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  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Toowoomba Qld.


    Quote Originally Posted by tea lady View Post
    That "Southern Ice Clay is actually from Melbourne." Made by Clayworks, relatively close by in Dandenonge. I think the Southern Ice name was supposed to refer to southern hemisphere because it was positioning itself in the market next to Leach and Limogue Porcelain from England and France. (Both these cost an arm and a leg. Southern Ice only costs a leg.) Tis beautiful stuff. Quite a lots of potters in these parts use it. There is a low fired version called Cool Ice which fires to cone 4ish. Is translucent and everything and also very nice, but also expensive. I have used it for small things like buttons and beads. Its too expensive to "production throw" with. I use another middle fire clay also made by Clayworks called "Middle Fire Quarz". I am not wanting translucency, only vitrified porcelain like clay.

    So where do yu teach Andy?
    Hm, I heard it was developed at the uni in Hobart...duff gen there.
    I am (or have been untill recently) studio manager for the art dept at USQ in Toowoomba Qld. Get to know all the equipment inside out, but I'm not a potter (aka Mudmucker!)...troubleshooting kilns was one of my tasks, along with pottery wheels. I do teach in Sculpture, wood and metalwork, and continue to once a week. Keeps my hand in while I'm chief domestic engineer!

    Andy Mac
    Change is inevitable, growth is optional.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Well, maybe it was developed in Tassy. Not quite sure now that you mention it. It is made in Dandenong though.

    So the technical assistant eh! Most humble position can really make a department a pleasure to work in or a nightmare. When I was studying, the technical assistant was the grumpiest old Russian guy you ever met. Was a bit tricky to negotiate until I had an enormous argument with him. He liked me after that. And my hubby works in a place where the tech assistant is a frustrated teacher and the only way he can wield power is to make life difficult for everyone. Locked more and more things away in cupboards, and it has to be life and death situation for him to consider your request. Hell.

    And a bit of teaching. I think it would be really great facilitating others art. I am starting some classes from my home studio after Easer. Really looking forward to it.
    ea Lady

    (White with none)
    Follow my little workshop/gallery on facebook. things of clay and wood.

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