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  1. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Cliff Rogers View Post
    You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time.
    Lydgate's famous quote was actually somewhat different to that, and Lincoln adapted a version substituting 'fool' for 'please'. But I'm being quite pedantic now which is oft my bent, so feel free to reply with a healthy dose of derision.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cliff Rogers View Post
    Don't get caught trying to please yourself.
    Ah, what's life without it's little (or in my case large) pleasures, but that's some wise advice there Cliffy.

    Have a nice day.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Western Australia

    Thumbs up The humours still here

    Some interesting discussion here about "where has the Humour gone" ,I dont think its gone in fact it has retained that same OZ compliment to taking the 'mickey' giving some of it but basically without intended offense.

    Seen these forums grow somewhat and it is due to the work behind the scenes that moderators do that they're prepared to give so much of their own time in keeping the 6000 odd membership on an even keel. Imagine trying to do that without the impartiality and fairmindedness thats required so all credit goes to these guy's

    I was once approached to Moderate but I could'nt give the time and obvious effort required due to events going on on a personal basis and therefore had to decline a gracious offer much my own dismay at the time as this forum can and does mean a lot in as much as it is a source of information,humility and jocular entertainment.

    You would have to go along way to find a forum such as this with the overall content that it displays is the reason I stay and enjoy.

    Keep the hilarity,humour and the good natured banter entertaining as it always is.


    Everyone has a photographic memory, some just don't have film.

  3. #63
    ss_11000 is offline You've got to risk it to get the biscuit
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    this thread took too long to read.
    S T I R L O

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by boban View Post
    Sorry, but that irks me more than anything. Closing a thread should be an absolute last resort. I don't think it should be done where a thread involves some degree of controversy.

    And John, do you remember how it ended with that particular member who spat the dummy? My perception of it was that some where taking the micky, like they did with the pen turners. And for what its worth, I'll bet my last dollar that the majority of forumites would agree that pen turning is about as interesting as .........well, I'll let you finish the metaphor.

    There is crap I don't like here and there. What I do like about both places is the majority of the people that frequent them, albeit unlike myself, they have many character flaws.

    In my (as has been suggested by some) not so humble opinion (IMNSHO) the moderation has changed somewhat since I first joined up. So have some of the regular posters (not to mention the jokes forum). That is something we all have to get a handle on I would have thought. Nothing stays the same in my experience.

    I remember the hijacked threads. That doesn't seem to happen anymore. In some cases, it is all for the better, but in others (especially where there is some wit involved) I don't think it is.

    I know from my personal experience that I have hijacked a thread by responding to a poster by referring, in part, to what he said in another thread. IMNSHO, it was witty and I got a greeny for it too. For those who can remember, it was about cowboys. Well, that post was deleted. It wasn't offensive or objectionable on any grounds other than being "off topic" to the degree that it did not respond to the original question. Now I didn't agree with that.

    That is why some people refer to this forum as being sterile. Some might say it is too serious.

    Now I will defend the moderators (not that they need it) as it is one of those tasks that draws attention to an individual for mostly the wrong reasons. It can't be easy and I again thank them for their efforts.

    So in conclusion, I would say that the filter has become somewhat too fine. That in turn has killed off some of the humour along with the undesirable crap.

    Now I was thinking about buying a tablesaw. What do you reckon I can get for $100?
    Brilliant Boban,

    I wish I had your pensmanship. Thats what I have been trying to say



  5. #65
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Broome West Aussie


    Where did the humour go?
    Sorry to disappoint... but I havent gone anywhere! Im still here

    Seriously? heck I'll give it a go no wukkers!

    I reckon the humors still here hasnt changed buggar all... just you gotta wade through hundreds of threads to get the funny stuff is all... MATE! THIS PLACE HAS GROWN!! Humor is all around you... and us... the forum has a fair bit of fun and frivolity perhaps not as much as awhile back but well moderation takes its toll I guess but thats cool no worries...

    For myself Im trying to contain my writings on the forums and letting rip in the blog area... Now THAT was a good idea Neil!! ...seems to make sence to do so thats all... that way I can let loose as much as I want an even go of track as far as I like hyjack myself shanghai myself... whatever... all without offending anyone... way I see it is that way I can keep pretty much on tack on the forums and the urge I have to write copious amounts to explain what Im saying is voided and I actually have started to get short concise and to the point ...occasionally hey Im tryin Im tryin!

    As for the other place... well I havent been there for months and have no interest in doing so lifes too short to bother with somethings and thats one of them... I actually have no issues with anyone over there even one who thinks I have a problem with him I dont... well okay there is one but hey we cant please everyone and theres always gonna be one dipstick we dont get along with so thats cool no wukkers here... for the rest of the bods over there that come here theyre okay in my book... but me Im done with the thing and havent and wont go back there.

    Sometimes when explosions happen and the plot is lost its best to come back after a time away to smooth the waters and over a short period let them know its over... then just walk away... saves a continued feud or angst or even perhaps feelings of hurt whatever it calms the waters and its all good again.

    Gotta say one thing bout that though... sometimes... just sometimes its a bloody good feelin to just LET RIP! SPIT THE DUMMY! LOOSE THE PLOT! and generally tell all and sundry what you REALLY think

    But the humor mate... its still here and if you cant find it your either not lookin hard enough or not typin!!
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Wild Dingo View Post

    As for the other place... well I havent been there for months and have no interest in doing so lifes too short to bother with somethings and thats one of them... I actually have no issues with anyone over there even one who thinks I have a problem with him I dont... well okay there is one but hey we cant please everyone and theres always gonna be one dipstick we dont get along with so thats cool no wukkers here... for the rest of the bods over there that come here theyre okay in my book... but me Im done with the thing and havent and wont go back there.
    Didnt you see Neils post?

    The, them/us, we/not we.
    Its a dead issue.

    I really dont know why you lot keep going on about it?

    I am a member of a F250 forum.
    I am a member of a building forum.
    I am a member of a photo forum.

    So what?
    Im a big boy, I can go where I please on the internet until my mummy takes my computer away from me.

    The us/them issue, I just dont get it?

    God gave us the internet so we can roam and learn.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Minbun, FNQ, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Brickie View Post
    ...I am a member of a F250 forum.....
    There is an F250 forum???? How sick is that?
    If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.

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