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Thread: Too many clamps?
18th March 2004, 01:54 PM #1
Too many clamps?
Talking about addiction, do you think buying clamps is an addiction?
I always think I need 2 more. How many do you have?
OK I have 50.
18th March 2004, 02:00 PM #2
I buy a couple every time I go to the hardware shop.
OK, not every time.
They run out of stock from time to time...."I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."
18th March 2004, 02:20 PM #3
It's a truism that you can NEVER have too many clamps.
Still 50 is an impressive number.
Well done.
18th March 2004, 02:47 PM #4
6 x 4' sash clamps
6 x various size adjustable clamps is pairs
1 x old fashioned 4" 'G' clamp
11 various size plastic spring clip clamps
3 x 3/4" pipe clamps
4 x rightangle picture frame clamps
1 x quick action band clamp with right angle inserts
4 x folding workmate type benchs with clamps built in
5 x different sizes/types of vices that also get used as clamps
That's only 37 with out counting makeshift arrangments like screwing stuff to the bench with blocks of wood & stacking a drum of log end sealer & several spare corner posts on top of it to hold it down.
I reckon I could use some more.Cliff.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
19th March 2004, 12:57 PM #5
How many clamps?
Interesting. None of you guys have buillt a boat have you?
A mere 50 clamps would only last till smoko on the first day!
19th March 2004, 04:03 PM #6
Wongo I’m too embarrassed to say so how does 50 plus sound. How do you store your clamps? I haven’t found a good way to store them that makes it easy to just grab one with one hand.
19th March 2004, 04:08 PM #7Originally posted by rodm
Wongo I’m too embarrassed to say so how does 50 plus sound. How do you store your clamps? I haven’t found a good way to store them that makes it easy to just grab one with one hand.
19th March 2004, 09:45 PM #8
I've always got 2 too few of whatever size & type I'm using at the time. ALWAYS look at the clamps when I'm out toy shopping
I think I have slightly over 50 all up at the moment.
I have a pretty good rack setup - pic on my site at http://users.bigpond.net.au/darrylf/.../DSC00352b.jpgThe Australian Woodworkers Database - over 3,500 Aussie Woods listed: http://www.aussiewoods.info/
My Site: http://www.aussiewoods.info/darryl/
19th March 2004, 10:20 PM #9
Whooaa, Darryl. That is one of the finest sets of clamps I've ever seen. Love the storage rack!!!
19th March 2004, 10:27 PM #10
About 70 "F" clamps ranging from 150mm to 1200mm with the majority of them 200mm. 15 Sash mainly 1200mm but up to 1800mm. Half a dozen quick action clamps. A few pipe clamps which I rarely use and a shelf full of cheap "F" clamps and some spring clamps. You thought you had a problem !! They do get used but not all of them on the one job. When you assemble on your own having enough clamps does make it easier and that is my story and I'm sticking by it.
Thanks, clamp rack looks good.Cheers,
19th March 2004, 11:47 PM #11
I now definitely feel clamp-deprived.
Is treatment available on Medicare?
At a quick count I have 10 sash clamps and 25 F clamps of varying lengths, 12 mitre clamps, 8 quick and spring clamps, and about 10 other assorted G clamps.
A trip to Timbercon is on the cards.
Regards from Perth
20th March 2004, 03:32 PM #12
When some of my non woodworking friends saw my workshop they were amazed at my clamp collection and want to know why so many. I replied that you cannot have enough clamps and would they like to donate to the collection.
The collection now consist of:
102 F clamps,
9 small G clamps,
3 edge clamps,
24 corner clamps,
14 pipe clamps,
making a total of 152 and still adding to them.
22nd March 2004, 10:57 AM #13
Thanks DarrylF,
I really like your rack. It is simple and very useful. I’ve got to make one like yours if it is OK with you.
What kind of pipe clamps are they in the picture? Quick-Grip pipe clamp? Where did you get the black pipes from?
BTW there is a price match at Bunnings on all Irwin Bar Clamps / Spreaders at the moment. I just got 4 more and it saved me around $20. I am such a bargain hunter. Oops
Have a good day.
23rd March 2004, 12:06 AM #14
I hang mine on the framing of my shed wall.
If I had as many as Sturdee I reckon the wall would buckle.Cliff.
If you find a post of mine that is missing a pic that you'd like to see, let me know & I'll see if I can find a copy.
23rd March 2004, 10:36 AM #15
I clamp mine on the joists of the floor above. That way my Dad can't pinch 'em (he's a short-)
"I don't practice what I preach because I'm not the kind of person I'm preaching to."