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Thread: Repairing a hole in a ceiling
27th September 2007, 11:13 PM #1
Repairing a hole in a ceiling
Hi for those that are interested I have made my first attempts at video clips.
And yes I know the lighting etc is not so good but we will get better as we go.
Here you will see I have made videos on installing a ceiling rose, a suspended plasterboard ceiling and patching a ceiling hole.
These are a trial run to eventually make a full length DVD on plastering etc. Hope you gain something from them.
RodGreat plastering tips at
27th September 2007, 11:55 PM #2
Nice videos Rod. I'll have to remember the salt trick. I've used lemon/orange juice as a retardant with old cement that seems to go off quickly, but it's handy to know that I can speed up a mix if I'm in a hurry.
Have you seen this 3D ceiling in Russia?
It's a French system and there was a leak from the unit above.
28th September 2007, 09:39 AM #3
these video's looks good Rod.
I have used heaps of info on your site to complete my 1st reno.
I used to have 3 exhaust fans in the old kitchen, now I have none and you wouldnt even know they used to be there
Thanks for spending so much time on your site - its a great resource
28th September 2007, 11:01 AM #4
Thanks for your comments.
That 3d ceiling is what you get when water get into a barrisol ceiling.
Barrisol is made by the french and (to keep it simple) is plastic streched over the ceiling.
It is expensive but amazing stuff. You can create all kinds of looks with it (albeit the one in the pic was not intentional).
You can print photos on the liner, in fact in crown casino barrisol was used for the rapid roulette signage.
Barrisol is indeed very unique, there are only a few intsallers here in Australia. The exact measurements are sent to France where every job is purpose made and cut to size and sent back to Australia.
A track is screwed to the wall around the room and the barrisol is heated and streched into the track on the other side. It is seamless and can be matt or very high gloss.
If anyone is interested in Barrisol the contact number here is Ken Stewart 0418 332 327
I have worked with Ken on many projects doing up poker machine venues here in Victoria. I built and plastered all the bulkheads etc, while Ken's crew did the Barrisol.
There you go, some impromtu comments, and waffle but someone may be interested.
Cheers RodGreat plastering tips at
29th September 2007, 11:09 PM #5
Very interesting Rod! How expensive is that stuff ? Unbelieveable photos.
29th September 2007, 11:54 PM #6
Hi Doog,
Are you refering to the Barrisol?
I don't know how expensive it is as I have never had to price a job with it.
Ken Stewart is one of two distributers of Barrisol in Australia I am sure he would be happy to tell you.
One thing I do Know is that its not cheap. But can be a fantastic look on a ceiling.
It could even have a photo printed on to it and be used as a great mural on a wall.
CheersGreat plastering tips at
30th September 2007, 01:15 AM #7
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