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Thread: Jet Super Saw Info
17th November 2006, 01:22 PM #1rrich Guest
Jet Super Saw Info
The list prices for the Jet super saw in he US are $1450 and $1700. (Without or with the sliding table on the left wing.)
Currently we are selling these saws at $600 and $700. When these are gone, theyr'e gone.
Not that you would be really interested the US models, HOWEVER...
This is a model close out. The new model super saw is to be more like what we call a hybrid. (A cabinet saw but with a contractor saw trunion and motor.) The cabinet is to go completely to the floor.
I would assume that there may be similar price reductions in OZ. If you're thinking, a new saw for the holidays the super saw might be a significant savings. Just do it as soon as you can.
23rd November 2006, 11:11 PM #2
Who's "we"?
I'd be interested, even if I don't have the cash...
24th November 2006, 12:31 AM #3
I'll have one mate, just put it in the post for me will ya
24th November 2006, 04:52 PM #4rrich Guest
I work part time at Rockler Woodworking Hardware. That is the "WE".
24th November 2006, 05:00 PM #5
Ok then. Thanks, dunno just yet but a big maybe.
24th November 2006, 07:44 PM #6
Hi Rich
I was under the impression that the 'Super Saw' was the hybrid saw with a 1 3/4 horse motor and the trunnions bolted to the table top, the 'Cabinet saw' was the 3 horse and 'Delta' style trunnions bolted to the cabinet.
At least that is what is being sold here, and has been selling like that for over a year. The 'Super Saw' with or without the sliding table was more expensive than the 'Cabinet Saw' when I enquired.
Currently I'm still trying to decide betwen the PM2000 and the Super Saw CE - but they don't seem to make the Super Saw with rails over 30"
24th November 2006, 09:50 PM #7
Schtoo, rrich.
would it be possible to get it from usa to japan? would cost a fortune???
Schtoo, You got family over there?
24th November 2006, 09:59 PM #8
Used, nope, I come from Aussieland.
I do have a good friend with an importing license that includes tools on the document. He might be interested in a decent saw himself so I'll pass the info along at least.
Wish I had some spare cash and I'd grab one and wait for some space in one of his containers. As it is, I am heading to Melbourne next month and the cupboard, bank account and wallet are very bare.