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Thread: Snake season
8th November 2006, 01:27 PM #31
I normally dont worry about them but they are now entering the shed and I prefer my old dog to a snake in the shed.
I have had to remove 5 browns in the last 4 weeks with the help of Mr Browning....smallest was 4 foot biggest 5'6" metric?? you do the math.
I reckon seeing theres 25 acres I should at least have 1 acre snake free....they will learn or meet Mr Browning.
PeteWhat this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)
8th November 2006, 03:28 PM #32
No way Benny. Our border patrols will get them and turn them back. Entrance Verboten! Imagine having to think twice before you pick up an armful of dead leaves, branches.... No No No. Gonna migrate to Mars if that happens; learn the language, put together enough fuel and food.... light the blue paper.... off! UUUUrrggghhhhhhhhhh (again)
8th November 2006, 03:32 PM #33
What are you going to do when they take away our guns Pete? Snakes be laughing from here to the back 40! Presumably they sit on the tractor seat where it is nice and warm and a good view too... My uncle told me a black mamba can do 30 Mph on the back 6" of its tail and take a man off a horse at full gallop. OK, I'll believe that. Urrgghhhhhhh (again & again) shivers..
8th November 2006, 03:34 PM #34
Hey Muzz????? Don't ya like snakes????:confused: :confused: :confused:
8th November 2006, 04:21 PM #35What this country needs are more unemployed politicians.
Edward Langley, Artist (1928-1995)
9th November 2006, 06:43 AM #36
Sssssssss! You wouldn't! Get out on Mars and find a big snake and his mates waiting for me... Where to after that - no more fuel, limited food and don't know any other languages..... Couldn't sleep because the snakes might come close.... Is that Hell?
9th November 2006, 11:52 AM #37
Speaking of the old twisted fence wire - we have a modern version, a few lengths of 25mm poly water pipe [thick stuff with the blue stripe about 1.8m long] placed at various locations around the place. Great grip, easy to use, and works well. So far snakes = 0, humans = 4 - in the last 12 years or so.
However from September to February it is the smart move is to stay away from the eastern browns :mad::mad: with poly - very aggressive, raises head like a cobra, very fast [have dodged the falling poly pipe], easily recognised by the pinkish blotches on a cream belly - call for Uncle Winchester - he speaks [loudly] with authority.
10th November 2006, 01:47 AM #38
I once witnessed my uncle walk up behind a king brown pick it up by the tail and crack it like a whip. All over in about five seconds. I was a 13 year old sitting on my horse mouth agape and think bloomin' idjit!!!!
Apparently he was known for his lack of respect for the slithering kind. He was called to evacuate many snakes around the town he lived near.
The man had a rather larger set than me I am not ashamed to say.
PeteIf you are never in over your head how do you know how tall you are?
10th November 2006, 10:09 AM #39
10th November 2006, 10:20 AM #40
Hey Muzz, just posted you a pressie, it's a long box, open it carefully maaaattttttteee.
10th November 2006, 11:24 AM #41
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