarary sandgroper: (Niel, If that Exmouth thing ever comes good you must go there for the diving)
Last but not least the best lookin bloke there - and his Dad.
5th October 2008, 10:24 AM #15
Dennford the Rogues Gallery
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