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Thread: WTB: recycled jarrah floorboards
13th February 2007, 09:59 AM #1
WTB: recycled jarrah floorboards
Hi everyone,
I'm looking for around 25 sq m of recycled jarrah floorboards. They'll be used for making kitchen benchtops. Width I'm not too fussy about.
I've called one of the local salvage places, but it's pretty rare in this part of the world!
Can anyone recommend any sources, and I need to get them to Hobart
13th February 2007, 10:41 AM #2
Just a suggestion but have you priced new jarrah floorboards? You may find that the cost of recycled jarrah (usually it is remilled) plus the freight might just make the whole recycled exercise not really cost effective.
As an example, the Timberzoo in Geelong has 80x19mm remilled jarrah floorboards for $66/m2. www.timberzoo.com.auOurs is not to reason why.....only to point and giggle.
13th February 2007, 07:22 PM #3
Works out at $5.28 plm, which seems ok for jarrah. What kind of lengths were you after, Scott? I could ask my demo bloke next time I speak to him.
Rusty.The perfect is the enemy of the good.
15th February 2007, 02:09 PM #4
$5.30/m isn't too bad, but a bit higher than I hoped. I planned to re-thickness the boards myself then laminate to make benchtops (secondhand may be more correct then than recycled!). Lengths therefore aren't too important.
Jarrah slabs or red gum slabs were my preference, but are a bit harder to find, so this is the next option
I need to make up one 3.6m bench and one of 2.1, both 650mm wide. 25 sq m is enough for that, at two boards thick plus the other two benches down the track once I've done this set of cupboards.
I guess, at worst, I could use a different timber where it won't be seen.
Thanks guys!
15th February 2007, 03:24 PM #5
I know that DIY is so very tempting (I too will be building our new kitchen benchtops) but you should bear in mind that you can buy kitchen bench tops already made from recycled jarrah and many others (slabs or otherwise from anywhere upwards of $100 per lineal metre for a 600m wide benchtop....
Both Nullabor Timbers and Bowerbird Timbers in Victoria supply benchtops....so they'd be worth asking.
I'm making ours simply because I happen to have two packs of 2.1 metre lengths of 100x50 air dried river red gum....Ours is not to reason why.....only to point and giggle.
15th February 2007, 03:37 PM #6
more options
Hmm, thanks.... I had checked out Bowerbird as a source of slabs last year sometime, but not as a source of benchtops. I'd heard of Nullabor, but hadn't looked much at their wares.
I think I'll check them out this afterrnoon
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