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  1. #1
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    Default Olympic Football

    Iraq 1 - Australia 0.

    Iraq into the semis, Australia eliminated.

    Good job the Thorpedo didn't let you down!

  2. #2
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    Well done to Iraq, we wish them well!!!
    "Looking west with the land behind me as the sun tracks down to the sea, I have my bearings" Tim Winton

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by hexbaz
    Iraq 1 - Australia 0.

    Iraq into the semis, Australia eliminated.

    Good job the Thorpedo didn't let you down!
    Yep - GO IRAQ!!


    Last time I read a newspaper, Ian Thorpe was a swimmer, not a footballer!!

    Not being much of a soccer follower, perhaps you can fill me in here; I can't figure how the Olympics work, I assume everyone plays a knockout match till there is one team left, then that team plays the team from the UK??

    I guess the big difference between living in Oz and the UK is that here, following sport gives us an EXCUSE to drink, over there following sport gives you a REASON!!

    Mind you I did smile at the reason offered the other night for our equestrian team not winning a medal: our cycling team have used all their horse's steroids! (To great effect too I may add!)



  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bitingmidge
    Last time I read a newspaper, Ian Thorpe was a swimmer, not a footballer!!
    Strangely enough, I am well aware of that - I meant in terms of medals he (and loads of others) had not let you down (hence the in my post). I am surprised you would assume that I did not know that he was not a footballer. Maybe you think we don't have newspapers in UK?

    I hope Iraq go on to win it - at least they won't get tortured if they lose (unlike previous teams).

    As a matter of vague interest, I travelled to USA (from UK) on the day that Ian Thorpe won one of his races in the Sydney Olympics. I saw the race live from the airport lounge in London Heathrow. Then, arriving in my California hotel about 12 hours later, the septics were showing the same race (took me a while to realise that fact). This would have been no problem, had they not been pretending that it was a live broadcast! At least we show events live in UK, even if it does mean watching at unearthly hours. Thankfully, once the yanks realised they were being scammed, the TV started showing 'delayed broadcast' instead of 'live'. There was never an option to watch the live transmission though.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by hexbaz
    Strangely enough, I am well aware of that - I meant in terms of medals he (and loads of others) had not let you down (hence the in my post). I am surprised you would assume that I did not know that he was not a footballer. Maybe you think we don't have newspapers in UK?

    I hope Iraq go on to win it - at least they won't get tortured if they lose (unlike previous teams).

    As a matter of vague interest, I travelled to USA (from UK) on the day that Ian Thorpe won one of his races in the Sydney Olympics. I saw the race live from the airport lounge in London Heathrow. Then, arriving in my California hotel about 12 hours later, the septics were showing the same race (took me a while to realise that fact). This would have been no problem, had they not been pretending that it was a live broadcast! At least we show events live in UK, even if it does mean watching at unearthly hours. Thankfully, once the yanks realised they were being scammed, the TV started showing 'delayed broadcast' instead of 'live'. There was never an option to watch the live transmission though.
    Sorry, not enough on my part I guess!!

    We mostly have the same experiences with "live" broadcasts as the yanks had ONCE in their lives! .

    Cricket broadcast in the northern hemisphere in particular seems to take a long time for pictures to arrive, radio commentary is mostly earlier than the TV by about the same time as it takes to broadcast the evening news. A fortuitous coincidence for the network I suppose!!

    Strange Olympics for Australia this one, second biggest team (largest per capita by a long way) but also very strong in many sports.....also seems to me that era of domination by any given country in any particular event seems to be coming to a close; Frenchman winning medals in swimming- what is the world coming to?



  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bitingmidge
    Sorry, not enough on my part I guess!!

    We mostly have the same experiences with "live" broadcasts as the yanks had ONCE in their lives! .

    Cricket broadcast in the northern hemisphere in particular seems to take a long time for pictures to arrive, radio commentary is mostly earlier than the TV by about the same time as it takes to broadcast the evening news. A fortuitous coincidence for the network I suppose!!

    Strange Olympics for Australia this one, second biggest team (largest per capita by a long way) but also very strong in many sports.....also seems to me that era of domination by any given country in any particular event seems to be coming to a close; Frenchman winning medals in swimming- what is the world coming to?


    I guess we both have our tongues firmly in cheek! I sort of realised you were joking, but felt like winding you up - sorry.

    Interesting that your cricket is delayed. I have no real objection to a delayed broadcast (especially if the live feed is in a far-off time zone). What I and others (once they realised, and the complaints started rolling in) found unacceptable about the US coverage of the Sydney Olympics was the pretence of a live broadcast. They were imposing a 12 hour delay (to get on prime-time USA) but putting a 'LIVE' label in the corner of the picture. As I said, they kept the 12 hour delay, but changed the logo to be 'Delayed Coverage'.... All we are asking for is honest broadcasting!

    Good luck with the rest of your medal haul... I think we have pretty much seen the end of the GB medals - though we are up against your guys in the cycling team pursuit final tomorrow. Guaranteed a silver anyway!

  7. #7
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    I watched that match and regardless of who the teams were, Iraq did not play fair. The Iraqies dramatised every little fall they had. going down then really putting it on as if to say they were badly hurt. They won the heart of a bad umpire a sympathetic umpire and it was very obvious. There were alot of fouls called because of Iraq's reaction , where the man is or SHOULD be allowed to go for the ball.

    Two players go for the ball, they touch slightly, Iraqie player goes down, , Ouch ouch, waving arms around to show the ump where he is hurt, shows the ump how it happened, is questioning the ump, call the foul, shows him who did it, foul is called, Iraq have the ball again, the hurt player gets up, nothing wrong with him....this happened several times. Too many to count.

    So there... LOL

  8. #8
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    sounds like the Iraqies have been learning a few tricks the English soccer league boys lol.

  9. #9
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    Thumbs up

    Gemi babe - Just gotta say it.

    I love the new avatar.

    Cheers - Neil

  10. #10
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    Thanks Neil, I like your's too

    If anyone is after another grab it from here

    They show the size, which is needed for here as it only supports 80x80 pixels

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