Results 31 to 45 of 109
8th January 2008, 10:29 AM #31
8th January 2008, 10:29 AM #32
You see racism is an interesting subject. A lot people use it as a weapon to their advantage.
In Hong Kong, we call white people a white ghost (or a red hair ghost), black people a black ghost and something else for the Indians. We use these terms as a nick name only, nothing else. I know a lot of you will go bananas and I fully understand that.
My FIL still calls me a bloody Asian when I walk into their house. Sometimes he even threatens to call the police. Cheeky bastard. As much as he hates Asian, he let his daughter to marry one.
So racist or not, it is up to you.Visit my website at www.myFineWoodWork.com
8th January 2008, 10:37 AM #33
8th January 2008, 10:40 AM #34
8th January 2008, 11:04 AM #35
Err if any Aussie had of called Kumble a curry muncher there would have been Hell to pay.
And before anyone jumps in about Hogg calling Kumble a bastard, this did not raise its head until AFTER Harbijan was found guilty of Racial Abuse, (something that he had already done to Symonds in the past and was warned about doing again)...in other words Kumble thought being called a bastard was a non event...now he is just trying to go tit for tat, and that is pathetic.
All the Indian players are now trying to do is deflect the criticism that would have greeted them for losing the series when they got home.
They are as guilty of hell of inciting racial vilification and violence...look at the burning of effigies of the umpires and placards with the umpires names on them.
They are the greatest lot of hypocrites in world sport. I hope they pack up and go home like the sooky la las that they are.
As for Ricky Ponting...good on him for sticking up for a team mate.
8th January 2008, 11:05 AM #36
and don't try to call a spade a spade in England.
8th January 2008, 11:13 AM #37
8th January 2008, 11:14 AM #38
8th January 2008, 11:20 AM #39
8th January 2008, 11:22 AM #40
I heard on the news this morning, India control 80% of the worldwide cricket income.
Is all this caused by the bottom line,(money)?Cheers,
8th January 2008, 11:27 AM #41
Poor widdle cricketeers,
Indians calling them names. The australian team have been the worst sledgers in history, talk about the pot calling the kettle.....cant say "black", cant say dark, what about the pot calling the kettle devoid of light perhaps.
When I was a kid I grew up in a small county town and was called "Effo" or "Wogboy" by the aboriginal kids and "Abo" by the white kids......sheesh, better get some councilling. And they all called me "Mowgli", the jungle book kid.
Maybe Andrew needs to look in the mirror, dreadlocks, big white lips ...fair dinkum, he looks like a golliwog doll.
See ------
God save us - how did we ever get through Gallipolli and Kokoda
8th January 2008, 11:38 AM #42
And another thing,
If the indian said it and Andrew was so upset why didnt he sit him on his ?????, at least push him over.
Instead he turns to teacher - "He called me names" Blubber blubber blubber.
Where is the wit?
Remember Boonies retort to:
"Why are you so fat Boonie?"
"Cause everytime I sleep with your mother she gives me a cookie"
Grow up sooks!
8th January 2008, 11:46 AM #43
Except that:
1. Captains have been told they have to report Racial Vilification
2. Harbajan has done this before
3. Harbajan was warned not to do it again, and did it again
Racism is ugly and needs to be stamped out. Anyone who thinks it is not OK to dob in this type of behavior is worse that the racist IMO.
If you are a white anglo saxon you are a target for everyone other than white anglo saxons. Any comment, gesture, look etc is interpreted as being racist, yet we have to endure all sorts of the same back without it being construed as racist.
Calling someone a name regardless of their color, religion or ethnic background does not always make it racist. (though the monkey comment cannot be construed in any other way, Harbajan was told it was racist, yet he chose to repeat the name the next chance he got.)
If I call someone an idiot it's not because I am racist, its because I think they are an idiot. (and I am not calling anyone here any names either)
8th January 2008, 11:48 AM #44
And you don't think that's deliberate?
Nor the going through the right channels?
It's interesting I think, that it hurts so much when the coppers are brought in. How clever is it to taunt someone into making a mistake?
It's the best way of gaining control over an opponent. Have him lose the plot. That's what's happened isn't it? If he'd simply gone the biff or threatened, then there'd be no sting in that, but to actually dob, and to take the decision making process to the international board... well that's really had an impact.
Why are the Injuns going to pull out? Because they've been caught out by the INTERNATIONAL rules of cricket.
What does all this do for Ponting and Symonds' chance of a big fat 20/20 contract in India? HEAPS --- the world needs bad guys. Who were the best paid WWF Wrestlers, the good guys or the bad guys?
Wake up.
This is all about publicity, and money.
8th January 2008, 12:00 PM #45
Cos violence is not the answer
That question is derogatory the reply is derogatory. Both are funny, ITS NOT RACIST.
Doesn't anyone remember that Darren Lehman was suspended for three matches for calling a South African a kaffir. It was in the Australian dressing rooms, and was not heard by any of the South Africans yet he got 3 matches.
Makes me think that Harbajan got of lightly
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