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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
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    Pure stupidity can get us zapped even when it is done properly. Working back late one night the cleaners asked if I'd change a globe in the loo oyster light. No worries, grabbed the ladder and globe removed the cover in the gloom and grabbed the bakalite with one hand to discover that most of the black had gone and it is not an good idea to close your hand over the live terminals (guess who didn't check the light switch). First time i've been thrown off a ladder, and the poor old heart was all over the place for a while. Since then we have put in a new fuse box with the earth leakage switches, and had the light fitting replaced at the same time.

    Neither dodgy appliances nor dodgy work mix with power and like many I've heard some amazing stories from the odd sparky about handyman created death traps, it amazes me with some of the questions posted on the forum the extent some gormless fools will go to in putting not just themselves, but future occupants and tradesman at risk simply because they want to have a go.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
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    For what it's worth.

    Australia is far quicker than North America, in general, to enact rules and regs to such subjects and situations. NA wide will eventually go the same route. But also... I lived the first 40 years of my life in Canada (same electrical as US) and when I got here I worked for an electical firm for the first 4 months. My experience was that the basics were much simpler in NA as compared to here. I was able to pick up the basics really quickly there which would allow me to do all wiring I needed. But after four months full time work here I still wasn't all that sure of what I needed to know. So for the most part I leave it along.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
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    just because a rcd unit is fitted does not mean the light circuit is protected as some electricians do not connect it

    The reason for this is if the toaster trips it at night then you are left stumbling in the dark and for an elderly person this is a greater hazard than a risk of shock from light fittings.

    Also for the rcd to work it has to detect a leakage to earth so if you are insulated ie; wearing rubber boots and standing on a wooden floor, then grab the active and neutral wires there is a good chance you will get shocked.

    Never assume anything. As I said before, if it bites check it. Use a meter don't assume that some has not crossed the wires somewhere .
    Don't force it, use a bigger hammer.

    Timber is what you use. Wood is what you burn.

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