View Poll Results: Which Drivel Should Be Kept
- Voters
- 49. You may not vote on this poll
The Friday Drivel
21 42.86% -
Footy Season Drivel
6 12.24% -
Lets sell Al to Grunt instead
9 18.37% -
Rat's Ring (just fer Cliff et al)
11 22.45% -
Get rid of the drivel completely
17 34.69%
24th March 2007, 05:51 PM #46
Who could be bothered posting if you gotta keep the kiddies in line too.
24th March 2007, 05:54 PM #47
No, these threads are for off topic discussion or designed to cater for this type of discussion. The problem with the drivel, as has been stated a number of times, is it is getting into virtually every other forum.
Most of the discussion here is about topics that were never at issue. Please give me an argument to allow posting of meaningless, unconnected, unfunny, posts in threads other than those designed to take it (OS, Nothing to do with WW, A woodies yarn etc). Also explain why someone should be allowed to continually hijack threads with this drivel when it is, and always has been, against the rules. Finally, explain why the admins and mods should ignore requests from users such as yourself complaining that their threads have been hijacked or filled with dribble when the forum rules are quite clear on it.
Noting that these complaints are not coming from OS, A woodies yarn or the other appropriate areas.
24th March 2007, 05:55 PM #48
24th March 2007, 05:58 PM #49
24th March 2007, 06:11 PM #50
Sorry guys, I must be wearing blinkers but I haven't seen threads go so far off topic or swamped with drivel ( well not since the Friday thread started), they might be the types of threads I don't read or the threads aren't really that important in the first place.
I have noticed that important, informative threads get very little witty comment let alone drivel.
And Al, you may be right, but I think it may help if members started to look after their own threads.
Anyway I hope I'm not considered a driveler, I just like free speech and I'm an anarchist!
24th March 2007, 06:33 PM #51
24th March 2007, 06:45 PM #52
24th March 2007, 07:21 PM #53
Once apon a time not so long ago the majority of threads had all the above and more. As well as being informative and fun, they were also full of life.
Posts now days (apart from still being very informative) come across a bit lifeless, and unless you are interested in the particular topic their is no reason now to look.
Good questions are still being asked, great WIP`s posted, so that hasnt changed, but the responses are generaly more straight to the point and clinical and the thread vanishes due to the higher portion of meaningless posts.
Is it just coincadence this has slowly been happening since the Friday drivel fest has started? Its my opinion it has. To some Drivel Fest is harmless, but it apears to have affected the forums dynamics and as far as im concerned and thats not a good thing.
24th March 2007, 07:25 PM #54
My last post, I think.
What is worse, 'Friday Drivel', or a personal sarcastic attack like:
"Or maybe their posts & pictures got deleted." followed by:
"Is that what happend to all your woodwork posts and pics because i had a look for some and couldnt find them"
bye, Masoth
24th March 2007, 07:45 PM #55
Yeh I agree with that, its all part of the fabric that makes this place worth visiting ( contributing towards and learning from)
We run the risk that one small group is taking on the role of arborator (sensor) of what constitutes humour. Just because they don't find it witty do they have the qualifications to dictate to the rest of the members what is?
I don't mean this as a jab at anyone I just would like to show my deep philosophical disapproval of censorship.
24th March 2007, 07:57 PM #56
Non taken.
Its good we can talk about why the forums are here, and what direction we want the forums to take.
Censorship is the last thing on all of the Mods minds, they would like nothing more than to just log in and enjoy the fun and banter like everyone else.
Mods dont like censorship any more than you do, in fact they hate it.
Unfortunately some members like to push the boundaries, and complain when they are moderated.
24th March 2007, 08:04 PM #57
This is fine if the forum you frequent hasent got a purpose. The Hottest mail is that this one has....................its called Woodwork.
Unfortunately larger groups of human beings arnt great at self moderating n self managing particularly if the "Community" hasent got a common purpose. Thus the forum rules are given to us as a guideline in regards to whats appropriate n whats not.
My purpose here is to learn I dont come here to socialise tell jokes give others a hard time or drivel. My lifes forfilling enough not to have to do this daily in cyberworld others are different n I respect that..................what ever floats your boat
The other purpose I have here is to share information so that skills n techniques related to the craft of woodworking that I love dont get lost or forgotten. For my mind All the pizz n drivel detracts from this.......................
As with all great formulas with most things unique I conceed that its all about balance I just hope the pendulum swings more towards Woodworking than anything else
Regards LouJust Do The Best You Can With What You HAve At The Time
24th March 2007, 08:18 PM #58
Once upon a time the moderators could participate in the forums pretty steathily, only occasionally having to moderate over a heated argument (about woodworking too most of the time), and knock the occasional bit of spam on the head.
Witty retorts etc were all part of the forum, and generally questions were answered before the usual suspects started to divert the flow - fine.
These days, the vast majority of spam encountered is internally generated, and as Lignum noted, seemed to come to a head around the time that the first Friday thread got hijacked. That first one seemed pretty interesting - people relaxing as it was Friday, talking about their weekend to come, taking pics of their workplace and sharing them etc.
The current version of the Friday thread has nothing in common with that one, and as much as it is not spam in the true sense of the word, it and the rest of the drivel now infiltrating the forum is as insidious.
Needless to say, I'm not the only one becoming bored with all this crap, and have found myself spending less and less time here. As Sturdee (Peter) observed, it doesn't inspire one to bother starting a serious post, or making another video..........."Clear, Ease Springs"
www.Stu's Shed.com
24th March 2007, 09:10 PM #59
I think thats a very good point Al.
It seems that at the moment the forum is trying to reach as broad an audience as possible.... but is that possible whilst remaining relevant or important to anyone? If you get my drift.
What I'm trying to say is ....I come here because I like the conversation with other people ( mostly middle aged Aussie blokes) discussing life, interwoven around a common theme of what we do with wood. This can sometimes be serious, sometimes irreverent and funny, sometimes heated debate, just like life.
If I wanted only serious wood work discussions like Lou described I go elsewhere.. but I dont. If I wanted to discuss the colour of curtain selection etc I wouldn't ask you guys, I'd go elsewhere.......
Sometimes the drivel annoys me also but its part of the scene and I ignore it or not depending on my mood but I would hardly say that its a big deal, not enough to throw in the towel about.
At 48 I'm too young to be a grumpy old man. Give me a couple of years ....
EDIT I'm only 47 according to my CP yipee!
24th March 2007, 09:19 PM #60
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