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Thread: NC Lacquer vs. Oil
5th July 2004, 01:02 AM #1
NC Lacquer vs. Oil
As I mentioned on other posts I am doing a small hall table in Jarrah/Silver ash and I was going to finish it with NC Lacquer however I have read many posts mentioning Danish Oil or Organoil for this sort of work.
I am fairly familiar with NC Lacquer and living 3 blocks from the factory I can get it at a reasonable price.
I like NCL because it is quite easy to apply, very forgiving and dries very fast however I am ready to change method if there is something more suited.
Could someone familiar with both methods do a quick comparative of +- of each ?
5th July 2004, 07:44 AM #2
All the fors and againsts arn't really going to help. Go get some of the oil and give it a try, onbviously on some scrap first though and see if you like the results.
Personally I dislike oil finish's but they have they're place,
7th August 2008, 03:08 AM #3
G'day ....USE THE NITRO !!,danish oil has a polyurethane base and unless you are familliar with its application you WILL STUFF IT UP( looks a bit average too) organ oil is OK BUT it will need about 20 coats and a long drying time before a light buff with old wet and dry paper to give it a nice lustre,try a coat of sanding sealer + 1 top coat .let it dry 24hrs then use a beeswax finish and a bit of elbow grease, MIX HARD BEESWAX WITH PURE GUM TURPENTINE TO A PASTE, APPLY WITH CLOTH >THEN BUFF AFER 15MINS .....TRUST ME I'M A FRENCH POLISHER !!....CHEERS ADRIAN.
7th August 2008, 08:20 AM #4
Ummm Adrian your about 4 years too late on answering this one...
9th August 2008, 12:00 PM #5
Yes , I noticed that after I posted it, what a DUFFER I AM !!!, Did I answer the question though !! YES I DID !!......
9th August 2008, 12:12 PM #6