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Thread: Hooray, she's gone!
1st December 2006, 09:26 PM #16
We're here because we can't get real jobs on TV. Personally I take that as a compliment
What TV needs are some Als, Gumby's and Zeds. The occasional Christopha, a Scooter or two and a RufflyRustic. Keep them in line with a Major and some Alex's. Sprinkle a bit of authority with some Skews, Dereks and Apricotrippers. For a break take a Benny, Cliff and Felder show.
If things get out of hand you've always got the dancing show or Neil with Thor's hammer.
Sorry if I missed anyone, everyone adds value.
1st December 2006, 09:33 PM #17
classic name tag..oh, and that chortle
That "Today Show" is a train wreck every single day and the cheese factor is a big 10.
You've got the pregnancy expert, the yes man "thank you my friend", and the old bulldog chewing on a bee "showbiz" anchor with a bunch of wadding in his mouth...
Sunrise is better, but not by muchI know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
Albert Einstein
1st December 2006, 09:34 PM #18
1st December 2006, 09:39 PM #19
Maybe it would be Home Improvement with attitude and fun.
Geez, there's a project in this!!!
1st December 2006, 09:44 PM #20
1st December 2006, 09:46 PM #21
1st December 2006, 09:55 PM #22
Sorry AL,
Missed that one!
The big new from Avooooooocaaaaaaaa is that
it hasn't rained (although a cloud was seen heading to Natte Yallock early today)
Work has started on the Avooooooocaaaaa skate board park basically to stop that little bunch from knocking old people over and to give the gun club a few chances..(up....down....up....down)
Eileen Reeves retired today after 30 years in Lalor's Pharmacy...the oldest continuosly operating Pharmacy in Victoria since 1834 or something. Didn't go, as it was a BYO food and grog, which is sad...you'd reckon somebody would donate a few snags for Avoooooocaaaaaaaa's longest serving drug pusher.
Still no rain
This is the up-to-date world news from Avoocaaaa!
Your news presenter
Noel Watson
1st December 2006, 09:59 PM #23
Geez Groggy,
you just made me giggle again!
I won't post what I thought his mystery illness was, but you can't go waving your fingers like that for so many years without some repercusions!
1st December 2006, 10:30 PM #24
i think naomi's a horn bag....my dog gets randy when he sees her on the idiot box...well he would if i had a dog...but i haven't...anyway i'm stir crazy down here in deliverence country and good riddance to the mung cow....
If you never made a mistake, you never made anything!
1st December 2006, 11:39 PM #25
2nd December 2006, 01:43 AM #26...but she is a HORN BAG......
NR is an example that you can you can make a career out of being the biggest floater in the septic tank, and thats about it.
2nd December 2006, 06:58 AM #27
"I wouldn't roll over her to get to you"
"The biggest floater in the septic tank"
Pure gold. Never heard them before.
2nd December 2006, 07:33 AM #28
The lack of NR on the TV is a further incentive to return home.
But the horrifying thought - who are they going to use as a replacement?
B'cos the earlier posters are right - it's the producers who make these 'current affairs' shows terrible and they will choose someone just as revolting as NR if not worse so that the formula will continue.Cheers
If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly
2nd December 2006, 07:35 AM #29
Probably be like Non Event (Jana whatever), and she keeps reincarnating in the guise of another expert on whatever the subject.
At least, unlike some TV personalities (?) she hasn't attempted to sing...................yet.
Why do TV puppets think they can sing, and release CD's?Stupidity kills. Absolute stupidity kills absolutely.
2nd December 2006, 02:31 PM #30
What a load of vitriolic outpourings against Naomi Robson. I am abhorred and disgusted at such nastiness. Whilst it was said that it was nothing personal they are surely very personal attacks against her.
And why ? Just because she retired from hosting Today Tonight which she has done for the last ten years and, incidently took that program to its highest ratings ever, something that previous hosts were unable to do.
Yes TT (or ACA for that matter) isn't a current affairs program. Its pap to the masses appealing to the lowest common denominator in the masses in order to sell advertising dollars, but so is every program on commercial television. The host has little to say as to what goes in the program and the next host will not have any say as well as it's the producers and writers that decide the nature of the program.
Those who think that the host is responsible for the content or nature of the show have a lot to learn about TV shows as well as a bit of personal restraint and common decency when discussing Noimi's role and personality.
Whilst at first I wasn't going to post I feel I must register my protest lest my silence be taken as acquiescence of these vitriolic and nasty outpourings.
I am appalled at this thread and most of the comments made (and its posters) and I think it ought to be deleted.
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