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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocker

    I went to a friend's 65th birthday party a few months ago. My friend, who is Scottish, played the bagpipes, and his wife, who is a few years younger than he is, danced. We all admired her energy and fitness, but we did not consider her immoral
    Sounds like that was one hell of a shin dig. I fancy myself as a bit of a musician myself but whenever I drag my trumpet out at a party nobody starts dancing....the first thing that happens is the dog dissapears behind the nearest sofa with its tail between its legs and then Im usually hastily ejected outside by SWMBO.

    Wouldnt mind picking up the bagpipes.....thats the only other instrument I can think off that would strike terror into guests at a party as you dragged it out.

    The last time I saw the pipes being played was down in Bass Strait afew years back.....I was out on an Esso platform during a raging southerly storm and there was this crazy scotsman up on the helideck blowing away on his pipes.....if Id have had my horn with me Id have gone up and joined him.
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  2. #122
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    Might as well carry on with the Scottish theme....a funny story from my wife.

    My wifes friend came back from a tripo back to Japan recently and found that her Scottish husband had re-painted the kitchen. She was most impressed but a bit puzzled as this chap usually a hopeless lay about around the house and is barely capable of looking after himself with SWMBO away.

    Anyway the truth soon came to light....the unfortunate chap had put an egg on the stove to boil and gone out and forgotten it. When he came back the kitchen was on fire and once he'd extinguished the conflageration the walls had changed from cream to a lovely soot black.
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  3. #123
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    Thanks for answering the question about how noora came to this site.
    rather odd :confused:

    I'm a bit skeptical also.

    Never seen nor heard of arabians, Omani's etc jumping on forums before the gulf, so why now?

    Maybe noora is one of your past drama friends.....the ones that want nothing at all to do with the site again, but can't seem to stay away???

    I have seen that happen before on a yahoo forum.

    I wish I never read this thread....LOL

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by gemi_babe
    Thanks for answering the question about how noora came to this site.
    rather odd :confused:

    I'm a bit skeptical also.

    Never seen nor heard of arabians, Omani's etc jumping on forums before the gulf, so why now?

    Maybe noora is one of your past drama friends.....the ones that want nothing at all to do with the site again, but can't seem to stay away???

    I have seen that happen before on a yahoo forum.

    I wish I never read this thread....LOL
    Was skeptical too but less so now.....

    Give her credit though...I think she has a genuine desire to find out a bit about us antipodeans and that cant be bad.

    One things this forum does seem to have is a good mix of people from all walks of life (one of the great things about woodies Ive found).
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwigeo
    You sound like a very busy person.

    Interesting that you work for an arabic newspaper. Do you have access to newspapers from Australia and other parts of the world?

    A question I guess some of us in this forum would like to know is what is your impression of Australia?
    Good evening mr // Martin

    I don’t know a lot of information about Australia

    I like watching TV..
    And I always watch lace>urlace>ity> prisadent John Haward .. in the political magazines the writers call him subordinate of Bosh !!!..

    I knew also the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Australia Alexander Downer>>

    I knew also Minister of Defense Robert Hill..

    The Australian Army in lace>Iraqlace> is about 880 soliers...

    I watched also the exploding in Bally Isand ... It was shame ....

    I wanted to knew !! Is the Australian punch as It's government ??!!...

    Espacially whan I knew that the Ameriacan punch is not as It's government....

    The American punch is tooooooo friendly ??!!...


    I asked my self !! Is the autralian punch friendly ??!!

    I don’t know any one from lace>Australialace> so I wrote Australian foeums in order to meet the commons not the government !!

    From about 2 weeks I heard about a huge demonstration in Melborn ..

    It was in front of the British Consular

    This Australian demonstration was made against the occupation forces and to exert pressure on the Australian Government to take the Australian Army out of lace>Iraqlace


    I want to know ity>lace>urlace>ity> real thinking and to know more about civilization I saw ity>ity>ur ages..

    52 … 41… 63>>


    most of u r older than me and have more wisdom ..>>


    so I contact these forums>>


    My Brother ((Osama)) studied in Australia>>>

    He told my that mostly !! the Austrlian Punch is friendly and quite ..>>


    I can participate in British , American forums !!>>


    But I'm determined to know more about u with discussions >>


    Last year I participate in an international conference for the youth .. I met many guys around the world >>


    Any way I'll leave these forums bcoz I'll travel to Makkah in lace>Saudi Arabialace> .. for Omrah .. May Allah forgive my faults >>

    I want to have a rest alone >>


    I also want to know more about kangaroos >>

    Hahahahaha ,, I have never see a kngeroo .. just in the zoo >>

    I heard that an Australian nongovernmental organization protest against killing kangaroos . . >>

    Have u eaten meat of kangaroos before?? >>


    ity>ity>ur young sister>>


    N0o0o0ora >>

    It's not so important where u stand in life but in what direction u r moving

  6. #126
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    Another trumpet player here. Well, I was. I gave it up many years ago as I was never going to be as good as I wanted to be.

    Two problems with trumpet.
    Too loud, and muted sounds terrible.
    You can't accompany your own singing.

    It only takes one drink to get me loaded. Trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or fourteenth.

  7. #127
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    Your last posting was very long and Im afraid I dont think I can really answer all our questions....Im at work at the moment and answering all your questions would get me in trouble because I wouldnt have any time for my job.

    I can give you personal opinions in response to some of your questions but keep in mind that Im only one person and others in their forum will have different opinions...its the great thing about a democracy that you are free to say what you think and we dont all think the same.

    On your question about eating kangaroos.....I can tell you that Ive eaten kangaroo and its lovely!

    Im ashamed to say that sometimes when Im at home my wife and I sometimes play tricks on the Japanese guests that sometimes visit our house. First we take them to a local wildlife park and show them the kangaroos and they get to feed and pat them.

    Later on in the day we usually have a barbeque.....and we cook some kangaroo meat. When our guests ask us what sort of meat they are eating we tell them it is one of the kangaroos from the wildlife park.

    Most of our guests soon realise that we are joking but sometimes a guest will stop eating the kangaroo meat and suddenly look very worried.

    Okay I have to get to work here......hopefully some of the other people in the forum will provide you with some answers to your questions.

    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robert WA

    Another trumpet player here. Well, I was. I gave it up many years ago as I was never going to be as good as I wanted to be.

    Two problems with trumpet.
    Too loud, and muted sounds terrible.
    You can't accompany your own singing.
    Hi Robert,

    I should have given the horn up years ago as well but Ive never been one to give up in the face of an impossible task. I play very badly but blowing your frustrations through a piece of brass plumbing is the way to go.

    Agreed on the trumpet being loud but I dont think its too loud. Totally disagree with your feelings on a muted horn. My Harman mute gets so much use it doesnt stay in the bell without being hammered in with a mallet...scares the hell out of my wife when it falls out. Anyway as you can see from the quote at the bottom of my postings Im a Miles Davis nut and if you dont like muted horns then youre not very likely to like MD.

    Accompanying your own singing?? Mmmmmmm....cant do that with any wind instrument....but why do you need to sing?...the horn is singing for you. In my case Im sure most people would rather listen to my attempts at mastering the trumpet than my singing.
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  9. #129
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    Default looking at this thread. Most of it is certainly nothing to do with woodworking.....

    So far weve had religion..politics....sheep....trumpets..bagpipes...dancing...kangaroos...banned members....Oman..Saudi Arabia....

    Anything we havent covered?
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  10. #130
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    or, Might it be Woody work the way some are going.

    When I last looked Noora hadn't cntributed to anywhere other than where she started..............


  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan in Oz

    or, Might it be Woody work the way some are going.

    When I last looked Noora hadn't cntributed to anywhere other than where she started..............

    Youre entitled to your opinion you think we shouldnt be responding to her postings?

    Noora probably isnt contributing alot to the furtherment of woodwork with her contributions but Im learning a bit about Omani people from her postings. Shes 17 and has a young persons view of the world....but hey we were there once ourselves.

    The above is just MY opinion of course.......
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  12. #132
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    Nothing against her,
    it's just that Noora seems to be in the wrong forum.
    If she is seen to be taking an intrest in a bit of wood work
    and then goes off on a Tangent, No Wuckers

    "Do I ever go off topic? I ask you?"

    ALL the Time, but I'm here mainly for the wood work


  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ivan in Oz

    or, Might it be Woody work the way some are going.

    When I last looked Noora hadn't cntributed to anywhere other than where she started..............

    Ive noticed youve taken the trouble of checking out this forum so you must be at least half interested in whats been going on in here.....

    As for Woody work.....Im into my 3rd week out on an oil rig populated by blokes and totally devoid of timber apart from the odd pallet or two.....this forum is one of my lifelines to sanity.
    Whatever note you blow youre never more than a semitone away from the correct one....(Miles Davis)

  14. #134
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    Aha, now we know why so much interest in a 17 year old girl.
    Bob Willson
    The term 'grammar nazi' was invented to make people, who don't know their grammar, feel OK about being uneducated.

  15. #135
    Join Date
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    Keerist! I reckon you're all a buncha pervs!!!!
    Give it a rest and ignore the cranky sheila......

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