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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Greensborough, Victoria

    Unhappy Like an 18th Century Ship of the line!

    It was peaceful where I live.

    A 5 acre area of natural council land bordering my fence.

    In fact my fence on three sides was in common with council land.

    However, when I needed repairs, they told me that it's 6 inches on my side of the property line, therefore it's my soul responsibility.

    Several years passed (16 years) and one day developers arrived on the 5 acre parkland site.

    My house is on a sloping block and the block is lower at the back than it is at street level out front.

    Much to my amazement the land next to me was built up to the same level as my street, in fact maybe even higher.

    Then one day, a large Caterpillar machine with spikey knobs on the wheels trundled over this newly built up pile of dirt next door, vibrating the fillings out of my teeth!

    Ever since that day, living in my house has been like living in an 18th Century Ship of the Line!

    Creaking and groaning in the breeze and when you walk across the floor.

    Most of my windows don't open any more and you need to heave up on the door knob to ensure the door stays shut.

    I complained to the council but they said that it wasn't a proper building site yet as no houses are being erected, therefore, they couldn't investigate it!

    Oh, and another thing I said to the council, the developers have erected a new fence on two sides of my boundary, what about the 6 inches the council cleverly pushed my fence back so that they would avoid costs ?

    What 6 inches, we don't know what you are talking about, the council said!

    The next installment in ''fun and games'', is that the council permitted the fence to be the maximum height bordering this new development.

    That's fine, and from my garden one can look up and see the sky when standing next to the fence.

    However, over the fence, they built up the ground for a public walkway and one can look directly into my garden from this built up walkway.

    It seems that the privacy is for those on the public walkway but not so, for my family from the public walkway.

    Oh, yes, and there is a street lamp at the front of our house and now there is a new one at the side.

    We have 24 hours of light all around the house, a little like the high security prisons have.

    You see the sort of things that impinge on one's life (and budget), invited or not.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Mildura, Victoria


    Never, but never deal with any level of government solely on the phone - always send 'snail mail' and leave a couple of days before ringing to discuss your issues. If possible hand deliver your written inquiry and ask for the name of whom you hand the letter, and ask for a receipt. The best is to ask for a photocopy of your letter with a "date recieved" stamp showing - then if difficulties arise you can make follow-up investigations with the Freedom of Information legislatiion.

    You can make application to the Admistrative Appeals Tribunal to set matters right to some degree - particularly the loss of privacy of the public walkway.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003


    Get in touch with A Current Affair, they love stories like this.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Greensborough, Victoria


    Thank you Masoth for your advice!
    Yes, I agree with you about getting things in writing when it comes to government or sub-government levels.
    In fact everybody in all walks of life today seem to duck for cover when it comes to accountability.
    We have layer upon layer of rules and regulations from way back and most of them are probably obsolete nowadays.

    It's a bit like a bad paint job on an old iron railing were the original item has rusted away but the layers of paint still remain. It looks like a painted iron railing but there's no real substance behind the paint!
    That would best describe local government rules at times.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Greensborough, Victoria


    Thank you Ozwinner for your comments!

    A current affair is to me, the TV equivilant of what New Idea or Womans Day is to Newspapers.

    They manufacture the ''news'', they don't report it!

    At the end of every program they mention that they will follow a certain item up that they've reported.

    How many times have you ever seen a follow-up?

    It's ''Short attention span'' high impact, not neccessarilly truthful type journalism.

    The ''Current Affair Show'', has little credability for me, so, I won't be calling them, thanks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    but it does make pollies (read councillors) nervous
    Regards, Bob Thomas

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Australia and France


    Hang on Cleat my old son, let's look at a few bits of your story eh? I'm not convinced that like "A Current Affair" you haven't done a bit of the old news manufacturing yourself!

    So was next door "Parkland" or was it private land?

    It seems a bit unlikely that anyone would develop "Parkland".

    Next..."one day developers arrived" you say.. what? out of the blue? no permits? no approvals? no public advertising?

    So where were you when the approval process was going on? Why didn't you check out the plans and make comment then when you had the power to do so?

    As far as the movement in your house goes, talk to the construction company, the Council has no jurisdiction, if the Construction company don't want to know, hire a solicitor to talk to them. Sorry, but that's how the system works.

    Privacy. I've never understood this need for privacy in one's backyard. Why? Do you mow naked? Until the late 70's high fences weren't heard of in Qld, and no one seemed to suffer. Of course there are lots of reasons why for security purposes you shouldn't have them. At least with a clear view into your backyard, there's a much lesser risk of burglary now.

    Fencing. It's a pity you didn't get some proper advice 16 years ago, but perhaps you should find out what the Law says rather than some desk jockey at your local coucil office!

    Street Lighting. Well many's the people that'd give their lefty for street lighting. With a place as secure as yours backing onto "parkland" with nice new homes being built next door, it must be worth a packet.

    Oh, and Current Affair? Why would they be interested in doing a story on a Construction Company working perfectly legally in the 'burbs, just doing what they do, even if there's a bit of disruption to the house next door that the owner hasn't had the courtesy to advise the construction company of? Not much of a story there eh?

    Why not realise your new found capital gain, sell up and find another place in the dark somewhere, surrounded by parkland?



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Northen Rivers NSW


    And I heard they dressed his dog up like a woman and "partied down".

    Wheres Naomi

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Cleat Purlyn View Post
    You see the sort of things that impinge on one's life (and budget), invited or not.
    Now I've read with interest your preamble to your question, I presume you have a question for us that you haven't asked yet for this is posted under " Home renovation - Flooring, Decking, Stumps etc."

    If no question on flooring, decking, stumps or etc is forthcoming your posts are spam and ought to be deleted.


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