Results 31 to 42 of 42
5th December 2007, 11:13 PM #31
only sound advice I can give here is .....be patient......and get more quotes .....money in a fools hand is easily parted
7th December 2007, 03:22 AM #32
is that right 450 just for the beading.
should be no more than 300 it would only take a carpenter a few hours, floor sanders are moslty not carpenters so may take them longer thus more cost.
16th December 2007, 07:00 PM #33
well, by way of update .... i organised with the sander guy to pull up the carpet myself (he comes in tomorrow morning to sand half and either tue or wednesday morning to do the rest) ...
Re pulling up the carpet ... it was tough! one of the walls was built over the carpet? whats with that? it seemed to go under the wall (i know that wall was added by someone else who previously renovated )... so no grip strip around the edge and i had to stanley knife the whole way around the wall (both sides) abour 10 metres worth .... was an absolute bastard of a job and it was the last wall i did i was puffing and panting hahaha that was the wrst bit but then there was also the bundling and carting down 3 flights of stairs ... council will only pick up carpet rolls 1.2m or less so i had to cut it all up into strips before i rolled it and carted it ... i reckon i did my stairs like 100 times in one day ... was so tuckered out by the time it was done! anyhow ... whinge whinge bitch bitch ...
what im posting for is ... water based paint is touch dry in x time and recoat in 2 hours from reading the can ... how long do u think before it is dry enough for me to put furniture on? I was thinking of doing 3 coats on monday night after work ... how long would u leave it before stacking all my stuff on it again?
16th December 2007, 09:43 PM #34
at least 24 to 36 hours depending on the weather,
17th December 2007, 10:05 AM #35
Great - ta. Thats pretty much what i was working towards 24-48... thanks very much.
17th December 2007, 12:46 PM #36
Just to muddy the water.....no one has suggested polyurethane paint or epoxy paint I thought they would be a better choice as far as longevity goes. You can get any colour you want and I'd guess that 24 hrs would be all you needed for curing time.
....If you havent bought your paint yet ring Nutech Paints 02 9638 7089.
17th December 2007, 05:31 PM #37
Man of Talent .... re your comments earlier in the thread ... just wondering ... you were the one who said berger jetdry - Ive had several people all point me in this direction now but every time i speak to berger they tell me absolutely not to use it on Timber floorboards as the movement is too great and it will crack ... what are your thoughts on this? Im thinking if the manufacturer is saying no then its probably not a good idea yet most people ive spoken to have pointed me in this direction ... berger seemed to be slightly more happy with me using aquatread but still not willing to recommend it as such but there were saying i would be less likely to get cracks … any ideas on the pro’s and con’s?
17th December 2007, 05:44 PM #38
17th December 2007, 07:53 PM #39
Did you know that you can mix in paint tint into single pac polurathane. It is possible and it is hard wearing.
26th December 2007, 11:22 PM #40
hey all - after everyone's help and responses and advice i thought the least i could do was post some photos of my outcome .... lots of blood sweat and tears ... not to mention numerous rollers falling apart on me (whats with that? thats never happened 2 me b4?), bathing in turps for days on end, dreaming of licorice from sleeping in amongst too many paint fumes and 2 weeks on a hard camping mattress on the splinterey floors ... and then theres the carting carpet up and down 3 flights of stairs and moving all my furniture ... looking forward to not doing anything remotely DIY for a long long time.... would have been ok if i took time off work ... might have even enjoyed it ... but painting the floor until 3am when i need to be at work by 8 the next morning definitely wasnt the funnest.... here goes with the pics anyhow - thanks for all the great responses and input ... i did actually spent time researching further lots of the suggestions.
2nd January 2008, 03:55 PM #41
After reading your thread I was a bit dubious about the choice of finish... but the end result looks fantastic. Not unlike something I saw in a magazine describing renos to a house in New York.
Well done! Inspiration for the rest of us giving it a go.
Cheers.No Pain no Gain! :U
2nd January 2008, 06:26 PM #42
Thanks! Im chuffed
everyone I spoke to told me not to do it ... but I love it albeit not to everyones taste.
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