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Thread: Farewell
27th May 2004, 12:55 PM #16
Originally Posted by Sprog
Kindest regards
27th May 2004, 01:03 PM #17
Originally Posted by Wongo
27th May 2004, 01:10 PM #18
But bashing the triton is sooo satisfying
I bash it, kick it, swear at it, would love to throw it (but probably hurt my back!) and even blow it up when it refuses to behave and sucks away all my valuable time :mad:
Then again - maybe I have an anger management problem
PS bye bye Ken
27th May 2004, 02:03 PM #19
Hey Ken, hasn't this been done before?
As one who has been known to (unintentionally)
a)cause offence
b)hurt people
c)provide wrong, incorrect and totally misleading information
d) never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
I feel I can say with some heartfeltedness (cop that for a word that doesn't exist!!) "If you can't do the time don't do the crime.
I would like to apologise now to all the people I am going to offend for the rest of the year, it really isn't intended. A new apology will be issued prior to January 1st, and Neil, in the event that I do something which you think is offensive, please feel free to do whatever you think needs doing.
Aren't some of us forgettingThis forum isn't about the forty or fifty people that contribute regularly....it has a squllion potential lurkers, and what we say/do and how we behave is searchable on Google and everywhere else. Some minimum standards of behaviour are laudable, (as long as I dont' have to meet 'em).
Neil, Can we find an animated spitting dumming that we can add to the smilies menu?
27th May 2004, 02:16 PM #20
Originally Posted by bitingmidge
Closest too it is..........
AlLast edited by ozwinner; 27th May 2004 at 02:42 PM.
27th May 2004, 03:15 PM #21
it will cost a fortune in dentist bills if you keep the grinning toothed creature.
- Wood Borer
If you respond your gold membership will explode
27th May 2004, 03:41 PM #22
Originally Posted by ozwinner
I'm an IT person myself but I'm a dinosaur so I don't have the skills to do it.
Anybody else up to the challenge?
'bye Ken
27th May 2004, 03:45 PM #23
its Gone forever!!!!
Gold Member RIP
But just remember Diamonds are a Girls best friend, so things may not be to bad"Looking west with the land behind me as the sun tracks down to the sea, I have my bearings" Tim Winton
27th May 2004, 07:07 PM #24
I like bashing my titon and I'm not going to spit the dummy.
Why oh why would Ken have suddenly found a conscience?
It scares me that such a hard nose chap could suddenly turn to water and just leave, especially when he had achieved such notoriety on the polls.
You can all make all the spelling mistakes you like, out of respect for Ken I will not help any of you anymoreCheers
"I see dumb peope!"
27th May 2004, 07:28 PM #25
Originally Posted by hovo
27th May 2004, 07:33 PM #26
I have returned(momentarily) to render an explanation, viz;
On the Polls forum, there is a poll for "The most controversial subjects on this forum" and my name is listed as one you can vote for. I have no problems with that, and in fact, thought it was quite funny. As the poll progressed, I was lagging behind in the voting, so I jokingly asked "do I have to post a multi-controversy thread ?", to which some devil (who shall remain nameless) replied "Yes".
I then posted a thread entitled something like "Orange is the preferred colour for gay handtool users who cannot spell".
Now I would have thought that anyone with a modicum of intelligence could tell this was a tongue-in-cheek post and was not in any way serious. Nevertheless, the moderator saw fit to delete it because "a couple of people were offended by it", and then explained his action by saying " I have to look after the majority". Not sure when a couple became a majority, but then I wasn't all that surprised given my history of conflict with the moderators here.
When you have to pull someones sorry **** out of the fire on numerous occassions because companies that they have insulted threaten to sue, we do get really off. It is not so much a conflict but someone has to protect people from their own stupidity. This is an open forum that is read by a lot of business people and a heap of nameless people from 6-106 and all races, religions and sexual pursuasions and I have to weigh that up against the mutterings of a hastily entered answer. Guess What, you lose. .Bob Willson - My post was not sexual as you put it.
Wood Borer - You are right, not everyone reads everything the same way, and indeed, some just sweat on something to be offended by.
Grunt - Thank you for your kind comment.
Sturdee - Ditto
SilentC - I am not thin skinned, and I can take being poked fun at, because I am quick to do it to others, but this wasn't about other posters having a shot, at least not out in the open.
DarrylF - I agree it does sound like a bit of "toy throwing", but I strenuously object to what I see as selective moderating.
Gatiep - I set out to step on toes sometimes, because that is what makes for lively discussion. I can take as good as I give, but the people who are so offended by what I write rarely have the courage to challenge me about it. They prefer to contact the moderator to profess their offended state.
fxst - Thank you.
Don K - I don't think I need to respond to you, although you do present a rather interesting spelling improvement challenge.
DanP - Thank you for your kind words.
Zed - Fair comment, because I know this may seem like a dummy spit.
Sprog - Why do you always feel the need to group posters as either Pro or Anti Triton ? Are you that insecure about your orange beast ?
Bunyip - Thanks, I got a laugh out of that.
Bitingmidge - Very good, as usual. Made me smile too.Last edited by RETIRED; 28th May 2004 at 12:14 AM.
27th May 2004, 07:59 PM #27
Originally Posted by kenmill
Bob Willson
The term 'grammar nazi' was invented to make people, who don't know their grammar, feel OK about being uneducated.
27th May 2004, 08:01 PM #28
Kenmil, why go now? You've got a gold member and you'll keep it for much longer than ozwinner had his.
Photo Gallery
27th May 2004, 08:13 PM #29
Originally Posted by Bob Willson
Sorry if I misinterpreted, but when you said "I too am guilty of having a somewhat sexual cast" I took it you meant we were both guilty of the same offence.
27th May 2004, 09:19 PM #30
Don't let the dh's get to you.