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Thread: User Reputations
31st May 2004, 06:56 PM #31
Originally Posted by ozwinner
31st May 2004, 07:11 PM #32Sturdee:
I just looked at my points and somebody disapproved of this post:
(Sadly this link doesn't work so please refer to Sturdee's post #25 on the previous page!!)
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Sturdee again.
PLast edited by bitingmidge; 31st May 2004 at 08:13 PM.
31st May 2004, 07:48 PM #33
Hey Biting, I get a recuring fault with that link.
Bob Willson
The term 'grammar nazi' was invented to make people, who don't know their grammar, feel OK about being uneducated.
31st May 2004, 08:08 PM #34
Sorry, obviously a glitch in the works, I don't seem to be able to cut and paste the link: I was referring to Sturdees post #25 on the previous page, so you can to get it from there.
I love it when a plan comes together...not!
31st May 2004, 08:11 PM #35
User reputations are meant to be a bit of fun and a way for you to show your approval or disapproval of member’s posts.
However some members have taken to disapprove of normal and sensible posts, not only of myself but also of other members on the board. I can understand it if a post is risqué or in bad taste or criticizes someone or is starting a flaming war. But these posts were none of that.
In the past if a specific post upset you, you raised it either publicly by posting or privately by pm and if there was no resolution you could involve the People Whose Reputation Is Beyond Repute (or Board Gods, Demi gods and other High Officebearers).
Now anyone can hide behind the screen of anonymity and become what I will refer to as DISAPPROVAL REPUTATION NAZI’s :eek: or DRN :eek: for short. In casting their disapproval these DRN :eek: remain faceless and don’t have to give any reasons.
This is IMHO unacceptable and can lead to people refusing to post rather than face disapproval from these DRN :eek: .
What started out as a fun thing is being distorted by the DRN :eek: and if this feature continues then the DRN :eek: of this world should be made to disclose their identity when casting their vote.
No doubt this post will earn me the wrath of all the DRN :eek: and reduce my reputation accordingly.
31st May 2004, 08:12 PM #36
Note to self – vote another negative to Sturdee for whingeing about having a negative vote
( I'd never- in fact I have to spread the loving around before I give it to you again
31st May 2004, 08:36 PM #37
Originally Posted by bitingmidge
Originally Posted by eastie
, as I know my own reputation, but I am concerned that this may go the same way as the now put to bed issue of the Spelling Checkers. Others may get upset and start a trail of " I Quit" posts.
31st May 2004, 08:37 PM #38
Peter, it might be Kens ghost.
31st May 2004, 08:43 PM #39
Sturdee said:
For myself I don't care , as I know my own reputation
So for me: positives will be anon. Negatives will say why.
It's the new Code of the West!!
I'm so gutless I haven't fired a blueberry yet! It will be interesting indeed to see how things settle down.
31st May 2004, 08:48 PM #40
Im like Michael Jackson, NO you perverts, I dont touch children.
Im a lover not a fighter.
BTW Ive had about 6 blue'ns
Peace, Al
31st May 2004, 08:55 PM #41
BTW Ive had about 6 blue'ns
I reckon you'll get another six for comparing yourself to Michael J though....ooops!!
Love and peace to all,
31st May 2004, 08:59 PM #42
I had a red'n too, whats that meen?
31st May 2004, 09:12 PM #43I had a red'n too, whats that meen?
P :eek:
1st June 2004, 07:30 PM #44
Heres another'n.
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</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=t9139 title="Finallly got around to trying to handcut some dovetail joints last night. Pretty disasterous really.....They make it seem so easy in the books!!.....BUT I learnt heaps and have some hopes for my next attempt!! One query though that none of the books seem to cover is the timber to use....I just...">Dovetails?? (
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</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p59938 width="50%">Mahogany sofa bookcase</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>1st June 2004 05:48 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">sparkly</TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2>
</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p59531 width="50%">Chair Kits</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>31st May 2004 05:27 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%"></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2>
</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p59504 width="50%">Time</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>31st May 2004 04:05 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%"></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2>
</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p59483 width="50%">Deleted post</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>31st May 2004 03:26 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%"></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2>
</TD><TD class=alt1Active id=p59195 width="50%">Has there ever been a t...</TD><TD class=alt2 noWrap>31st May 2004 01:57 PM</TD><TD class=alt1 width="50%">all round cool dude</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I also lost 20 points, huh? :confused:
2nd June 2004, 09:39 AM #45
Tall poppy syndrome, Al
"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."