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6th February 2007, 10:34 PM #1
Plumbing and Building Queries????? S.A.
Hello Im a Master Plumber and Master Builder In South Australia What do you want to know!!!!!!
I only do plumbing i do not build houses ( just to clear that up)
Im new here just got on for a sticky beak ( i build guitars in my spare time).
After spending the better part of two night sessions in this forum i have decided to offer this thread as a place where you can ask me any questions about building and plumbing
"what" i hear you say " for free"
yes for free because........
Heaps of people on here are telling other people to do things which may cost them heaps of money when it all goes wrong or worse kill them.
If you shouldnt be doing it, i will tell you.
I will also give tips on how to cut down the costs of hiring a tradesman and get the job done right.
I know some blokes are just going to do it, right way or wrong way.
6th February 2007, 11:00 PM #2
Someone stole my toilet. I called the police and showed them the hole where it used to be and they started looking into it, but they said they had nothing to go on, and neither have I.
What should I do?
edit: - Oh, and how many plumbers does it take to change a light bulb, and why do they charge so much for it?
6th February 2007, 11:08 PM #3
Boom tish John!
Thanks for the offer Rhett. V. kind of you.Cheers, Ern
7th February 2007, 08:17 PM #4
going with your theme pawnhead, id say theres nothing wrong with your lightbulb, but you've probably destroyed half your house tryin to fix it yourself before you rang me, then your mate came round and broke your oven in the process and then your father inlaw tried hittin it with a hammer and ........
Boy its gonna cost you.$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
People seriously ring me and say " ive tried to fix ( insert here) and now it doing ( insert here ) how much for you to come around....
If you dont know what your doing dont touch it, in my expirience it will cost you more.If you dont play it, it's not an instrument!
8th February 2007, 08:41 AM #5
bricks ... like you say plumbing and electrical etc. shouldn't be touched if you aren't qualified, you will find that empahised on this site.
It isn't illegal in Vic to do your own building works.
I have made plenty of mistakes on various projects and have had to fix them ... but generally the next time around its been better. So far I wouldn't trade in that experience.
I think a lot of us are here because we want to learn and get our hands dirty our selves ... it would be great if you can provide some good input.
8th February 2007, 08:51 AM #6
A 26 year old who knows it all! Who would have thought
8th February 2007, 10:09 AM #7
Yeah , best to chill a bit Bricks, your imput is welcome but try to come across less as if you know more that every one else. There is a lot of experience floating around here.
The beauty of this forum is that besides getting a bit of satisfaction from inparting your experience and knowledge you actually can learn a hell of a lot.
8th February 2007, 12:02 PM #8
Bricks if i'm on tank water - not hooked up to a reticulated system - can I install, alter, or do whatever to the hot/cold pipes in my home as a DIYer.
Peter Clarkson
This information is intended to provide general information only.
It does not purport to be a comprehensive advice.
8th February 2007, 12:52 PM #9
8th February 2007, 05:20 PM #10
8th February 2007, 05:52 PM #11
I'm not saying he knows nothing. It's all the "here I am to save the day" stuff I object to. Like we're all a bunch of idiots who need someone like him to come along and set us all straight.
But go for it, Bricks mate, don't mind me. I'm just a cranky old @#%&. Good on you for offering up your services. Just try not to be so patronising in future and you'll get on fine...
8th February 2007, 05:53 PM #12
Ok, I cant hold back anymore.
26 and already a Master Plumber.
I have been laying bricks for 36 years, and only now do I consider myself to be a Master Bricklayer.
8th February 2007, 06:00 PM #13
Aw . . . . come on Al. Nobody else thinks that
Peter Clarkson
This information is intended to provide general information only.
It does not purport to be a comprehensive advice.
8th February 2007, 06:14 PM #14
Aus Design, if your on tank, you probably need a council health inspector to ok it.
Echidna, the office of the technical regulator covers electricity and gas, my guess is they would need to saftey check your work.
ozwinner, I have compleated all technical and practical requirements of being a master plumber and builder in south australia, yes im only 26.
4 years of night school three times a week, ive put the hard yards in.
This post was intended for people who will do their own work regardless of the rules or laws ( yes they exist) and i will give advice where needed, sorry if ive upset anyone. My qualifications were included as so people may trust that i do know what im doing, no one has to listen to me, I have read some dodgy advice here and unsuspecting diyers may use that advice and get into trouble.
My advice is always to use qualified tradesman, If you wont then i can point you in the right direction at your own peril.
People who genuinely want to ask a question are welcome to do it here as well as other threads.If you dont play it, it's not an instrument!
8th February 2007, 06:21 PM #15
I am sure that many will appreciate your offer, don't mind the grumpy responses they are just letting you know that you are new around here. Don't be afraid to get the feel of the forum before you get too worried about the responses, they're just pulling your chain..