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  1. #1
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    Default Video Comparison of Domino vs Dowelmax on Simple Joints

    I saw on one of these forums someone was comparing the dowelmax vs the festool domino. (Excuse me if its not in this one-perhaps this can be moved into it). I never heard of it, but came across this video today and whilst I personally love festool gear and am saving for a domino, for similar joints seems the dowelmax does a very good job in lining up the dowels to each board so for those whose pockets aren't as deep perhaps it fits the bill. I have no idea on the cost but I'd assume it would be inexpensive. it certainly looks a good jig and looks like it does a similar quality join.
    Video is at
    The guy shows both the dowelmax and the domino, with both performing the same task. Interesting, at least I thought so.
    And I should add, I have no axe to grind nor am I supporting one over the other, just thought it was a good little video, hope you do too.
    Last edited by HotChips; 1st July 2008 at 09:44 PM. Reason: forgot to add last sentence, in case it upsets someone.
    One in the bush is better than two in the hand

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    Great tip. Enjoyed that!
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005


    The title tells the story.

    it’s a comparison of "simple” joins. So its not a great video comparing the both as all round workshop tools. The author probably borrowed or only just purchased it and isn’t even close to being aware of its true potential.

    I would love to see a Dowelmax fan show a video or picture show of everything the Dowelmax can do, and only then we will get a true comparison.
    It would be like Geelong >>>>> Freemantle

    I still see it as a dumb comparison “unless” price is the main factor

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Brisbane, QLD, Australia


    Nice comparison. I dont have a domino, but I do have a Dowelmax. It is expensive for a doweling jig, but it is simply the best one available anywhere, and its made of high grade aircraft aluminium and is solid as a rock. And like the video, the joints are really easy to construct. Once you get used to it, you can make them very fast too.
    I did a review of the Dowelmax a few years back:

    Hope it helps.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Western Australia


    It would be like Geelong >>>>> Freemantle

    And therein lies an analogy.

    Given Deans very good overview,it still comes back to varying degree's of set-up between the 2 systems not to mention the purchase power of each joint.

    Costwise the Dowelmax is streets ahead and that is OK if you need that approach financially and have the time to persist in the set-up regime it requires.
    It may also be directed as the initial WW start-up enterprise keeping in mind the cost factor and the need to fulfill a joinery aspect of the WW..

    I've used dowels early on but not the Dowelmax, so I cannot comment on that but Deans e'pose on it gives a fair indication that to me it is still another Dowelling Jig.

    I have a lot of Festo stuff and only because I like what I see in their approach to WW equipment, thus I have used the Domino on numerous occasions with very little to negate not only it's usage, but also it's functionality in providing a mortise joint more than comparable to the biscuit joint in reliability and strength.
    Its also easier to setup rather than my combo machine dowelling option!

    My past experience with dowels has'nt always offered this.

    Of course the same old same old you get what you pay for ,if i was just starting out I'd probably look at the Dowellmax and what does.


    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lignum View Post
    The title tells the story.
    it’s a comparison of "simple” joins. So its not a great video comparing the both as all round workshop tools. The author probably borrowed or only just purchased it and isn’t even close to being aware of its true potential.
    If the video was called 'A comparison between the allround capabilities of the Dowelmax and the Domino and a detailed breakdown of their various versatilities' you'd have a point. As it wasn't, your point is moot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lignum View Post
    I would love to see a Dowelmax fan show a video or picture show of everything the Dowelmax can do, and only then we will get a true comparison.
    What exactly can the Domino do apart from make holes for expensive Dominos? Do you also use it for small sawing jobs? A bit of carpet scraping now and then? Perhaps the odd groove in a Belfast sink?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lignum View Post
    I still see it as a dumb comparison “unless” price is the main factor
    Thank God you were here Lignum to defend the honour of the Domino. Festo will rest easy knowing you're out there, quick to criticise anyone foolish enough to place their joining system in an unbiased comparison with another.

    Believe it or not Lignum, I think there are one or two woodies in here for whom price might play an important role in their tool purchasing decisions. They are of course idiots if they buy anything less than the mighty Domino...
    Is it wrong to be in love with a sawbench?

  7. #7
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    Lignum doesn't realise that the guy who made that video is a Festool fan. He often posts under the name MOT in different forums.

    In subsequent postings he states a preference for the Domino, but still continues to use the Dowelmax where he thinks it is appropriate.

    There are quite a few Festool users - Domino users included - who are able to conceptualise woodwork in terms of more than just one tool.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lignum View Post
    The title tells the story.

    it’s a comparison of "simple” joins. So its not a great video comparing the both as all round workshop tools. The author probably borrowed or only just purchased it and isn’t even close to being aware of its true potential.

    I still see it as a dumb comparison “unless” price is the main factor
    Hmmm thats a little rough isn't it? Did anyone mention that this was a detailed review of the wonderful capabilities of domino? I think not.

    The title is fairly self explanatory I thought, hence I don't see the need to start this meaningless debate all over again.

    Let it rest, the guy has posted a video of someone using both tools to make joints. End of story.

    Lets have some perpective people, little kids ary dying in Africa every day from HIV, our emergency departments are full of patients waiting for beds, if you really want to debate... debate something worth debating, not crap.

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  9. #9
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    I might be missing the point here, but the video deminstrated to me two alternative methods of joining face frames. The Dowelmax seemed to do a pretty good job of it.

    But strong face frame joinery is not that important with either the Dowelmax or the Domino. (You could use a biscuit join to the same effect).

    The real tests for me are:

    - dowels / Dominos instead of say box joints or dovetails for outer case joints
    - shelving joints using either system instead of housed joints or sliding dovetails

    I just cannot see how the Dowelmax does these important joints well. A video on it would be great, as I make a few el cheapo bookcases cum display cabinets that rely heavily on those joints.

    I have quite a few jigs / machines to make joinery easier (a Leigh FMT and D4 to name a few) and have yet to see anything superior to the Domino. If only it cut slots for 15 or 20mm Dominos at depth.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jefferson View Post
    I might be missing the point here, but the video deminstrated to me two alternative methods of joining face frames.
    I have three points to make about this thread if anyone wants to read them:

    1 - It's an interesting demonstration of two different methods of joinery. It was a demo of the Domino and Dowellmax, but could have been a demonstration of Biscuits and Pocket Holes. Either way I don't think the authour is trying to demonstrate them for the purpose of saying one is better than the other.

    2 - Tom seems to be pointing our two good systems and it's up to us all to work out which if either we might like to use. I expect the majority of people would make up their minds within seconds, or decide they need neither. A decision be based on many factors but I think it generally goes like this for: Do either interest me? Which do I prefer? Can I afford A or B or both? Which will I buy based on perceived value or which can I afford?

    I think the key elements are "which do I prefer?" and "perceived value?" Both very personal and individual circumstance related.

    3 - As Marios points out, there are some things worth arguing over and some that are not. This video seems to be a good demo of two good joinery processes and good pieces of equipment and regardless of whichever we think might suit our needs just be happy that Tom has taken the time to share them with us. My take on his preamble is he was putting it out there in an attempt to reduce some bickering not create more.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by nt900 View Post
    My take on this preamble is he was putting it out there in an attempt to reduce some bickering not create more.
    I reckon you are right, but I'm getting the popcorn and comfy chair ready anyway

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Groggy View Post
    I reckon you are right, but I'm getting the popcorn and comfy chair ready anyway
    Tell me how it goes. I've got to wash go my socks or something.

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