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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Honorary Bloke View Post
    Hell, I'd sell tools at Bunnies first.
    So... You've been there Bob?

    Tony, in all seriousness, unless you have a bundle of money tied up in leave credits, get out now. Whether its harrassment or paranoia is irrelevant. Start looking for somewhere else yesaterday. It would be my suggestion to you that you are now something that needs relocating without the company transgressing the unfair dismissal laws.


  2. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Toowoomba Q 4350


    Hmm, time for a new tactic.

    When something happens, don't say anything, don't react, just freeze up and glare at them and make sure they see your eyes. Then after 10 seconds, get out your Notebook and pen and write down what happened. MAKE SURE THEY SEE YOU WRITE Stuff DOWN!!!

    Next, investigate Vicarious Liability, get some info sheets on it and leave them in prominent places, oh gee whiz, why not the CEO's intray.

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    North Of The Boarder


    Point out this other fellow seems to have heaps of time to watch what your doing.

    If he has soooooo much time up his sleeve maybe he could give you a hand or someone else and that way it gets orders out the door quicker.

    Why is he such a lap dog of the boss doing all his running back and forth does he get treats when he does good (Roll over Rover, sit beg good dog). You might even take in a dog collar and leash and suggest he be tethered to his tools as he keeps wandering off.

    If the bosses don't listen their not interested in their company's profits and why he's spending time causing trouble shyte stirring

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Why would you want to work somewhere like that?

    I did a stint in a joinery in Sydney and I was at the bottom of the pecking order because I was the only guy who wasn't either an apprentice or a qualified carpenter. They like to have their fun, and you just shrug it off or laugh with 'em. But the bosses son was a nasty little ????. He spat on me once when I made a remark to him he didn't like. So a mate who was a Ramset rep got me a labouring job on a building site for another $50 a week. There were a holes on that site too, but I didn't have to be nice to them because they weren't the bosses son!

    All this talk of legal action and whatever, I just say get the hell out.
    "I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Aug 2006


    I can't beleive how restrained all the answers to this tortouos whinging has been.

    Sorry rgum I'm not that sort of person - personally I think you deserve a kick in the back side you weak ....

    Get a life, grow a spine and take responsibility for your own life and stop being one of life's little victims.

    You have had good advise already ...either take that advise up and do something positive or stop whining.

  6. #81
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Pakenham, outer Melb SE suburb, Vic


    Respect your right to have a say, Bleedin, but if you've got no patience for rgum using the forumites as a sounding board, don't read the thread, put him on your ignore list or whatever.

    Please refrain from insulting other forum members.


    The beatings will continue until morale improves.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    West Gippsland, Vic


    Tony, read my previous advice again mate.
    If you never made a mistake, you never made anything!

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by johnc View Post
    Your own reactions are not exactly agression free, it might just be that you are part of the problem. Pre empting the bosses reaction shows in part you are pre judging and in part very sensitive to what was a conceived threat at best. Perhaps you have good cause but you either walk after finding a new job, or talk to the boss and suggest you find a way to work together.

    Perhaps its time you both drew a line in the sand and agreed to make a new start with some understanding on the boundries of behaviour you should both maintain.

    Fix yourself first otherwise you will just take the same issues to the next job should you meet a similar problem as you are experiencing currently.

    Good advice. I think john is on the money.

    If your going to stay then schedule a meeting and all sit down and sort it out. Forget the blame game, "what do we need to do to sort this out?".

    I had a situation once where a few comments that I took wrongly had me thinking the whole team were against me until a mate pulled me aside and set me straight. May not be the same but worth a thought.

    Once again forget any compensation thoughts. Money aint worth the stress and mental damage.

    best of luck

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default My attitude.

    I can change jobs and the same thing is gonig to happen to me.......IF........I don't change " my " attitude, and just ignore the bastards as they come at me. Then they'll see I don't respond and I'll be better off. This is good. I have known of this for a lifetime.

    My darling just ripped my ears off and she's totally correct.
    It's not about me. They'll just do it to the nxt person anyway.
    Maybe the boss wasn't gonna come over to me and abuse me for being what he thought was me being disrespectful......BUT!..... I had to tell him. What if I didn't??????

    What if I didn't????????????

    So and so lied in saying something else that I didn't say. I should have approached the boss calmly and told him instead of screaming.

    I will get nowhere with the legal pursuit she sais. Cause I react and scream when humiliated. Childish huh?

    I am making notes and recalling other events.
    Don't think my partner will be happy though.

    How the bloody hell am I expected to let these bastards do as they please? You see how you'd go when they've done these shirty things to you! On and on and on and on. Yeah right!!!!!!!!. You won't take legal action or physical action? Tell me you wouldn't react.

    People are soooo god damn imature and have nothing to give them pleasure other than to harrass others.

    I'm sooo peeed off that I can't do something to tell them that they are really pathetic. I've told the CEO to DO something many, many many ,many times.

    After yesterdays events my CEO told me..." if it's about so and so, I don't wanna know about it".
    How's that???? huh??????

    It's fair to penalise someone if they are causing you grief after several warnings. I feel like they are going to get away with it. I feel like it's not fair. I lose...... they win. I shouldn't have screamed. They are allowed to conduct themselves in this way???????

    I intend to write a profile on working in a factory culture.

    Not to be posted I promise you, ha he.

    I know I am responsible for the way I react. I can help myself to some degree and maybe then....I will suffer little grief at work. Where ever I work.

    Again I appologise for my PATHETIC behaviour. To you all.
    To stop it....... is a start. My darling girl is right.
    But it's bloody hard not to respond. Really!!!!!
    And many of you have advised me with such sentiment.

    Maybe ....just maybe I'll post something about woodwork ,ha he

    I am glad that I've not been berrated on this site. Or banned. Gawwwwd.

    Don't pass them by! Be daring and caring!

    Dampen their misery....sit with them and talk a little.

    Buy them something to eat and a tram fare to a local mission.
    I'm so lucky that I've somewhere to live and have family support.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Tallahassee FL USA


    Tony, your present situation cannot be repaired; too much water over the dam. Get a new position IMMEDIATELY. Waiting until you're out of debt? Hell's bells, most of us will never be out of debt. Flip hamburgers for a while if you must. Upover here, McD's awards gold(ish) pins for SIX MONTH's duration.

    For future reference, though, your latest response might use some improvement. Is your nemesis a DESIGNATED pipeline from/to the boss? E.g. a supervisor? If not, you have no obligation to believe anything he says. As Wendy suggests, a blank stare is the best response. If the company relies on such sloppy communication, it's a pizz-poor way to run a business, and it's their problem, not yours.

    Of course truth is stranger than fiction.
    Fiction has to make sense. - Mark Twain

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    kyogle N.S.W


    Quote Originally Posted by rgum View Post
    Again I appologise for my PATHETIC behaviour. To you all.

    don't applogise. Thats just pathetic ! grow up and stop being such a winger

    Don't worry about Bleeding thumb. He's just sexually frustrated. That panel saw guy and your boss as well. No doubt about it.

    Happens occationally. Your stuck in the middle of a bunch of blokes who just need a bit of nouke. Probably been years for some of them and they don't even know why there cranky. I'm not joking either. Have you ever seen a bloke cross the morning after ?

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Barboursville, Virginia USA


    Quote Originally Posted by apricotripper View Post
    Don't worry about Bleeding thumb. He's just sexually frustrated. ?
    Jeez Ripper. Everything is coming clear now.


  13. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Toowoomba Q 4350



    Another couple of suggestions. Take some time away from work. Clear your head. Take a good long hard look at yourself. Be totally and brutally honest with yourself (no one else has to be involved with this, or know)

    How much of my actions may have brought this on myself.
    Would I treat someone else like they have if that person acted the same way I have been behaving?
    Do I like the way I have been behaving?
    If not, what are the warning signs that I'm about to behave that way?
    How would I prefer to handle those situations?
    Visualise yourself in various situations and how you'd like to behave and visualise yourself getting the result or outcome you want.

    what goes around comes around.

    Act, behave and speak in the way you'd like others to interact with you.

    You can't change anyone else, you can only change yourself and only if you work at it and want it.

    Most of all, don't give up, just when it is at it's very hardest, that is when you are so close to breaking through and achieving what you want.

    Last edited by RufflyRustic; 17th August 2007 at 12:06 PM. Reason: fixed meaning

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Tolmie - Victoria


    Wendy has an excellent handle on it.

    Here's a plan of action.

    Don't go to another job just yet. It is possible that until you figure out why you are a target, you might become a target at the next job and the next job and the next job.

    From now on, treat your current workplace as a laboratory where you can do research and conduct experiments on your behaviour along the line of what Wendy said. Get to the bottom of the problem by understanding yourself and honing up on reaction strategies. In this way, you are not risking burning new bridges.

    Once you have conducted all your trials and done some fine tuning on your new techniques using your current colleagues as guinea pigs, you will be in a good position to move to your next job.

    You will also have the satisfaction of knowing that the fools who were having a negative impact on you in fact did you a big favour.

    In other words, leave your problems with the current work place and don’t carry them to the next job. These problems are heavy and uncomfortable to carry so start releasing them now.

    Some people would not have had these problems if they did the same job in the your current workplace. Why? Figure it out and then leave so that the rest of your life can be occupied with positives.
    - Wood Borer

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Beachport, South Oz, the best little town on the planet.


    Hmmm.... iot would seem that my suggestion that the gentleman in question show some sign of being just that, a man, was deleted..... fiddle dee dee and tosh!

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