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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Quote Originally Posted by SPIRIT View Post
    sadly they mostly use the results of tests

    I wasn't relating to academia all teachers make personal comments on students

    But you make a valid point if in the hours teacher and children are together 101 time is only 5 mins in a whole year

    With parents now dropping kids of at play schools from tender ages through to yr 12 where they spend min time at home in the company of parents except for weekends. So the kids learn more at home thing doesn't gell.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    far south coast nsw

    Thumbs up kens talk

    I agree totally with Silentc, Parents should be the best judge of the possible avenues to send their child down Education is or should be no more then the tools one needs to survive. Life is the piece of wood, school the tools, each individual will get out of that piece of wood as they see fit. stick with the three R's

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    with flies, dust and roos


    The thing that really ticked me off when my daughter was at school, was the degree to which parental involvement in extra curricular activities dictated how smooth her path was.

    If you rolled up at P&F meetings, worked in the tuckshop and volunteered as a driver for various activities, it seemed to guarantee a little extra in the marks for various subjects. Almost as if a good or bad relationship with the teachers seemed to filter over to the relationship they had with your child. I'm not sure whether the chicken or the egg came first here - maybe the child's relationship with the teacher translated over to the parents. However, I did note that every time I went into battle for some perceived injustice, or took issue with the standard of spelling in homework set by the teachers, or got cranky about the obvious mistakes in prescribed texts, that my daughter's time at school was just that little bit less pleasant.

    There is obviously something wrong with the assessment process. Aforementioned daughter did not hand in a single assignment during Years 11 and 12, took numerous days off school (appalling and difficult teenager, now much improved!), thought about dropping out altogether, yet, after receiving a fright as to how much of her future depended on reasonable school marks, put in a bit of an effort in the last three months of Year 12 and ended up with an OP of 7. Now, while I'm glad that she finally came to her senses and did some work, and I'm glad that she got a reasonable result, I certainly sense the injustice inherent in a system whereby she did better than a lot of kids who genuinely worked their butts off for the whole two years.

    Never eat prunes when you're hungry

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by billym View Post
    I agree totally with Silentc, Parents should be the best judge of the possible avenues to send their child down Education is or should be no more then the tools one needs to survive. Life is the piece of wood, school the tools, each individual will get out of that piece of wood as they see fit. stick with the three R's
    here is were l will disagree ,in a perfect world yes but sadly not all parent are skilled ,educated, care or have any idea of what is needed to prosper in this world
    We have to feed the kid l work with so we know that they are getting at least one day of healthy food but who am l to judge if takeaway is good 5 out of 7 days a week for a teenager so the 3R have to take a back seat for real survival skills sometimes

    Quote :incoming/
    yep l was one of them parents that helped out all the time but did it help my child at school?? of course it did teaches would talk to me openly about my kids and l could talk about my child's needs, found out that teaches are human and when you are nice to them they be nice to you , sorry that's the way the world works

    wheelin: 5min a week or period
    smile and the world will smile with you

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Mackay Qld


    Apologies if anyone read and was offended by my posts lack of judgement before it was unceremoniously purged.


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Gingermick View Post
    Apologies if anyone read and was offended by my posts lack of judgement before it was unceremoniously purged.
    one must feel free to be purged once a day its good for your health
    sorry l missed it
    smile and the world will smile with you

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