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  1. #1
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    Jan 2004
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    Default ? - CIG DeVilbiss gun - what CFM needed?

    Hi Guys,

    I'm a cabinetmaker and came across a box of some old Arnold Devilbiss GP guns, sold by CIG, along with replacement seals and needles at a garage sale a while back. (they were legit too, not hot - I knew the seller)

    Just wondering if anyone knows the air requirement for these guns - they're advertising a cheap compressor this Anzac weekend at a 'super cheap' auto store that would make it worthwhile buying one if it would work (2Hp, 8cfm, $70.)

    Will this work (ie: if you're running something similar, what size compressor are you running successfully?)

    Orifice looks to be 2mm in each of the guns.

    I spent some time looking at the various websites to see what CFM rating I need to supply the guns, but no luck - looked to be either 8 or 23 cfm.

    Can anyone shed light on the air requirement of these beasties please?

    Thanks and cheers,


    (who's sprayed before, but on a piped air system as part of a 250cfm compressor system)
    Last edited by eddie the eagle; 25th April 2004 at 11:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Kuranda, paradise, North Qld
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    I've got a CIG Arnold gun (not sure of the model) it has a unusual adjustment mechanism, where once you've set the air & fluid actually adjusts both of them together, ie gives you more or less of both proportionately. Not sure of the orifice size but it's a thirsty little gun. I have an old 8cfm CIG/Atlas Copco compressor (which puts out about twice what the el-cheapo 8cfm compressors do) and it runs almost continuously when spraying with it. This gun won't spray at less than about 80psi. In contrast I have a cheapie which is a copy of a Iwata and it will work nicely at about 30 psi. I have sprayed successfully with it on an el-cheapo "8cfm" compressor. Again, I don't know the orifice size. Both guns work quite well with automotive enamels, marine polyurethanes and nitro cellulose lacquers. The thing to do would be to try the gun on someone else's compressor to see if it will work at about 60psi or less as if it needs more than this the compressor will be running almost continuously.


  3. #3
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    Thanks Mick,

    Much appreciate it.


  4. #4
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    Default Answer

    Answer from BOC technical support.

    These guns on a 2mm nozzle need 9cfm (free air, not compressor rated) @ 50-80 psi.

    I get on well with my local tool specialist - Ideally a 50L tank is needed for this but 25L will do at a pinch - the tank size gives the cfm free air.

    Just thought that I'd post this here for other's who are looking for the info at a later date.

    Last edited by eddie the eagle; 15th May 2004 at 07:35 PM.

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