Quote Originally Posted by rrich View Post
Yes, eBay can be a dangerous place.

You have to remember that eBay is a competition destination and NOT a shopping destination. You and I sit here and look at eBay as a possible source for merchandise, knowing full well what the value of the item really is. The vast majority go to eBay and come away with the "LOOK AT WHAT I'VE WON!" attitude. Well, if I wanted to put an extra $100 into the purchase I could "WIN" on eBay too.
E-Bay (He-Pay),E-Bay (She-Pay)
I don't really care so long as somebody pays and people will pay in the heat of the moment.
If I'm selling and they would like to line my pockets with their hard earned cash,forgive me If I don't kick up too much of a fuss!!
It's simply the law of Supply & Demand !!