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Thread: Ideas for stairs
27th October 2007, 08:11 AM #1
Ideas for stairs
Hi all
I'm looking for some ideas for stairs to a deck please.
I've started building a deck but didn't really know what I was going to do for stairs. I hoped that whilst building inspiration would come to me and all would be good. Unfortunately that hasn't happened and I'm now looking for some ideas!
Take a look at the attached picture. The stairs are to go between the centre posts, approx 5.6m wide. I've marked the height off the ground at each end - 0.8 and 1.0m. I want to keep the centre section (between those two posts) open as it frames a nice bush view from the house. I also don't want the stairs taking up too much more of the grassed yard.
My only suggestion so far is to create some large "double size" stairs that go the full width. By double size I mean double a normal tread and riser size. This could double up as a seat too. Then down the middle I would have an intermediate step on each double step so there would be a normal stair size set of stairs right the way up the middle (approx 2m wide.)
Or perhaps some sort of tapering stairs that get narrower as they get closer to the ground?
Any suggestions most welcome.
Many thanks in advance.Last edited by Loki429; 27th October 2007 at 08:13 AM. Reason: oops - forgot to attach the picture!
27th October 2007, 10:00 AM #2
I would go with the full width between posts. If you only make a standard width step you are going to form a track in the grass where it stops, by going full width between posts you will eliminate a lot of that.
Have double wide treads and only single height risers. It would keep the open look you are after. As you say it will also add a couple of seats if needed for the backyard cricket.Jim Carroll
One Good Turn Deserves Another. CWS, Vicmarc, Robert Sorby, Woodcut, Tormek, Woodfast
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27th October 2007, 10:16 PM #3
28th October 2007, 03:21 PM #4
A set of wide stairs in matching decking
A few ideas... Stairs chew up space and the deeper the tread the more space you use..... Divide your deck to ground height by 180mm to get the number of risers ... you have 1 less tread than risers... you come out into yard tread depth by number of treads
cheers utemad
21st November 2007, 08:49 PM #5
I finally decided on a design for the stairs and have started construction.
The attached pics pretty much tell the story!
Its a work in progress with another level still to be added.
22nd November 2007, 10:07 AM #6
Curious about the pics you posted for Loki. Are the stairs proper stringer constructed or big box frame on smaller box frame on smaller box frame etc.....?
Dr - 307.All decks should be stained....black white black white black white.......after all it would match anything!
All roofs should be covered or tiled.....black colorbond, silver mist, black colorbond, silver mist, black colorbond.........after all, we wouldn't want a mismatch!
22nd November 2007, 10:47 AM #7
That's going to look really good Loki.
Have you considered return mitering the boards around the corner of the step, as in UteMad's second photo?
It's a question of taste, but it might give it a bit more 'flair'.
22nd November 2007, 12:45 PM #8
I thought about doing it that way but have decided on something slightly different.
The ends of the steps will be filled in with decking too and positioned to hide the end grain. Boards will be run horizontal with one board at the front vertical. Where the two boards meet they will be mitered.
I've gone with no setback or nose too as I intend to use the steps as seating for those backyard cricket matches Jim mentions! (Or perhaps a half-time beer whilst mowing the lawn...)
23rd November 2007, 07:02 PM #9
26th November 2007, 04:03 PM #10
You just put a big smile on my face mate, THANKS!
I thought it was the box on box trick minus the rabbit. Now I know what to do. I have built stairs to messanine floors the proper stringer way but for this job I'm gonna use the box trick.
Thanks for the help brother,
Dr - 307.All decks should be stained....black white black white black white.......after all it would match anything!
All roofs should be covered or tiled.....black colorbond, silver mist, black colorbond, silver mist, black colorbond.........after all, we wouldn't want a mismatch!
14th January 2008, 10:03 AM #11
Just thought I'd post a progress pic of the steps.
Not quite finished yet - I need to close in the sides.
Very happy with how they've turned out!
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