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Thread: Am I over reacting...
8th March 2008, 09:57 PM #1
Am I over reacting...
I walk into the kitchen to find my wife spraying the counter down with Mortein bug spray, she hates ants. My first thought is what the hell are you doing, I don't say that of course. As far as I know this shyte is poison and will kill most anything in the right dose. Long story short she gets all defiant when I say that's a pretty dumb thing to do spraying poison that will last at least a week on all the surfaces I will be preparing food on and eating off of. Shes now in the kitchen all pi55ed off cause I reprimanded her for it.
Am I over reacting in not wanting to be poisoned?
8th March 2008, 10:03 PM #2
She is probably mad because she did a silly thing and was called on it.
I reckon I'd be unhappy eating food prepared on those surfaces too.
8th March 2008, 10:19 PM #3
I would make amends by cleaning the infected area with a hot water and white vinegar solution, then go buy a pack of outdoor surface spray and spray around the windows, door frames, external pipes and waste grids ..this should prevent further infestations and keep the household on a happy medium ...we all make mistakes .......but do we all make amends?
8th March 2008, 10:41 PM #4
You probably should have said that it may not be a good idea to do that on a food preparing surface, and that you would pop down in the morning and get some suitable ant powder and go around and treat the entrance areas to the house. No one likes to be told they have done a dumb thing, even if they have done a really dumb thing
8th March 2008, 10:44 PM #5
It'll pass m8 give her a hug...........................
Just Do The Best You Can With What You HAve At The Time
8th March 2008, 10:46 PM #6
I have an aversion to bug sprays altogether, only bought one can of surface spray in the last 10yrs or more. And it is kept away from food surfaces. Hate the cockies, but ants don't phase me at all, they're usually only after a drink or to let you know you haven't wiped a spillage. Flies...well there's screens and a swatter; spiders I catch and let go outside. Nothing else crawling about the place deserves to be poisoned, except termites maybe. I'd prefer a bit of an ecosystem than a sterile lab to live in!
Cheers,Andy Mac
Change is inevitable, growth is optional.
8th March 2008, 11:16 PM #7
Geez, I think you are overreacting a bit. Since being a kitchen bench I assume its not overly pourous, so give it a wipe down with warm water and detergent and go on your merry way. I promise you won't die. And I thought the women were the drama queens!!
8th March 2008, 11:43 PM #8
Well I did apologize for being a bit harsh
She wiped down everything though I plan to go over everything again myself
as I still can't believe the naivety
of such an act. Especially considering the way she acted when the pest control guy sprayed the cat dishes outside. I guess the cats mean more to her than me
9th March 2008, 12:05 AM #9
You prepare directly on the bench, not on a preparation board, god your dumb.
9th March 2008, 12:25 AM #10
Do not repeat the cleaning off she has done. You are going to make her feel like she is totally useless and can't even clean properly.
9th March 2008, 08:29 AM #11
Also not too mention what those sprays can do too the finish...
9th March 2008, 09:28 AM #12
Pests and sprays
My better half is a demon when it comes to using spray can insecticides. Mind you we have a can that has been sitting here for about two years as we don,t use it very often. To her credit SWMBO will not allow the use of sprays in the kitchen but if she sees a coackroach or spider any where then it's fair game. The said offenders don't get just a squirt. They get drowned!! If it weren't for that acn of spray would last a decade.
9th March 2008, 10:28 AM #13
Your asking the wrong question....
..........yep....all the above are relevent....BUT...is there a bug & ant problem?
Now, if there is...What have you done about it....perhaps she would like you to offer some idea's in how to alliviate this....you know working together is the best in all things....
....its all in the approach...."hey...babydoll...you trying to poison us...??.......let me help you find another way to get rid of these critters....."
or...."honey...I'm sorry about my big feet....I always seem to be putting them in my mouth when I go to speak to you... I should have asked what I could do to help you?......
LOVE .....is worth every little bit of help you can get.
Now if there isn't a bug problem....then theres something else bugging her.....maybe just you need to refresh your time & togetherness....
...females aren't like dead-wood....we can't be moulded into something were not.....we're more like a living tree we can bend and adapt, with the warmth of sunlight & love... can influence our life....
ie...don't start trying to mould us with an arbortec's....try a very fine grit sand paper first....LOL
Cheers mate....all the best....don't be afraid to ask for help....everyone needs to be more honest in todays world, I congratulate you for asking!
http://groups.msn.com/WOODWORKCountryCottageDon't think you're playing it safe by walking in the middle of the road.....that's the surest way to get hit by traffic coming from both ways!
I'm passionate about woodwork.......making Sawdust again & loving it!
9th March 2008, 09:38 PM #14
C'mon, Matt, how long have you been married?
Repeat after me:
It was my fault. I was wrong. I'm sorry. Here are some flowers.
Sooner you get that down pat, the better for your relationship.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
9th March 2008, 09:48 PM #15Do not repeat the cleaning off she has done. You are going to make her feel like she is totally useless and can't even clean properly.
My missus sprays so much of Mortein onto spiders that turn white with all of the poison. I think the spider drowns in the stuff before the poison has a chance to kill it!
I don't bother saying anything any more.It's better to be thought of as a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt!