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Thread: More Bunnings
13th July 2004, 06:30 PM #31
Originally Posted by bitingmidge
Would you like fries with that?"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
13th July 2004, 06:43 PM #32
Originally Posted by gatiep
Bob Willson
The term 'grammar nazi' was invented to make people, who don't know their grammar, feel OK about being uneducated.
13th July 2004, 06:54 PM #33
Originally Posted by silentC
Bob Willson
The term 'grammar nazi' was invented to make people, who don't know their grammar, feel OK about being uneducated.
13th July 2004, 07:05 PM #34
Originally Posted by Bob Willson
I have been booked heaps of times and most times they will lower the fine so you feel good and you are less likely to take them to court. I used to be a weekend taxi driver in Melbourne for 12 years before radar guns. Used to get booked 3 or 4 times per year - deserved it and expected it.
- Wood Borer
13th July 2004, 07:16 PM #35
I'd disagree with Silent C's hit list.
I might not be too happy about the local council's rules for when and where you can park and how much they charge you ( and some council's notably the one at St.Kilda must be absolutely raking it in at $2 per hour until midnight!!!! ) but the parking inspectors are just doing their job like everyone else. You should be taking issue with the council not with the guys walking the street in the pouring rain or baking sun so they can pay their mortgage.
one time my car broke down in a car park and the parking inspector was busy slapping tickets down with gay abandon but I didn't get one when I explained why I was still there. Like all jobs you get "jobsworths" but mostly they seem to be pretty reasonable. There is 2 hour parking in my street for non-residents and some people really abuse it.no-one said on their death bed I wish I spent more time in the office!
13th July 2004, 07:40 PM #36
Originally Posted by Driver
I get the same reaction on a train when I knock off from bricklaying, wearing my totu, it must be the muddy boots that do it?
13th July 2004, 07:48 PM #37
Originally Posted by ozwinner
"Good Moaning! Wid you loke to bee some Mix Foctor Knocker Looker? It odds a leestre to your cleester!"
13th July 2004, 10:05 PM #38
Originally Posted by bitingmidge
The Australian Woodworkers Database - over 3,500 Aussie Woods listed: http://www.aussiewoods.info/
My Site: http://www.aussiewoods.info/darryl/
13th July 2004, 10:41 PM #39
Just on SilentC's hit list.
I would add polies and take the last three off, especially the police.
14th July 2004, 12:35 AM #40
Us poor IT people get blamed for everything. And rightly so most of the time.. For example without IT no forum.
Back to the point. Whilst I dislike the Bunnings attitude of catering to the lowest common denominator. I have found that some of the Bunnings staff to be quite excellent and extremely frustrated with their employers attitude to sell junk. A number of the staff at Belrose Bunnings especially working nights are doing second jobs. Some of the elder staff are ex tradies with health problems etc.
Now I'm not saying all there staff are wonderful. However, I have been surprised by how helpful the staff can be if you give them half a chance.
Further to the IT comment.
I must be cursed. My job role is a Consulting IT Architect.
Consulting: I get paid for telling you the time by reading it from your watch.
IT Architect: I design computer systems and then have to watch while other programmers destroy these perfect designs by trying to make them work.Greg Lee
Old hackers never die, their TTL expires....
14th July 2004, 10:15 AM #41
Geez you're a hard lot. Don't you know the meaning of the phrase "tongue in cheek"?
"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
14th July 2004, 10:33 AM #42
Originally Posted by silentC
14th July 2004, 10:37 AM #43
Should I add Americans to the list? Is being an American a career choice?
"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
14th July 2004, 10:41 AM #44Is being an American a career choice?
14th July 2004, 11:51 AM #45
You could add farmers to that list.
They are the biggest pack of moaners you’ll ever come across. “The grain crop isn’t big enough”, “cattle prices have dropped”, “there’s not enough water in the dams”, “there’s too much water lying around”, “the government won’t secure cane prices”, “have you seen the price of diesel lately”, “there’s not enough rain to grow grass”, “the mongrel grass gets out of control after the spring rains and before you know it we'll have another bushfire” …. And last but not least…
“Don’t get me wrong, I love farming”
Eastie, the non-farming farm type.