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Thread: Blog discussion

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 1999
    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria


    Given that what you propose still requires decisional imput, it would have been much simpler to set up an "editing committee" of some description to select the threads worty of becoming "books" to be put in the "reference library" and maybe give the author the honour (and the job) to copy and paste.
    No committee will ever get a look in on these forums. Committees are responsible for stuffing up too much of the world and life as we knew it as it is.

    These are personal blogs input is purely the personal choice and decision of the blogger and bugger all concern of anyone else. It is possible that the blogger may listen to a hint or advice from someone else re their blog but it certainly isn't mandatory and if they don't want to hear it they can turn off the Post a Comment bit of the blog.
    The bottom line would appear to be whether the additional cost to you of providing to the members the new service is justified by other benefits.
    The bottom line is actually giving something back to the woodworking and broader community that might some day be a place that all will want to visit and use. Lookout Disneyland Woodies World is coming to Florida or Sunshine Coast or a least to your nearest computer monitor.

    Please let me know how to contact your accountant.
    Sorry he's gone to his Hacienda in Cuba.

    Still trying to figure out what "Those who are into intellectual walking will particularly appreciate it." has to do with anything.
    KEEP A LID ON THE GARBAGE... Report spam, scams, and inappropriate posts, PMs and Blogs.
    Use the Report icon at the bottom of all Posts, PM's and Blog entries.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France


    I'm still finding things in the Blog controls, but I can't find a way of publishing an RSS feed, or feeding the thing to Atom or whatever blog syndicator there is or whatever the techno babble is for setting up an RSS fed blog.

    There's a menu to get to the RSS page, but what gives? Can Steve or Neil help there?

    <Edit> I think the easy way to subscribe is to go to the particular blog, then go to the RSS link, then bookmark that page in your RSS reader (in my case Safari)

    The RSS feed for my blog therefore is:



  3. #33
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France


    If I wasn't a complete dill, I may not have hit the Blog menu "getting started" before realising it was the title of one of my own posts!

    Is there a way of reporting/recording number of views of a given post?



  4. #34
    Join Date
    May 1999
    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria


    Still trying to find our way around it ourselves midge. the RSS feeds are turned of to the forums so probably the same for blogs. will look into it. We'll probably have teething problems for a few weeks until we've all got it fully sussed out or at least some of us have.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    May 1999
    Grovedale (Geelong) Victoria


    Nup guess the RSS feeds are on for blogs. Don't know a bout counters though.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Lindfield N.S.W.


    I wonder if the front page of the forums could have a box (maybe near the birthdays and who's logged in space) to show which blogs have been updated recently - it might be a useful way to encourage people to look over in blogland...

    If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by ubeaut View Post
    Still trying to figure out what "Those who are into intellectual wa*king will particularly appreciate it." has to do with anything.
    Sorry Neil, completely forgot about this thread.

    I was only trying to say in a humorous way, prompted by your statement
    Originally Posted by ubeaut
    It is a space for the members to use as their own little room for doing their own thing

    that IMHO using a blog is a rather onanistic activity. Forums are for those who like debate and feedback, personal diaries are for introspection, blogs are for those who like....? Showing off? If they allow debate, don't they just duplicate forums? My point was that, whatever their merits, they are an additional service you are providing. Not everybody likes Disneyland.

    BTW, I totally share your dislike for committees, I only used that word, between inverted commas, thinking that you might not have the time to do it all yourself and might want to rope in a couple of friends.

    Pity about your accountant. He obviously could not stand the rat race in capitalist Australia and retired in a communist paradise. At least he did not disappear with your money in the nearby Cayman Islands!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France


    Quote Originally Posted by Frank&Earnest View Post
    that IMHO using a blog is a rather onanistic activity.
    You obviously admire my "handy"work!


  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    37 Deg, 52. 697' South 145 deg, 15.627' East. Elevation 78M


    What,s a BLOG ? How does one BLOG do you have to go tha a little room to do it?
    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I´m not so sure about the universe.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Australia and France


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil Spencer View Post
    What,s a BLOG ? How does one BLOG do you have to go tha a little room to do it?
    Originally a web diary or WEBLOG, but now used for many different purposes.

    Some are still very much personal journals or accounts of life, some are newscasts or updates. The facility has been provided on these forums (see "blogs" in the menu bar.

    Here are examples of a wide variety of Blogs in real life:

    But there are as many forms as there are people, some informative, some (like my kids) use them to communicate with friends and family while they are overseas.

    Here? Don't know yet. That's what we're trying to nut out.



  11. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    The handful of times that I've had something that might possibly be considered worthy of a blog entry, I've preferred to post it as a new thread in the hope that it will generate some conversation or debate. Being the argumentative person that I am, I find I get most enjoyment out of a topic when I can sit back and watch various arguments resolve themselves, and then pick one to support. Sometimes I don't even have an opinion formed, it's just interesting to choose a line and see where it goes. I can't see that fitting in with a blog, because it would require me to take a stance up front. I think if I did start a blog, it would end up a bit like a personal version of "what cheeses me off". Far too much negative energy down that path. So for now I will sit back and read others' ramblings and console myself that there are people out there who are bigger nutters than me.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    OK - now we've had the blogs for a few months how are we going? I still can't see too many members using them - maybe we "are just a bunch of old farts". I've made a perhaps pathetic attempt at using a blot by making 2 entries but then I deleted 1. I've read a couple of dozen members bloks , some of the WIPs are OK but as for the rest . . . . . ????

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    On the Downs, Darling SEQld

    Question My BLOGS

    G'day Ppl,

    Just entered a couple of my Blogs,
    The First one is from my Darker times,
    actually a few are.

    IS this what you see as Blogs?
    Or have I just EMBARRASED Myself

    They are all still true for me

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Munruben, Qld


    Quote Originally Posted by BobL View Post
    OK - now we've had the blogs for a few months how are we going? I still can't see too many members using them - maybe we "are just a bunch of old farts". I've made a perhaps pathetic attempt at using a blot by making 2 entries but then I deleted 1. I've read a couple of dozen members bloks , some of the WIPs are OK but as for the rest . . . . . ????
    I have to agree with you. I have done the same, a couple of blogs but I still feel the blogs take a lot away from the open forums where these WIPs and topics were up for open discussion. Now we have to go looking for some of these WIPs and topics and to be honest with you, I don't bother. Maybei its just laziness on my part but I preferred it when everyone saw the thread in the forum and could respond to the thread and offer opinions and comments on the article for us all to see.
    Now we have to go hunting if we want to see some of these valuable threads.
    I know I am probably missing something by not using the blogs but it seems to me just another tiresome effort when they would have been in the forum anyway had the blogs not come into being. I think the blogs will serve a purpose to a certain section of the members and they will use them but unfortunately many more members will miss out on their threads or posts that would have appeared in the open forums.

    Personally I don't know if the blogs are a success or not but for me, they have taken something away from the forums. I use to love the bantering that went on in the open threads when posted in the forums but since the blogs a lot of this has vanished. I have also observed that many who use to post on these forums, no longer do so on a regular basis. I know there can be many reasons for this and may not be due to the blogs but it seems coincidental to say the least.

    Nevertherless, having said all that, I am still a strong supporter of the WWF and love my daily visit to look around and share in the goings on here. Its a great place and I know that Neil and everyone else involved with it, do what they do to try and make it even better than what it is. I hope they don't take offence by my comments, they are purely my opinion and one thing I really appreciate in here is the freedom of voicing an opinion, whether it be right or wrong.

    It would be interesting to hear what others have to say now the blogs has been running for a while.
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Blogs have been good some have detracted from the main forum then again many forumites have their own blog site away from WWF many are great reading and viewing .

    I venture and browse WWF blogs regularly enjoyed Dingo's tales and many others wip's.

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