there have been a number of "Interesting" solutions to fax spam in the past , but you have to be carefull you dont run foul of the nusance provisions of the communications act and get prosecuted yourself.

in the early days of fax when the machines wern't all that flash sending lots of solid black pages could cause the print mechanism to overheat and fail
no such luck now.

I had a bloke try the repeated long fax on me once, for money he thaught I owed him. I made one phone call to the right place.
He was threatend with dismissal from his job and thretened with prosecution under the act. And last time I spoke to him was thru my solicitor.
Which from what I hear impressed him no end.

I suffer very little junk fax because I don't have my fax number on my business card and I don't fill it in on any forms.
If I give my fax number to anybody, I make it abundantly clear that I do not wish to have any unsolicited material from them at all.
If I do get unsolicited material I make it more than abundantly clear that this is not appreciated and that if they want to send me advertising they should pay for the paper and post it to me.

It also surprises me how many phone calls I get from people asking me for various business details including my fax number.
OH believe me I save my special earfull for data miners.

And waht realy pisses me off is that as a business I can not register my business numbers on the do not call list
And talk about vested interest, one of the groups exempt from the act are political parties.

now this is something that we should start a letter writing campagn about.
