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Thread: things seem a little dull
20th November 2007, 08:15 PM #16
Als not around so much. Thats the problem.
20th November 2007, 08:15 PM #17
sorry, BW, i'm not trying to start a "biased moderaters row"
I think 99.9 of moderators are doing a hard job well and appreciate thier work.
They smack us only when neccessery
but I'm stubborn and would still like to know why yesterdays thread was locked
20th November 2007, 08:38 PM #18
OK, back on topic
A guy recognises a bomb stuck on his car,
he drives the car to a less built up area,
is he brave, dumb or both.
20th November 2007, 09:01 PM #19
G'day Astrid,
Nah, didn't edit your post....deleted the first of my posts because I nudged the mouse whilst typing.
On a Mac that sends the post into Limbo....hence my deletion of my post.
Then I followed it up with witty stuff........"Rust Never Sleeps"
There Ya go
20th November 2007, 09:52 PM #20
20th November 2007, 09:52 PM #21
I hate Text Messages. in regards to things that need an answer or followup question. I always get them when I am driving etc. etc.
Whats wrong with a quick call!
no one wants to talk to me any more!!!
I work all day alone and then all I get is text messages!! No one even answers my threads!! I run a how to DIY reno on another forum, lots look at it and no one can even say Hi!!!
Talk to me !! Talk to me!!!! I am so over 6 yerar old talk!!
20th November 2007, 10:08 PM #22
IMHO he is neither brave or dumb but absolutely stupid and irresponsible.
He put himself and everyone else that he passed and the people living in the streets he drove through at risk rather than having the problem dealt with by the authorities when he discovered the bomb.
He should be locked up in the nuthouse with some others I know.
20th November 2007, 10:09 PM #23
20th November 2007, 10:48 PM #24
G'day Celeste,
what are you up to??
21st November 2007, 12:19 AM #25
Hi celeste
wots rong? wont anybody tlk wit u?
21st November 2007, 07:18 AM #26
Hi Astrid
What made him look??
How did he know it was a bomb???
Who was after him so badly to take out other people as well??
Who ever planted the bomb had to be just as "absolutely stupid and irresponsible".
He saved liveshe did what Aussies used to do think of others first not himself.
Last edited by RETIRED; 21st November 2007 at 07:46 AM. Reason: Cleaning it up.
21st November 2007, 08:11 AM #27
He should have done exactly what I would have done..... DELEGATE!
Astrid, don't feel so bad, I have been spammed, deleted, moderated, "spoken to" and once I even got to delete myself and every post I had ever made.... the power the power!!! Don't worry about it, the Mooderators do OK, especially now that the loony bricky has left the building.
21st November 2007, 12:54 PM #28
hi celeste,
what would you like to talk about?
21st November 2007, 05:55 PM #29
Hi all
Thanks every one, Hi everyone!!
Today I finished installing all the kitchen cabinets in my current reno.
I start gutting the laundry tomorrow!
What are you up to Astrid, ss_11000, watson, sturdee and all?
21st November 2007, 06:18 PM #30
hi celeste,
I'm not up to much at the moment, trying to juggle 2 kids, two jobs, a bp partner, housework isnt leaving much time for my real business.
I'm rebuilding an edwardian gentlemans chair.
I know that spending time with kids alone can drive you up the wall'
(how do you play cars?)
but believe you me this will pass and you'll look back and wonder when it started getting really hard .
somtimes just take a breath, put down what your trying desparatly to do and take them to an art gallery with a picnic or go to the park with a book.
we women often try to do too much at once,
does it really matter if the sheets are unwashed or the carpets un vacumed or you didnt get that door rehung.
take some time out for yourself and tell the kids to go away, it wont kill them to have to amuse themselves
tim tams make you fat
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