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Thread: Long Pun

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
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    Default Long Pun

    Young Jack was an enthusiast.
    In particular, Jack was very enthusiastic about his choice of vehicle.
    Some of his mates loved sports cars, some loved their utes, and some
    of his less popular, feral, outcast mates owned 4WD's, but he tried
    not to associate with them too often.
    But the object of Jack's affection was a Datsun 120Y Coupe - original
    dark-lime green with humungous louvres on the rear window, faux-
    stainless-steel hubcaps, Bakelite steering wheel.........this car was
    an era when people took pride in their chosen carriage.
    Every weekend Jack could be found in his garage, tinkering with his
    Japanese thoroughbred; Silvo'ing the hubcaps, Armour-All'ing the
    mud flaps (very sought after and rare factory optional extras),
    deodorising the roof lining, re-flashing his Polariser, etc etc.. If
    at any stage through the week his steed developed an issue, Jack would
    labour through the weekend, until the problem was solved, allowing a
    trouble-free journey on Monday mornings.
    On the agenda for this weekend was; Re-applying the black tyre-paint,
    tuning in his push-button wireless (by Thursday he was unable to
    receive 2KY or 2CH via the easy-2-use, convenient push-button method
    of tuning), fitting high-power tungsten globes to his reversing light,
    and time permitting, try and diagnose why his indicators had stopped
    On Saturday Jack was able to complete the tyre-blackening & wireless
    tuning in time to watch the bowls on ABC at 5.00pm. Sunday saw the
    reverse lights finished before his cucumber sandwich cravings had
    surfaced, leaving the entire afternoon free to sort out the
    Jack was a trifle apprehensive about tackling the last issue, as
    engineering was not his forte, especially with a vehicle as avant
    garde as the Datsun. But he put on a brave face, reached for his
    tool-shifta-driver and started removing the plastic cover from the
    steering column.
    By 3.30pm, after partially dismantling the indicator stalk mechanism,
    Jack felt he had a handle on the problem. You see, hidden under the
    base of the stalk was a wee little cog that spun when the wheel was
    turned, allowing a series of damped levers to move the spring-loaded
    trigger onto the left plane causing the stalk to self correct. The
    problem was that the little cog had started loosing its teeth, and in
    effect had become unserviceable. Realising he would require a new
    cog, and that Datospares was closed on Sunday afternoons, Jack decided
    to re-assemble the apparatus without the cog and visit Datospares on
    Monday. He was, at first, aware that incorrect assembly (I.E, leaving
    out the cog) may have a knock-on affect with other related, highly
    stressed componentry, but the choice wasn't really his.
    On Monday afternoon, as soon as his shift at Australia Post had
    finished he was behind the wheel of his almost perfect non-self
    canceling Datsun racing to Datospares before their doors shut. At
    4.57 he was standing at the counter showing Harold his tiny, worn out
    cog. As soon as Harold saw the offending cog, he leaned back, sucked
    air through his teeth, and tried to think of a way to tell Jack the
    same heartbreaking news he'd had to tell many a 120Y owner over the
    "......take a seat, Jack" said Harold.
    Jack was used to being dominated by unwashed men in blue overalls, so
    did so without question or protest.
    "Now Jack," soothed Harold, "I have good news, and I have bad news. I
    can indeed order you all that is required to solve your self-
    canceling issues. The problem is, it cannot be purchased separately.
    Datsun requires that you purchase the connecting steering wheel,
    column, rack, tie-rods, lower control arms (including bushes), wheels,
    and wheel nuts (but not the hub-caps)."
    "That's OK," replied Jack. "I'll be content with a pre-loved component
    on this occasion, thanks Harold."
    Harold then had to explain to Jack that he had a waiting list of other
    Datsun aficionados, also rather disgruntled at the sorry situation
    Datsun Inc. had put them in. And, considering how many Datsun 120Y's
    were still in serviceable shape, plying the roads of Australia, the
    situation was a ticking time bomb!
    Now Jack, having managed to find a perfect parking space (close to
    Datospares and in the shade of a Hillgrove gum tree), had until this
    moment been in an upbeat mood. That time had now passed.........
    For the next week, Jack was inconsolable. He'd tried other fine pre-
    loved Datsun component retailers, but met with the same reaction each
    time to his request. Not only was it becoming obvious that these cogs
    were near impossible to source, but should the unlikely happen and
    someone had one to sell, he was at the back of the queue.
    Jack decided to try his luck further afield.......gosh.....he had the
    interweb now! He started searching interstate, without any luck. He
    found many references to the offending cog on some American websites,
    but the problem was worse there (LHD versions required 2 cogs!).
    He was about to give up for the day when a listing on an Indonesian
    website caught his eye. Upon further investigation he found that a
    small plastics factory was aware of the issue and had a warehouse full
    of little toothed plastic wheels. A phone call confirmed that they
    were the correct type and that that owner, Mr Sumeyarseoff BangBang
    Ladyboy Bestprice Oh No (his mates called him Sue) had been sitting on
    them for some time.
    Jack decided that at 2.3AUCents per item, he could just afford to buy
    his entire inventory, allowing him to service the needs of all 120Y
    owners the world over. Just the thought made quiver!
    Jack then shopped around for the best deal on couriering the boxes
    back to Australia and found a small company operating a small Cesna
    out of Lombok called Yuwing We Bwing (YWWB) Ltd.. Jack paid over the
    interweb after confirming pick-up and drop-off addresses, and relaxed,
    comfortable in the knowledge that he would soon be seen as a God
    ( Datsun owners anyway!).
    The following week the YWWB Cesna was cruising at altitude, flying
    over the mountains of Papua New Guinea, when its only engine developed
    a misfire. The problem became worse as time progressed and the brave
    little Cessna could not help but lose altitude. Eventually the pilot
    made the decision to gradually eject cargo until altitude could be
    Meanwhile, on a rice paddy in PNG, stood a little farm house belonging
    to Mr Kobang and his barren wife, Nununnt. As she was unable to
    have children, Nununnt would often take her aggression out on her
    beleaguered husband, who had a propensity for sitting on the couch
    smoking gunja.
    "Get off your lazy yellow ass and get out there and work the fields,
    you good-for-nothing excuse for a husband!" she
    Mr Kobang slowly rose from the divot on the couch and headed outside.
    Satisfied her husband was out earning his keep, she returned to the
    kitchen to prepare the evening meal.
    Half an hour later, when setting the table, she saw Mr Kobang again
    lazing on the couch, she exploded, "you lazy good for nuffing fet
    sheet blackfella!!! Get orf your lazy behind and go wok da feeeelds!"
    "Awww gel," he moaned, "I can't work in these conditions!"
    "Why not, you useless chicken loving-sheet?" she foamed.
    "Please, don't make me go out there. It's raining Datsun cogs today!"
    Terry B

    The most ineffective workers will be systematically moved to the place where they can do the least damage - management.
    --The Dilbert Principle

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Westleigh, Sydney
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    Oooh Terry!

    First heard that when 120Ys were modern and I was living in PNG 30+ years ago (& I had a 180B SSS)!
    Visit my website

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    lower eyre peninsular
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    for a while I was interested then started getting excited then olie whts it bang bang came into the oicture I started to smell an oily rat.
    Fair go mate, long aint the word for it, this needs to go into drivel forum

    I would love to grow my own food, but I can not find bacon seeds

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I've loved that joke for yonks........but I've never seen anyone have enough time to type it out.......Well done TerryB

  5. #5
    rrich Guest



  6. #6
    ss_11000 is offline You've got to risk it to get the biscuit
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    S T I R L O

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    That's 10 minutes of my life I'm not going to get back.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    It was good the first time I heard it
    Reality is no background music.
    Cheers John

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    By the time I got to the finish I had forgotten
    what the start was.

    In summary:

    Datsun awful joke that I dont want to hear again.


    I am not at all worried about dying
    ... but just hope I am not there at the time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Perth, WA
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    Well done, Terry. That is one truly dreadful gag!
    Driver of the Forums
    Lord of the Manor of Upper Legover

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