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Thread: First Lathe?

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Mackay Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by Pete F View Post
    One question regarding, say the AL-320G. Once properly leveled, can a machine like that be "tuned" to perform quite well or will it always be a "cheap" machine.
    My personal opinion of H&F machinery is that they are a major player in the light hobby machinery market.As such they can and do have machinery made to a price ahead of the quality.

    Buy 500kgs of lathe and you will be financially responsible for its return to even make a warranty claim.Its a no brainer that if the cost of return exceeds the value of the repair the owner will opt to fix it himself wwhich then voids the warranty

    I know a couple of blokes in the trade and they reckon H&F machines are rated at the lower end of the scale as far as quality is concerned. Quality control happens at the buyers end as I haven't heard that they inspect every machine before it goes to a buyer.

    Having purchased a BP 14 bandsaw from H & F (on price ) some 10 years ago, I was dismayed when they stated they are not returning goods unless the vendor pays the transport.The bandsaw had bowed cast aluminium wheels .1mm out of concentric and miscast blade guards. The hole the guard guides ran in was 15 degrees difference from parallel to the blade.The table would not tilt all of the way of its range and the blade was out of square to the table due to the miscast pillar.

    Not everyone gets a dud machine but when you do it will cost you heaps one way or the other.

    The school before my time purchased a Hafco mill.The cherubs stuffed the draw bar threads. After waiting 5 months , still no replacement from China as Hafco don't carry that particular part.

    I can't have a class not able to do certain projects, so I made one.Not everyone is as fortunate as i am to have acess to machinery and tooling to carry out effective repairs.

    Don't let the upfront dollars over influence your purchase decision.I don't want anyone to get caught the way ,I did

    Putting my flack jacket on now.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    No I think you're spot on re the money side of things Grahame. Like most (all) of us here I'm not exactly swimming in the deep end of the $$$$ pool but I have money set aside for this. As I mentioned above I don't want a toy that can only do rough work ...I leave that to the operator, just don't want to blame my tools this time.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2007


    Grahame - warm isn't it

    Doesn't seem that the H&F stuff can be any worse than your own experience.

    On the point of large vs small - I think H&F would be small compared to Harbour Freight, Enco and Grizzly in the USA. Now they would have the muscle to determine exact specs.

    Hare and Forbes would be able to spec colours etc and general accessories but I doubt they would have much control over build quality - price would determine that - which is why they offer chinese and taiwanese machines in the common 12x36 and 14x40 sizes. Pay an extra $1k plus and get Taiwanese or save some $$ and experience less than 100% satisfaction.

    I must say I have had good experience with H&F for purchasing tooling. Get a discount without asking etc.


  4. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Since first posting I've basically come full circle with this and have decided to look at a used lathe. Graeme and Ken, you suggested looking for some coming out of schools etc. Not being in the educational field myself I've just been watching internet auction sites. I'm in Sydney and wondered about other options for finding out when these machines were coming up for sale? Feel free to PM if you wish.


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Ballarat, Vic, Australia


    Mick Moyles in Sydney have a Hercus listed for $975. Has screw cutting gearbox. Surely worth a look. See their website.


  6. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    sydney, NSW


    I am going thru this hunt for a hobby lathe and i am space restricted (so no old big one for me!). Im in Sydney btw.

    There are 2 stand outs in the chinese machines that I have found. The smaller 8x14" lathe that minitech sell locally in QLD and is popular in the US

    and the new Sieg C4 with 1000watt!!! motor. roughly an 8x17 Carbatec have it locally
    If at first you don't succeed, hit it with a hammer!

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