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Thread: Shane????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Shane????

    Wild Dingo where for art thou? The beers getting warm !
    Cmon Shane we miss you.
    Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!

    Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.

    Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
    I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    I'll 2nd that

    Could it be he is in the middle of moving house?

    Finishing all those projects WIP's

    Floating his boat and gone fishing

    Maybe he got work

    maybe a Poll on whats Dingo doing

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default The Wild Dingo Mystery. Shane? All is forgiven.

    Shane?????????? Dingo!!!!!!!!!!
    You must be mighty busy ! We all hope you are not experiencing some grief! SWMBO is looking after you we expect!
    Ok...Ok !!!!!! ..........I'm sorry about those wise cracks Re: your beard. And I'm sorry I ever mentioned the Blackwood slabs you cut several mnths ago and I'm sorry about saying that the flies in WA are huge buggers and how they hang around you!

    Pleeeeeeeeas? come back!

    Well! If you're sooo busy making things,....lets see the pics!!!!! Or pics of your house moving progress. You know? Messy rooms with boxes eveywhere and the trailer full to the brim ready to unload and the wife about to belt you with a bedside lamp. Pics!
    How long does it take to set up your comp Shane? Gawwwwwwd!
    That doesn't take long . Gawwwwwwd! You are not technophobic. What? What's that? ha he.

    Cmon all!.............. Ask?........... Where is Wild Dingo? What do you think has caused him to leave us,... without observation of our activities.

    Love and kisses from us all Shane.
    Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!

    Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.

    Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
    I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    North Of The Boarder


    Love & Kisses now thats taking it to far

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Perth,Western Australia.


    Yeah I too have been wondering where he's at.

    I hope all is well down Brunswick way.

    Cheers Macca

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    Has he eloped with Brickie ?
    Regards, Bob Thomas

  7. #7
    Calm's Avatar
    Calm is offline Stubby Owner and proud of it. Now coming back to Earth.:D
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    Niddrie, Victoria


    The lack of contribution from Dingo is worryintg maybe he read the post 4 up

    Could be scared off by the thought there could be one of them "CHAP'S" waitin for him.


    "Tell him he's dreamin."
    "How's the serenity" (from "The Castle")

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default I saw him last night here on WWF.

    Shane??? You've been sprung. Now get on here! Saw you were on last night. How long does it to move house? Gawwwwwd.

    Cheers Tony.
    Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!

    Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.

    Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
    I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Broome West Aussie


    Me?... Well...

    Seems the missus decided after her holiday to Singapore with her family that she no longer wanted to be "the missus" anymore... came back saw the third eldest daughters wedding done and then stuck around for Chrissy shot through with her mob down south for New Years came back and started looking for a house for herself... sans me... moved out day before my birthday

    Its slowly getting "easier" if thats the right word... "life just is" is a better way to put it... supposed to be having the little bits week about but she keeps shootin through overseas with her family so Ive pretty much had them since she left... except last week... BLOODY HELL talk about a tomb!! SILENCE COMPLETE AND UTTER FRIGGIN SILENCE... never felt anything like it before... and the sadness MAN strewth I KNOW Ive never been this sad before.

    Anyway to keep myself from going completely troppo and loosing the plot which I came bloody close to a couple of weeks ago... had gun was gonna do it till I came to my friggin sences... but now am keeping busy as hell painting this place from top to bottom sooooooooooooo much prep work its friggin amazing I didnt rebuild the damned house!!! putty EVERYWHERE!!! $1500 of paint later the ceilings and walls look bloody FANFRIGGINTASTIC... I spent another 700 on material for the curtains and man I tell yer what this place do dress up purty!... a nice wee white picket fence and shes a womans dream house! well that and a dash more paint on the outside a new carport and a deck out the back along with a 2mtr porch out the front it will be... oooh and hiring a dingo to get rid of the poxy blue metal on the driveway that is... some cleanup down the back and bobs yer uncle

    But busy? Hell I get to lay down at 2am ish and am back up and into it by 5.30am... it cought up with me the day before yesty though and fair belted me for 6 totally physically exhausted and emotionally drained so locked the door and laid down... JUST heading off to sleep when who waltzes in? Jo does... her and the nippers... couldnt friggin wait to get them over to me so she can "do her thing"... so Im up again arnt I?... bloody hell... so I sort the nippers out to share a room for the night and back into it 4am dropped dead to the world on the floor surrounded by tins of paint ended up with me noggin layin in a pool of "regatta blue" paint... bastard of a thing to get out of these curls I can tell you

    Anyway... keeping busy as all hell... got a bloke coming out this arvo to go over the thicknesser and jointer with me MAYBE then I can actually use the blasted things without hearin terrifying clanging banging and having rollers fall out or blades wizzz past ones head... actually havent been anywhere near the shed for 5 months now... gawd nows how much dust snakes an other critters are now living there... just havent been able to get out there

    Anyways there you go why I havent been around much lately... and why I probably wont be around very much for awhile

    Well other than going bush as soon as my new to me ubeaut Prado comes back from the yard after they fix THEIR stuffup... they did a complete oil filter change and service BEFORE I took delivery of it... ubeauty I thought and buggared off bush to Collie and some places out that way got to 2am started heading home headed up to daughter and son in laws place the next day and when I was about to leave theres this massive puddle under her... so Dan slid under her an began cursing worse than a one armed man handcuffed to a dogs house needing passion... and back to the yard we went... the "mechanic" who did the oil change had OVERTIGHTENED the gearbox housing nut and CRACKED THE DAMNED HOUSING!!!...

    Sooo I had her for all of 12 hours and shes been back there for near a week... better get the bastard back TODAY at the latest TOMORROW or I WILL be going to see Consumer affairs and the ministry of fair trading on Thursday!! But will wait till then and drive the peice of crap Outlander juice guzzler they gave me

    Initial intention was to get a Forester but it gave my dicky knees the heebie jeebies and wasnt a 4x4 anyways soooo... when Dan (mechanic) came with me to test and go over the thing he shook his head and walked around the yard "HEY!! HAVE A DEKKO AT THIS ONE DAD" 10K cheeper a few more Ks on the clock but WAY WAY BEDDERAH for an old fart... one foot on the floor slide bum on seat and in... that easy... and go??? STREWTH!!!... shes a beauty just some dipstick tried to be a smartarse and when it cracked bunged some devlack on it and sent me on my way!... didnt set did it? Nope dipstick didnt realize that when its wet Devlack dont go hard... so it leaked then it phissed oil everywhere... we near on ignored it and just headed bush to let it kill itself and get a new gearbox but well I try to do the right thing even if no one else does doesnt mean I dont have to so back to the yard it went

    But life is good right?... RIGHT?????

    Cheers for the thoughts people its kinda good to know people give a shyte eh!
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  10. #10
    ss_11000 is offline You've got to risk it to get the biscuit
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    welcome back shane.

    sorry to hear about all that ... hope it gets better for you soon

    S T I R L O

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Lindfield N.S.W.


    Shyte Shane

    That's a bloody bummer. Chin up lad and remember that if you need to unload on some blokes about how unfair it all is, we's all here behind you (so long as you don't become a self-absorbed wally).

    I had the weirdest moment today - SWMBO rang to say that she and the 3yo went to their Wed playgroup and met another mother and kid. The mother is the younger sister of a girl I used to go out with - she (the then girlfriend) broke it up and then had a pretty tragic few years and ended up dying in unexpalined circs. V sad.

    Now the kid sister is telling my wife that it all went wrong when her sis broke up with me....Ah well - at least SWMBO knows that leaving me is not good for you.....

    If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly

  12. #12
    Calm's Avatar
    Calm is offline Stubby Owner and proud of it. Now coming back to Earth.:D
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    Shane stick with it. I went through that about 14 years ago, it gets easier and quickly you will find the ones that love you are right there to support you.

    Chin up and Stuff everyone do what WD wants for a while and enjoy life again.


    "Tell him he's dreamin."
    "How's the serenity" (from "The Castle")

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Good to see your safe return Shane

    sounds like the shed has moved indoors would save running power cords to the tainer

    Auto trouble you finally parted with the F100

    All this painting & work and not one photo so it didn't happen

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Perth,Western Australia.


    Sorry to hear all that Shane. I hope things improve in the future.

    Cheers Macca.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Found you.!

    Aghhhhhh! There you are. I thought I should send out a search party thread for you, and it's worked.

    Stay with us Shane.

    You haven't been in the shed for 5 mnths? You gotta shed. I don't. Frig me! Brothers keep bringing ????? and fill it up.

    Faaaarout. You've been busy. Please keep yourself distracted and keep that work around the house going.

    I got an idea. You reckon you could fly yourself to Melb and come have a Bbq with a few of us? Sink a few cans of ? A drinkathon. We can all get sponsered? ha he.
    Gawwd if you coulda come to Portland, fishing with me and catch stuff all like I just did! Got bk on Fri.

    Can anyone offer Shane a few nights accom?
    What I'm getting at is.....without reminding you need a short break. C'mon down Sth Shane. Airfares are cheap aren't they?
    Spend some dough on yerself.

    Come and watch Richmond smash their opposition in Rnd two of the AFL.
    You are now a Richmond Supporter. ha he ha.

    Hey Shane. I wanna build a Clinker. I got a itch for boats. I started scratching only last week and I can't stop.
    Went to Nth warf in Melb opp the Bolte Bridge and saw some space in a wooden boat shed for rent. $ 3 sqr mtr to build. Byo tools. Oh ohhh....I forgot ...I know nothing about boats. But you could come down and teach me and some others?

    C'mon Shane.
    Get down Sth with us.

    Stay happy, and with us young man.
    I gotta put up with depressing ????? at work as you may have read already.

    Great to hear from you again.

    Ciao......... Toe Knee.
    Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!

    Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.

    Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
    I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.

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