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7th September 2007, 11:57 AM #16
Locked away at her majesty pleasure
One of the most immature and childish shows on television, just reflects the people that watch.If it goes against the grain, it's being rubbed the wrong way!
7th September 2007, 02:27 PM #17
7th September 2007, 02:57 PM #18
split decision
swmbo thinks they're great... personally I think they're all a bunch of private school boys who haven't grown up... just not that funny...
hee hee though!
7th September 2007, 03:12 PM #19
Quik review of Security needed.
7th September 2007, 03:15 PM #20
You were correct the first time.
I think the Chaser guys should have been arrested because they are alleged to have broken the law (let the courts decide). I do think it was pretty funny though.Regards,
A larger version of my avatar picture can be found here. It is a scan of the front cover of the May 1960 issue of Woodworker magazine.
7th September 2007, 03:23 PM #21
First lecture I received when arriving in Malaysia on my RAAF tour. If the gate guards yell out Berhenti... it means stop. Keep going and they shoot. They are just lucky that they didn't get a shot across thier bows. Still we are Aussies and love a laugh.
7th September 2007, 03:34 PM #22
Arrested- yes
APEC is the best thing to send up in ages. Good on them.Terry B
The most ineffective workers will be systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage - management.
--The Dilbert Principle
7th September 2007, 03:35 PM #23
I don't watch them but my general view is the more pompous the occasion, the more and bigger takers are required.
If the chasers could get that far imagine if someone seriously wanted to go further. If anyone should be locked up it should be the security people who failed to spot them.
7th September 2007, 04:28 PM #24
For the first couple of times I watched them, I found them hilarious. The formula wears thin quickly, though, and I particularly do not like it when some poor soul gets caught in the crossfire. Totally agree with Bob that "the more pompous the occasion, the more and bigger takers are required."
As far as the legalities are concerned, yes, they should be arrested and charged if they broke any law. No point in having laws if you do not enforce them or make exceptions for "celebrities". The test of maturity will be in the sentencing.
The people whose incompetence was exposed should not be locked up, should be reprimanded and trained or at worst fired.
I was once told a WW2 story that, true or invented, illustrates the issues involved here.
A cavalry officer with more arrogance than brains, once jumped with his horse the barricade around the camp "to test security". By the time the poor soul on guard had blurted out the regulation 'who's there' and 'stop' before shooting, the officer was inside. The soldier on guard got in deep do-do for dereliction of duty. The officer tried again a few days later. By this time word had got around. The soldier on guard happened to be a good shot. Too bad for the officer. Amen.
7th September 2007, 04:57 PM #25
i love thier show so of course i think they shouldnt be arrested. just maybe moved from the area.
it would will be a pretty funny show on wednesday so i'll have to make sure i watch it
cheersS T I R L O
7th September 2007, 06:39 PM #26
Arrested - Yes.
Punishment-- A big reward for showing the farcical "security"???? system up.
7th September 2007, 07:18 PM #27
Arrested - Yes
Interviewed - Yes
Charged - If there is a prima facie case - Yes
Was it funny - God yeah
Were they in danger from snipers - No
Are the NSW bosses soooks - Yep
Has the whole APEC security been blown out of all proportion - God yeah
7th September 2007, 07:51 PM #28
In the Courier Mail (QLD) today ABC said that the only reason that their legal team allowed the stunt is because they expected that the chasers would not even get close to the first checkpoint. Apparently they never thought that it would be possible to get in so far!
Good on them for showing up Bonsai Johnny's $120 Million SecurityHave a nice day - Cheers
7th September 2007, 09:20 PM #29
There seems to be a multitude of stories circulating about what actually happened. One version I heard was that they approached a checkpoint/entrance to the prohibited area, showed their obviously fake passes and were allowed in. (A result they didn't really expect, but they would say that.)
Assuming that version is true: were they really breaking the law if they approached a checkpoint and presented obviously bogus IDs that didn't really represent them as authorised persons and were still allowed in?
My view:
Should they have been arrested? Probably - and it will boost ratings even more.
Should they be charged? Probably.
Should they be convicted? Probably not.
Are they funny? Very. Sometimes hilarious.
7th September 2007, 09:28 PM #30
I'm not sure they should have been arrested.
Maybe they should have been charged.
I don't think they are particularly funny either.
But! If the snipers had blown their brains out that would have been hilarious! Perhaps not for the poor old snipers though.....
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