A plane leaves Los Angeles airport under the control of a Jewish captain. His co-pilot is Chinese. It's the first time they've flown together and an awkward silence between the two seems to indicate a mutual dislike. Once they reach cruising altitude, the Jewish captain activates the auto-pilot, leans back in his seat, and mutters, "I don't like Chinese."
"No rike Chinese?" asks the co-pilot, "why not?"
"You people bombed Pearl Harbour, that's why!"
"No, no," the co-pilot protests, "Chinese not bomb Peahl Hahbah!
That Japanese, not Chinese."
"Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese......doesn't matter, you're all alike!"
After a few minutes of silence. "No rike Jews!" the co-pilot suddenly announces.
"Why not?" asks the captain.
"Jews sink Titanic."
"Jews didn't sink the Titanic!" exclaims the captain, "it was an iceberg!"
"Iceberg, Goldberg, Greenberg, Rosenberg, no mattah......all same!"