Barry was always interested in gimmicks and
on this occasion he came home with a
lie detecting robot.

His young son Tommy came home late from school
and when asked where he had been he replied,
"I have been studying at the library". The robot
immediately came across and whacked him over
the ears.

Barry said, "Tommy, the robot knows when you lie.
Now tell me where you were". Tommy replied,
"I was at my mate's house watching a video called
The Ten Commandments". Again the robot gave
young Tommy a clout. Tommy immediately owned
up to having watched a sex video with his mate.

Barry told Tommy, "I am very disappointed in you son.
When I was your age I never lied to my parents". You
guessed it - the robot gave Barry a clout over the ears.

Tommy's mother was doubled up with laughter and she
said, "Barry, you really asked for that. Don't be too
hard on Tommy, after all, he is your son".

The robot then knocked her "R" over "Z" out of
her chair.


You can't teach and old mouse new clicks.