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Thread: bad virus

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default bad virus

    I've been crook with the flu for over a week, the first two days home alone as swmbo was away for work and I thought I was going to die. swmbo hardly ever gets sick but when she got a sore throat and started to go downhill, I'm sorry to say I felt a small amount of satisfaction that she would now feel how bad this bug was. But no, she had a sniffle or two and was better in a day or two. Then just to poke a bit more fun, she sent this video on to me. Hey I resemble that!

    [ame=""]YouTube - Deadliest virus on earth[/ame]


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Northern Brisbania...


    Dear Michael,

    I had the cotton-pickin' thing too - about two weeks ago. It's getting around Brisbane... unstoppable, unkillable...

    My sister-in-law got it first, but my brother didn't - he was just a "Carrier" for it to give it to me! Just like that bad-tempered monkey in "Outbreak..." You'll live... just...

    That video is not bad. "They" just don't understand what we're going through, hey! They're too busy thinking about themselves...

    Good Luck and eat plenty of oranges,

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default It's heading south

    SWMBO has had it for 6 wks now. Passed it to me, and I'm nearly over it after 4 wks (which is about 3.5 wks longer than it takes me to fight off most illnesses).
    Kids now have it, and given that only half the kids at daughter's birthday party were coughing then - the other half should be starting soon.

    It's a tenacious nasty, this one!

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