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  1. #46
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    Haven't been doing this lark long enough to stuff up to much, but last weekend I kept up changing from drill bit to screwdriver with the drill against me. The bloody thing kept starting when I inadvertently pressed the button.
    Luckily the business end was away from me.

    I am now the owner of a 650w Makita got yesterday. Never again will I drill through hardwood with a 14.4 cordless GMC and cheap bit combo.


  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by havenoideaatall
    . . . . I kept up changing from drill bit to screwdriver with the drill against me. The bloody thing kept starting when I inadvertently pressed the button. Luckily the business end was away from me.
    . .. . .
    As I currently have the torch I need to fully understand what you were doing before I hand it over.

    What do you mean by
    1) "with the drill against me"?
    2) "The bloody thing kept starting when I inadvertently pressed the button." This is no accident as this is what drills are supposed to do!


  3. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by vsquizz
    A 4" angle grinder with the guard removed is about the most dangerous piece power tool you can own.
    My sister-in-law in Joburg is an ICU specialist. She once told us about a man who was rushed into hospital with half of his face torn and major cranial damage from a large angle grider blade (no guard fitted) that flew off and hit him. She said that mercifully, he died a few hours later. I never put any power tool down or turn my attention away from it until it's stopped turning. I never change my tools unless it's unplugged. If I don't use it I unplug it.

  4. #49
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    Last week, in my rush to crosscut a piece of pine - 2 min jobI dragged my drop saw on to a flat level at suitable height, accepted I rushed this bit, but nethertheless did a check and completed fixated on the blade. Yep - nowhere near hands and limbs. Nowhere near. What can go wrong. I was still concentrating on blade as it went through the wood like a knife through margarine. Nice result. Next piece of wood. Almost there, in the last mm of cut...

    Big flash. I'd cut through the poxy wire, in my rush I'd forgotten to free the wire....and it was a tad gloomy in the shed.

    Will cost me an hour's labour (mine or someone elses) somewhere and a new cord. Fixing it will mean the bargain I got is now not such a bargain but still worth fixing.

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobL
    As I currently have the torch I need to fully understand what you were doing before I hand it over.

    What do you mean by
    1) "with the drill against me"?
    2) "The bloody thing kept starting when I inadvertently pressed the button." This is no accident as this is what drills are supposed to do!

    lol. For explaining the drill episode it in such a knoblike fashion and cutting through the wire (above) I reckon I should hold the torch for as long a period as you blokes deem fit.

  6. #51
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    Default Check out hose material safety data sheets


    I've been sick on occasions thinking about my own ignorance and lack of information in regards to some of the materials I use and how I have chosen to use them.....................

    Geeeeeeezzzzzzz I can remember using acetone to wipe my hands & clean them.............. n picking my nose after mixing a 2 pak epoxy n having the hardner all over my fingers...............never thinking is this stuff dangerous to me!!!!!!

    This just isn't on! for god sake check the material safety data sheet by googling the name of the product your using followed by material safety data sheet...........................

    There really is no need to take unnecessary risks! n these things are the ducks nuts in regards to managing them safely!!!!!!!

    Be safe fellas!!!!

    REgards Lou
    Just Do The Best You Can With What You HAve At The Time

  7. #52
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    Default never ever smoke in your shed

    I never do,
    except last week after a couple of glasses i decided to go poke somthing to see if it was dry(as one does)
    put said fag on bench next to cloth used to wash down with meths
    thank christ it was onlt meths.
    singed all my fingers

  8. #53
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    Cigarette butts and DC's aren't a good combination. DAMHIKT.
    I may be weird, but I'm saving up to become eccentric.

    - Andy Mc

  9. #54
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    Well Ive started getting REALLY paranoid about safety... Im getting so bad I often wont go out the back door to go to the shed without first putting a hard hat on safety specs thick work clothes steel capped boots and gloves on... and thats just to walk there!!!

    And yet... and yet... I know that yesty I had done my usual as above then when I arrived at the shed I grabbed up the extention lead walked it back to the house and plugged it in... and turned it on... then fed the lead out on the way back... live... then I plugged it into the ready to use forstner bit inserted drill without checking... then I checked it by turning it on... of course at that point I rapidly found out that if a forstner bit IS NOT tight in the chuck it WILL fly out of the chuck at a rate of knots... which it did.

    So thats cool didnt want to do the drill job anyways

    so I unplugged it and jammed the extention lead into the sliding miter saw... grabbed a peice of timber and fed it in found the line my usual dumb way by holding the blade down onto the timber and sliding to the line... problem was my finger was on the trigger... yep it works well... and I realized rather suddenly that kick back is not restricted to the table saw...

    so I decided I didnt want to do that job anyways either

    So I decided I would have a go with finishing an nailing job with the air nail gun... so I connected the compressor to the lead and got the air hunting up... got out the bloody great nail gun fed in a strip of nails... 2in should do I thought... and pluged it in... yep finger on trigger again... nothing happened mmm... turn nail gun up and start checking it out...

    "DAD!! WHAT THE F ARE YOU BLOODY DOING!!!"... "ummm just seein why the bloody thing isnt working thats all" ... FLAMIN HELL DAD!! You wanna die or what?? TURN THE STINKING THING OFF BEFORE YOU DO THAT"... "ooh right

    Same happened the other day with the lathe I put a peice of 2x2 in between centres and started the machine up 600 700 900 1000 1200 1300... BLAM BANG WAM KAPOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEE! "AH FRIGGIN SHYTE!" yep forgot to tighten and lock the spindle end up tight didnt I? sure did

    So even with wearin a hard hat safety specs work clobber reflector jacket steel capped boots dumb things still happen... so Im back to wearin comfy (not loose) clothing bare foots and glasses... and by heck I tell yer what I seem to not do any of that other stuff Im actually MORE aware than when I wore them... so I say be comfortable be aware be safe... and for gawds sake DONT turn the power on until your sure everythings ready
    Believe me there IS life beyond marriage!!! Relax breathe and smile learn to laugh again from the heart so it reaches the eyes!!

  10. #55
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    Default just one of those days dingo

    maybe we should have a segment on stupid things we do
    so we all feel good
    some days just shut the door

  11. #56
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    Always use BOTH hands when driving a garden fork into the ground with great force and determination....( I didnt ...and yes it did go right through my boot )....and somehow for the life of me I still havent worked out how .....but I managed to nail my finger (right index) into a solid beam ....( I am right handed).....that also smarts a little ......but I reckon the worst I have done .... is be too lazy to turn on a light .....and in the middle of the night, in a foggy haze ....take a wizz into a very live powerpoint .....which is HIGHLY NOT reccomended ....and has absolutely nothing in common with the properties of viagra ..

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by manoftalent View Post
    Always use BOTH hands when driving a garden fork into the ground with great force and determination....( I didnt ...and yes it did go right through my boot )....and somehow for the life of me I still havent worked out how .....but I managed to nail my finger (right index) into a solid beam ....( I am right handed).....that also smarts a little ......but I reckon the worst I have done .... is be too lazy to turn on a light .....and in the middle of the night, in a foggy haze ....take a wizz into a very live powerpoint .....which is HIGHLY NOT reccomended ....and has absolutely nothing in common with the properties of viagra ..
    And I though that this was an urban myth,

    I managed to drill into my right palm while holding a piece of timber that was a brace for my eldest's bed. Not deep, 3mm, missed all the tendons etc but made a nice curl of meat up the drill,
    "We must never become callous. When we experience the conflicts ever more deeply we are living in truth. The quiet conscience is an invention of the devil." - Albert Schweizer

    My blog.

  13. #58
    rrich Guest


    I can't count the number of times that I have left the shed for other pursuits saying, "I'm too stupid today to be working in the shed."

  14. #59
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    Bumping this up to the front again. The blockhead of the week happens to be a Police Officer I saw when I visited Jo-Burg South Africa just before Christmas.

    We were on route to a weekend at a safari park where they had eight to 10 feet electric wire fences for the elephants and other wild game there. Well while traveling a long the main highway to one of these parks I saw a black police officer get out of his car and walk over to the fence and then had a leek on it or really close.

    I had visions of a puff of smoke and a black bunger. I wonder what would happen here if a police officer had a leek on a main highway let alone onto an elephant electric fence.

  15. #60
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    Default boat flairs

    The doesn't really qualify cos it wasnt me, but my dear departed Dad.

    38 degrees, total fire ban.
    Dad decides to random test the boat flairs,
    Chorus from smart ???? kids, DAAAD IT A TOTAL FIRE BAN DAY!!!
    Dad ignors us till his SWMBO (MUM) tells him to put it out.
    so with a picked upon scowl tosses it into the clark pool.
    should have seen him chasing it round as it burnt the lining.
    and shot across to burn the other side.


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