Results 31 to 39 of 39
3rd October 2008, 10:00 AM #31
Derek good luck with the weekend GTG make use of it a mas clean up team at hand
3rd October 2008, 08:50 PM #32
Well!!!... seems me young fellas really looking forward to coming along so Ive now got NO CHOICE!!... IM COMIN!!!
Josh will bring along the set of chisels I bought him when I got the mini lathe for his pen turning exploits... gotta get him a better set I guess but as a starter the boxed sets the go... so hopefully some pen turner will trot along and give him the heads up on "how to"then he can show me!!
also 2 of the new hamlet chisels that need a touchup... Ive also thrown the Chainsaw in just in case Bob wants a play
Veneers are in the 4x and snottygobble merlot along with a small bottle of kirup syrup... sorry but after having a wee taste test of the stronger Kirup Kickarse you blokes wont appreciate its delights!I'll chuck a couple of Hammer and Tongs in there for the beer drinkers
Anyone know the location of the ahem... you know??? cant drink and drive so maybe I better book a room nearby?... nah only a taste tester... and with some fine Derek an missus tucker all will be majickal
Okay see yous mob there!!... mmm aint got no name plate or hat with nameplate mmm wonder how anyone will know who the blazes I am?? I KNOW!! I am the shortwheeled based bloke with the curls white mo and charming smile... well it will be when the damned dentist gets his finga out and gets me some new lower choppers!!... anyway the good lookin one with the little blonde fella by his side
Cheers for settin this up Derek... HEY!! Thats a wiz gang new big bandysaw isnt it? you only had a wee fella when I was there last! Good stuff the big ones eh?... mmmm should I bring you some timber?
ShaneBelieve me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
3rd October 2008, 09:05 PM #33
GINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOROUS???? MATE!!! Ginooooooooooooormous is a bloody understatement!!! friggin great cloud muncher
Man this blokes so damned tall he would have to duck to get under the Sydney Harbor Bridge!!!
And thats if he was walkin under the water!! TALL??? MAN!!! good god hes tall seriously tall!!
I thought Christopha was tall when he wandered into me shed but by crikey even he didnt have to duck to get through the 2.4mtr high doors Jeremy bent almost enough to touch his toes!!... yep your tall mate!
7ft 20in in his socks I reckon at a good guess
But no worries he aint modest about it either top bloke is our Jeremy!
Bloody cloud munchers... Tis a worry when a fella stands next to this bloke I can tell yer... I reckon Im a normal sized bloke meself but next to Jeremy I dont even reach his friggin hips!!! Massive gigantic HUMUNGOUS!!! Betcha the missus is 4ft 2 in her stockings!
but a good bloke
See you there mate... ooh and lets make sure theres a pic eh? Call it the "Long and the short of it!"
Cheers!Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
3rd October 2008, 11:58 PM #34
4th October 2008, 01:02 AM #35
Wont be any room left on the field with your offspring out there!!
One thing about those Kiwi girls they are not only beautiful but they have a fine sence of the utterly rediculous... and have like all sheep chuckers have sex on the brain... taught from an early age of course... at age what? oh right sex or sucks
Kiwis mad buggars but yer gotta love em!Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!
4th October 2008, 09:44 PM #36
Whats the time over there
Where are all the photos
Did it happen
Come on you blokes we in the east have seen the sun set and want to know what went onregards
"Tell him he's dreamin.""How's the serenity" (from "The Castle")
4th October 2008, 10:21 PM #37
Sure did happen, they're not a bad bunch - even that guy from Queensland.
Yes it was a good day but I am currently entertaining at my place (busy boy) so will post some pic's tommorow but I am sure that in the meantime someone else will tell you all about it.
Thanks to Derek and his wife for thier hospitality.
4th October 2008, 11:04 PM #38
Kekemo's got the pics, we'll have to wait for her to stop building beds...
Great to meet a bunch of fellow sawdust makers, and it's comforting to see that they're not all grand masters - makes me feel a bit better about being a complete noob.
Many thanks to Derek and ...Linda(?) for opening their shed and house. Derek walked us through his impressive collection of planes, to much 'ooh's and 'aah's and 'what, no power cord?'s, and demo'ed a few ways of sharpening things until they're so sharp they feel blunt...
4th October 2008, 11:39 PM #39
Looks like we have migrated to another thread..
Here https://www.woodworkforums.com/showthread.php?t=80250