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  1. #1
    Scribbly Gum's Avatar
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    Default Something Old - Something New-ish

    The recent edition of the Lee Valley newsletter carries a highlighted tool from the archives.
    The newsletter often carries a similar entry, but on this occasion the choice of highlighted tool is interesting.
    It is the Record Skew Rebate Plane, not made since 1943.
    What makes this interesting is the fact that Lee Valley will be releasing their version(s) of a skew rebate plane shortly. One can only assume that the release is imminent - as this seemingly deliberate choice from the archive would appear to indicate.
    I think Derek has alluded to these planes before, and I know that UKAlf has had teasers on her blog.
    I wonder what "improvements" the designers at LV have come up with? That handgrip could do with some work for a start, and maybe some nickers for cross grain work.
    The reviews should be interesting.
    Regards from Tele Point
    .... some old things are lovely
    Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them ........................D.H. Lawrence

  2. #2
    Scribbly Gum's Avatar
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    From The Sawmill Creek Forum (Quoting Rob Lee):

    Ah well.... not long to wait now!

    There will be an intro special on the skew rabbets, as one really should have the pair... but they ain't cheap. There's a lot going on in these planes, and there are lots of parts and tooling (as the planes are handed, each requires separate tooling). I think the price will be about $399 for the pair - but am still not 100% sure...

    There is definitely a nicker on both...

    Cheers -


    Sound like they are getting serious over at Lee Valley.
    These planes should prove to be quite interesting.
    .... some old things are lovely
    Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them ........................D.H. Lawrence

  3. #3
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    Should be a very interesting plane SG.. Can't say I have ever seen the Record in the flesh but I like the look of it from where I sit.

  4. #4
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    Hi SG,

    Like Slow6 said, will be very interested to see Rob's efforts on this one. Have always wanted one, (don't really need one) but wanted one just the same. Have an old Record 78 of course.

    Was thinking that a side flat fence would be nice, or at least the provision to easily attach a shop made one.

    Then you could have ability to use it to square up small stock, like the LN No. 95 edge trimmer planes, left and right. Handy for box making stock.

    Will have to wait and see.


  5. #5
    Scribbly Gum's Avatar
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    Just out of interest, here is the Stanley 46 with a skewed blade. Evidently it takes blades of various widths.
    The blade in this plane is wiiiide.
    I wonder how useful this particular blade would be - it looks like it might just chatter a tad.
    Has anyone used one?
    Interested to hear back.
    Regards from Tele Point
    .... some old things are lovely
    Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them ........................D.H. Lawrence

  6. #6
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    Hi SG -

    Not sure on the 46, but I can confirm the only chatter ours has is in newsgroups....

    Won't be long now, and there'll be a set on it's way to Perth....

    Cheers -


  7. #7
    Scribbly Gum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Lee View Post
    Hi SG -

    Not sure on the 46, but I can confirm the only chatter ours has is in newsgroups....

    Won't be long now, and there'll be a set on it's way to Perth....

    Cheers -

    OK ........................- just to clarify - I do not work for Lee Valley, this was not a Dorothy Dix question or something out of Question Time in Parliament, and Rob Lee did not send me a pair of skewed rebate planes like he has done for Derek.

    Sooooooo.... we must be getting close to seeing these in the flesh.
    Is Derek allowed to share, or is everything still under wraps?
    There wasn't as much interest in awaiting Nicole Kidman's baby as there is in these planes.
    Out of interest, do the new planes take interchangeable blades, and if so, what sizes?
    Maybe comes with one blade with the option of buying others?

    Now back to the 46.
    Does anyone else think that that blade would chatter?

    It's cold tonight

    Chat-tering in Tele Point
    .... some old things are lovely
    Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them ........................D.H. Lawrence

  8. #8
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    Hi SG -

    Derek has only had his hands on the "printed" ABS model, as far as I can remember - I do know we haven't yet sent him anything from production. We're due to receive the bulk of our castings within the next few days...

    I suspect that it'll be a week or so before any real pictures can be shown. We will have the planes on display at IWF in Atlanta - and that's Aug 20th.

    Our planes will just have the one blade. While we are calling them skew rebate planes - you could also call them moving filletster planes.... maximum cut width will be 1 1/2", which makes the blade a bit wider than that ('cause of the skew).... blade cross-section is also not rectangular (again, 'cause of the skew...)..

    Cheers -

    ( a balmy, rainy, 24C up here...)

  9. #9
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    I have a #46, main isssue with blades that wide is pushing the thing. The blades are quite thick so chatter is not much of an issue.

    For narrower blades with the skew it works a treat for rebates and is pretty good across the grain.

    You know you want one.

  10. #10
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    Hi Tom

    I have not said anything about the Veritas skew rebate planes to date. What I can now say is that they do not resemble the Record you show. There ... that should help you

    Rob mentioned the plane I received as a "printed" ABS model. It was amazing. Literally printed (in ABS) in 3D by a computer. Fully functioning in plastic. When I opened the package I thought it was the Real Deal.

    The design is very well thought out and is going to be desired by all.

    Regarding the #46 - I have not used mine with a blade as wide as this. Never had the need. Still, chatter is not the concern I have if the blade is well secured and sharp.

    Regards from Perth


  11. #11
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    I have a 46 with the full complement of irons including a special order3/4". The skews, when truly honed well will not chatter so long as judgment is used in thickness of cut taken. That rule fairly well holds for all planes. The skew makes the difference. It would be of the last planes I would sell. In that same group, an LV router pair, the LN #9, an LN 5 1/4 and a WW II Bailey #3. A flatside 606 and a Spiers Panel and a Slater smoother; both are extraordinary infill planes- mallet adjusted.I could not say goodbye to them. Then I would need my LV Med. Shoulder( the best combination of modern improvements and aesthetic value.)jet( PS had I not a Record050 and a Rapier 043, I would have to have Rob's /ploughplane. truly fine.jet
    Last edited by J.E. Mike Tobey; 8th August 2008 at 11:15 AM. Reason: typos

  12. #12
    Scribbly Gum's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for the feedback.
    It sounds like the Stanley 46 is a very useful plane.
    No wonder they are so sought after.
    I don't have any skewed blade planes, but have long considered the Stanley 289 to be desirable. It looks easier on the hand than the Record.
    Rob and Derek's information on the LV skews make them sound fascinating, and I am certainly looking forward to seeing them for real.
    It's a real pity in this context, that the $A has nosedived so badly over the last weeks.

    Note to Rob - cold again this morning - bring back the balmy spring weather soon I say. Whatever happened to global warming?

    Cheers from Tele Point
    .... some old things are lovely
    Warm still with the life of forgotten men who made them ........................D.H. Lawrence

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