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Thread: Election
24th November 2007, 10:13 PM #1
Couldn't understand the closed election poll thread, so I'll say it here, the poll was wrong...we've got a (I was gonna say Ruddslide) change of government...
Will we have a headache in the morning?
CheersAndy Mac
Change is inevitable, growth is optional.
24th November 2007, 10:25 PM #2
24th November 2007, 11:42 PM #3
There will be a lot to take notice of in the days ahead.
We have a dithering and shadow of a candidate who is now PM. It remains to be seen how well they can do the job but a fine government has been chucked out for the sake of a change.
Baffles me
StudleyAussie Hardwood Number One
25th November 2007, 01:23 AM #4
I agree Studley.
I know the building industry will get the shivers.
Small business operators will have to be far more carefull employing people if at all.
It will be interesting to see how well he can controll the Union element and the left. Already Gillard is saying we have a mandate to abollish Work Choices, yet Rudd watered down what they would abollish in the campain. Now it will be interesting to see what he will do.Great plastering tips at
25th November 2007, 07:29 AM #5
I agree with Studley.... thank the lord I am retired
25th November 2007, 07:35 AM #6
25th November 2007, 07:55 AM #7
anyone want to take a wager on how long before Gillard makes a bigger push to be cattle dog.
I would love to grow my own food, but I can not find bacon seeds
25th November 2007, 08:52 AM #8
Australians have always vascillated between the left and the right in politics. This means that who we are is located somewhere in the middle. In fact, I think it's fair to say that we like to be somewhere between the European left and the American right. I think it's a great system and one we should be proud of.
I accept that I'm weird, but I sat down at 5.30 to watch the election, switching backwards and forwards between the three channels, sipping wine, and watched it until 9, then 7 faded, and finally the ABC ended it's coverage. To me this is heaven.
25th November 2007, 08:57 AM #9
I work in an industry very heavily reliant on power (electicity). When I turned on the radio this morning I heard a conservationist from whatever green group, spruking the fact Rudd promissed to ratify the Kioto protocol.
If we can't use brown coal and they don't want nuclear, how on earth are we going to power industry?
How long will it be before the radical union organisers crawl from under the rocks they've been hiding under?
With only 7 years until I can retire...............I"M SCARED !!!!
25th November 2007, 09:06 AM #10
Before we start bashing we should learn whats ahead...
25th November 2007, 09:36 AM #11
Harry is on the money. It might end up being a very good government, that remains to be seen. There were many contradictions in the Rudd campaign, such as caring about reducing greenhouse gas and caring that petrol cost too much. If the price of petrol doubled wouldn't it reduce the amount we burn and reduce greenhouse gasses? Just one example. The Rudd government will now have to reconcile those contradictions, how good their government turns out to be will depend on it.
When I was formerly in business the IRC brought in unfair dismissal conditions for small business. I was angry as they were effectively taking away my dream of growing my business and employing people. Unfair dismissal laws make it much more risky to employ people.
Talking about contradictions Rudd's Razor Gang goes up against Rudd's many inquiries. The razor gang aims to cut waste but inquiries increase bureaucracy. Which on we have will be interesting to see.
Of course the other important thing is how the Liberal Party bounces back from it's defeat. A good part of the swing to Labor was due to the big swing against Latham at the previous election and the electorate was returning more to it's normal position. Should the Liberal Party present ideas and focus on balancing the government rather than brawling with itself then our democracy will manage to stay on it's feet and the government will be prevented from wild extravagances.
StudleyAussie Hardwood Number One
25th November 2007, 09:46 AM #12
What a win. Though I didnt vote for Rudd I actually feel pretty good this morning.
The greens preferances got them the extra seats they needed so it will be interesting to watch the power struggle from the greens.
First to go will be the pump mill and will be a real test to see if the greens do have the power.
A simple threat from bob brown that the preferances for the next election will be withdrawn and they are a one term team.
25th November 2007, 09:53 AM #13
25th November 2007, 09:58 AM #14
This fear of the unions as if Stalin was about to take power in Australia and turn the country into a Soviet Union amuses me. It's reminescent of the "reds under the beds" era and shows how successfully the coalition's PR machine tapped into peoples simple fears.
I think Kevin Rudd made it clear last night that he wants to work against differences identified as the Union/Business, State/Federal, inigenous/non-indigenous dichotomies.
People who start talking negatively about the country's future under Labor are engaging in self-fulfilling prophesies. Even the most red-necky Australian would agree that a lot of the money John Howard was throwing around should be channelled towards improving our health systems.
25th November 2007, 09:58 AM #15
"Doesn't baffle me, I reckon the thought of having Costello as PM was enough to turn the tide! "
And the tought of Rudd and Gillard as our leaders inspires you ??
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