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Thread: owner builder helppp
12th January 2008, 12:08 AM #1
owner builder helppp
hi all 1st timer here but i need some advise on laying foundations.soil is reactive and stumps have to be 1.0m down with 450mm above.the house i want to build is 15m x 8.4m i was wondering what price i would be looking at roughly to get tradies or if i should attempt it myself as budget is beyond tight lol.i want 1.2 m between posts.hope someone can help getting started is daunting.
12th January 2008, 08:43 AM #2
Nothing to see here bitingmidge...move along
I reckon you have left out about four paragraphs of info for you to get reasonably accurate advice.
What sort of footings? Brick, timber, steel?
What do the plans say?
How hard is the ground? Can a one man posthole auger work or does it need a machine (bobcat excavator). 1m down is an easy job for most machines unless there is rock.
Can you do the layout? Can you lay bricks? Is 1.2m spacings correct?
If you are owner building IMO you need to seperate what YOU can do and what you need to outsource to the professionals. For me I would need the surveyor to mark out my boundaries but would be happy digging the holes and setting posts but wouldnt try bricklaying if that was what was needed.
Heaps of info needed but I am sure someone will have the answer.
12th January 2008, 09:00 AM #3
1 metre down!!!!!
Luxury !!
(cue monthy python skit )
I found that it was worth getting someone around to get the levels rights and peg where the stumps have to go.
dont forget about treating those stumps for termites, being in Whichy there would be alot around
13th January 2008, 01:51 AM #4
thanks dazzler & bugsy.im just working this all out so i know im going to need lots of help.im going to use treated pine stumps ,the soil is clay,aust standards said 1.2m was fine i could go 1.8m but to much bounce. the house will be clad in hardiplank with tin roof.i was going to use a hole auger but i think this stage may have to be done by the pros just a bit scared about getting ripped off as that would kill the project.dose anyone have a rough idea of what i should be paying to get it set out and stumps done by a tradie.im not going to be put off by how hard this is as this is my only way of getting out of poverty for good.
13th January 2008, 08:04 AM #5
$4 per post hole if you have someone in your area with an auger, add travel time if not.
13th January 2008, 08:27 AM #6
With you on this one Brickie,
Recently had to put in 6 Fence Posts in a Paddock.
I was
Working out the costs,
in Dollars
and Time
and Wear-and-Tear on me;
if I did them my self, over a few days/week.
Day Later found out about a local Fencer who had an Auger and hydraulic ram mounted on the back of a Tractor.
Got the 6 x 8-10 Inch Hardwood posts 900mm in the ground,
and 5 Foot High,
All done in 2-3 Hours.
He placed them within 2 inches of the Survey Pegs without Moving those Pegs
All up for EVERYTHING $152.oo
Me ThinksNavvi
13th January 2008, 10:02 AM #7
13th January 2008, 11:01 AM #8
put the stumps in at 1.8 and use larger bearers/joists to eliminate bounce
13th January 2008, 11:25 AM #9
13th January 2008, 05:41 PM #10
thanks guys im definately getting a building permit and i havnt had any plans drawn up yet still waiting on them so will the plans tell me what materials to use for the stumps?my god this is definately going to be the house that jack built.does anyone want to buy it as i was intending on selling it 6mths after building it.lol
13th January 2008, 05:52 PM #11
13th January 2008, 11:08 PM #12
lol brikie might be 10 years before i finish this one lol
14th January 2008, 03:14 PM #13
your plans will tell you everything
to get a realistic quote from Tradies , they need to know what they are building
small steps , get your plans done and most probably the council will need it for a permit anyways
try not to get too stressed out, its only money
14th January 2008, 05:29 PM #14
thanks guys despite all the negatives and the total lack of knowledge im still looking forward to building it i just brought the csiro book for owner builders but im sure ill be asking lots more silly questions from you guys and who knows one day i may even finish it lol
15th January 2008, 11:53 AM #15
Bingo.......given where you are and the soils you'll be playing with plus the relatively small size of your building then I would look seriously at auger style stumps.
They basically look like post hole augers and are indeed fitted by a drill rig. For example www.instant.com.au www.steelfoundations.com.au
An alternative stump is Koppers treated timber building poles www.koppers.com.au
I'd be guessing but I'd reckon you'd probably get away with just twelve stumps at six metre spacings across the width and three metre spacings on the length. Bearers could be steel I-beam or Hyspan while joists would be Hyjoist slung between the bearers...
1.2m spacings for tiny timber stumps is totally impractical.......I just did 1.5m spacings on my stumps for an extension and even that was a little too close for practical sanity.....forever knocking soil back in the holes for starters and you'll need hundreds of the buggers!! At 1.2m, a Bobcat (and even a Dingo) will struggle to drill a hole without filling in its neighbours...Ours is not to reason why.....only to point and giggle.
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